Iterating over enumeration

  • paulpotat

    paulpotat - 2023-07-26


    Is there a way to iterate over enum members in CodeSys ? For example, if I have the following enumeration definition :

        A   := 0,
        B   := 1,
        B   := 2,
        D   := 3,
        X   := 42,
        Y   := 85
    )BYTE := NONE;

    Is it possible to iterate over each enum member in a for loop for example ?

  • snhatton - 2023-07-26

    This may be possible by setting the BY variable to a variable of your enumeration, and then setting an instance of your DUT to the value of X. Such as:

    FOR j:= 0 TO 100 by x DO
        myDut := x; 
        x := myArray[j]; 

    I hope this points you in the right direction. Please let me know if you have further questions.

    • paulpotat

      paulpotat - 2023-07-27

      Thanks for your reply !
      I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean, what would "myArray" be in that case ? Also with what value is "x" supposed to be initialized with ?


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