The Codesys 3.5 profile concept

  • astrand - 2018-10-19

    Can anyone explain how the Codesys 3.5 "profile" concept is supposed to work? On the start meny, I get icons for both "CODESYS V3.5 SP13 Patch 1", as well as a "CODESYS without profile" icon. The latter just shows a dialog where one can select the profile.

    I thought this was going to be used when multiple versions were installed in the same directory? But the release notes for clearly says that each version must be installed in a different directory. Does that mean that the profile concept is dead now? In that case, why does still use it? Cannot find anything in the documentation about this.

  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2018-10-23

    The profile concept is still working.

    Profiles define the set of plug-in components and their versions which are linked when starting the CODESYS Development System. This concept was not changed. Thus, it still makes sense to open the CODESYS Development System by or without a profile.

    New since V3.5 SP13 is the fact that each version or respectively profile shall be installed in a different folder in order to avoid mismatches of the profiles and versions. As soon as you install a new version of the CODESYS Development System, e.g. a new patch or service pack you receive the latest versions of these plug-in components. Furthermore, you will be asked whether you want to import installed packages of former versions into the new Installation. Thus, an existing installation remains in any case untouched. This guarantees that you will have untouched older versions, e.g. in order to work on older projects without influence of newer versions.

    I hope this explanation gives you more understaning of the changing.


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