SoftMotion,stepper motors, Pos_control, Robot

  • mauku - 2018-01-14

    Hello everyone,

    i am using codesys control for raspberry pi to control a robot arm with 5 joints. Each joint is moved by a stepper motor.The stepper motors are controlled by a Gecko G210X Digital Step Drive, so there are the signals step,disable and direction connected to the GPIO Pins of the raspberry pi. The encodervalues for the axis position is send via Modbus TCP/IP.
    Now i want to use the SM_Drive_Pos_Control to control the axis of the robot. I know that i can connect the values from the encoders to the input in.dwActPosition. In the examples in the Online Help there are DC Motors connected to the output out.diSetVelocity.
    How can i link the step motor driver signals to the Pos_Control drive, like for the DC Motors are linked to the output out.diSetVelocity?


  • mauku - 2018-01-16

    I have figured out a solution now, but im not sure if this will work.
    I have functions for each axis, with inputs velocity, the amount of degrees the axis should move and the direction. My idea is now to pass the output out.diSetVelocity of the Pos_Control drive as input to my function to move the axis. But how do i get the amount of degrees the axis/ stepper motor should move ? Is the Pos_Control the drive i can use to solve this problem? Im a bit stuck at the moment and woudl be thankful for some advices.


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