drlukbgd - 2022-09-16


I am implementing MODBUS MASTER RTU on Raspberry Pi4 for this application I am using inno-maker 2xRS485 1xCAN cape. In /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg are defined:

Linux.Devicefile.1=/dev/ttyS0 - UART0 - modbus RTU master 01
Linux.Devicefile.2=/dev/ttySC0 - RS485 hat - modbus RTU master 02
Linux.Devicefile.3=/dev/ttySC1 - RS485 hat - not used

Application is running successfully but after certain period both ports /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttySC0 stop with request and after roughly 2 min start again with work.

For MODBUS RTU SLAVE I am using ModRSsim2

Also in status slave diagnostic I have error counter.

Please advice me where I have to pay attention.