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Raspberry Pi Codesys Profinet - AR CMI Timeout

  • Araforn - 2022-01-04

    Hi All.

    I'm at my wit's end with a Profinet Communication issue that I hope someone can help me with.

    I'm doing some testing with a raspberry pi 3b, codesys v3.5 with 2 profinet devices. The Profinet devices are on the same VLAN as my home network. eth0. I know ideally profinet would have its own dedicated VLAN but in this case I need to keep everything on the same network and from all my research this is fine to do.

    Both Profinet devices are below.
    1. Rexroth Indradrive CS Servo drive.
    2. Cognex insight micro.

    I have created the PN controller in codesys and imported the GSD files just fine. The PN controller can detect both devices and I can add them to my project. However I can not get either to start.
    Both show the same behaviour in the logs, always ending in "AR cmi timeout".

    I have changed the communication settings (send clock, reduction ratio, watchdog)to the maximum allowed but this does not help.

    Is it possible there are ports that I need to open for Profinet considering I have them on the same network as my home network?.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys?.

    Best Regards,



    Last edit: Araforn 2022-01-04
  • Araforn - 2022-06-28

    Update after 6 months. Turns out I really needed it on the same local ethernet switch hardwired. Once i did this it worked!


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