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MySQL Library not working under Windows

  • spiritcore - 2022-07-17

    I downloaded the demo version of the MySQL library
    When I try to run it on a PLC with Windows (either Delta AX8 or Codesys Control Win v3) and connect to an external MySQL server I receive an error: SOCKET_ERROR
    When running the same project on Raspberry Pi it works without any issues.
    Do I need to install something else?

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-07-17

    MySQL server is on linux or Windows?
    I think could be a SSL related problem.

    • spiritcore - 2022-07-18

      Not sure, I'm using freesqldatabase.com just for testing.
      When I try connecting to the DB from HeidiSQL from my PC it's working fine so, is it something with the socket library that causing an issue with the SSL?

  • PaRo - 2022-07-18

    Record the connection attempt with Wireshark. Maybe you can see something useful.

    • spiritcore - 2022-07-24

      I tried, but I think I don't have enough experience with Wireshark to understand what's going on there.
      I think it's hitting the timeout because the server sends the same TCP packet again.


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