DavidCozens - 2015-06-27

I have looked at and run both of the sample projects that use the Raspberry Camera. I now want to do something a little more sophisticated with the images I capture. What I want is to be able to save a named jpg and to display it in CODESYS visualisations. I do not want to use the browser visu element to show the images though.

As a test what I have tried is to take jpeg captured at the size I want, put it in an image pool and then reference this from an image element in a visualisation. My image is imaginatively called . When I download the application picture.jpg is downloaded to . I have then used the path in the arguments to . This works, well sort of. There appear to be caches that mean the updated element is not immediately displayed, if I refresh the webvisu then I get to see the updated image.

So is it possible from ST to cause the visualisations for all clients to refresh any images that are displayed?