Hi, I'm trying to run a stepper motor with an MA860 driver.
I tried to make it work from codesys, giving pulses, codesys does not allow me to drive the engine very fast or use all the speed of my raspberry pi (GPIO 17 PWM). Then I decided to create a scrip based on this l viewtopic.php?f=23&t=6247&p=19932#p19941 l
When I charge it it works without any error. but it does not do anything.
Does anyone have any idea how to run the scrip? I've seen it all over the forum but I have not found the problem.
Hi, I'm trying to run a stepper motor with an MA860 driver.
I tried to make it work from codesys, giving pulses, codesys does not allow me to drive the engine very fast or use all the speed of my raspberry pi (GPIO 17 PWM). Then I decided to create a scrip based on this l viewtopic.php?f=23&t=6247&p=19932#p19941 l
When I charge it it works without any error. but it does not do anything.
Does anyone have any idea how to run the scrip? I've seen it all over the forum but I have not found the problem.
I attached my program in addition to my scrip
Raspberry pwm.project [120.17 KiB]