Anonymous - 2017-03-24

Originally created by: em11097

Good morning,

I don't know if this is the right email to send this, but I'm having problems publishing my issues in the forum.

I'm trying to implement a simple led blink in my Beaglebone Black with Codesys.
The program compiles well and it runs as it should in simulation mode.
I'm not having issues with the conection of the Beaglebone and I can even send the program to it without problems.
If I don't have the GPIOs activated it can run the program in the beaglebone without problems also.

When I activate the GPIOs and assign a variable to a GPIO and do a build, appears some warnings and when I try to do the login, it presents an error "Program loaded - EXCEPTION".
The warnings and exceptions are in the following images:

The log can be viewed in this link
The project file is attached.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
Tiago Pinto

IMG: Bild

IMG: Bild

IMG: Bild

IMG: Bild

IMG: Bild