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Rpi Read Data from File >255 Char

  • HProg - 2015-07-10

    Hi, I tested out the sample (from Codesys HP "FileUtilitiesPI.project") to read / write Data from a file, it works fine, but how can I read Line by line (till $r/$n) or how can I handle the data bigger than 255 char? (e.g. store in a string Array?)
    My Problem is that I get all data from the file with the funkction "Caa File.Read". with the size of the destination string (max. 255)

    So please, is there sombody who can give a small sample, or description to me?

    THX for your help

  • Anonymous - 2015-07-15

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    You can define a variable with a different string length such as s := STRING(5000). Additionally there is a read function where you can define the number of chars to read and create a Plc loop (read 200 chars, do something, every Plc scan). Note: longer string lengths take more processing power/time.


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