SoftPLC with Windows Control RTE - Unresolved reference(s)

  • stanvo - 2020-05-25


    We are trying to run a PLC program on a RTE controller in Windows 10 as SoftPLC. In Windows Control SL this works perfectly but for out project we needed the faster RTE. When we try to download we get this error.
    We have a Intel I218-LM Gigabit Ethernet Adapter, this should we fine right? Can someone help us with this problem?


  • stanvo - 2020-05-26


    We found the problem and we can now load the program to the SoftPLC. We needed to install the right driver and select that one in the PLC configuration under the tab component manager.

    The next problem occurs when we try to start the PLC. When we start the connections falls down. We also can't ping the softPC anymore.
    We installed the Codesys EthernetExpress driver that's needed for RTE. When we look into the PLC from our softPLC we see our problem loaded.

  • stanvo - 2020-05-26

    Last edit: stanvo 2020-05-26

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