Just make your own: (Should work but needs to be tested)
FUNCTION_BLOCKTOF_AdvancedVAR_INPUTÂ Â IN:BOOL;Â Â PT:TIME;Â Â RST:BOOL;END_VARVAR_OUTPUTÂ Â ET:TIME;Â Â Q:BOOL;END_VARVARÂ Â tStartTime:TIME;Â Â tCurrentTime:TIME;END_VAR//ReadsystemtimetCurrentTime:=TIME();//SetQbasedoffINandPTIFRSTTHENÂ Â Q:=FALSE;Â Â ET:=T#0MS;//YoucanresetETherealsoifwantedELSIFINTHENÂ Â Q:=TRUE;Â Â ET:=T#0MS;Â Â tStartTime:=tCurrentTime;ELSIFtCurrentTime-tStartTime>=PTANDQTHENÂ Â ET:=tCurrentTime-tStartTime;Â Â Q:=FALSE;Â Â tCurrentTime:=T#0MS;ELSIFQANDNOTINTHENÂ Â ET:=tCurrentTime-tStartTime;END_IF
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hello, I need a TOF that has RST and ET
OSCAT has a TOF with RST but does not have ET
Standard TOF has ET but has no RST
How can I solve ?
Thanks, Alberto
Just make your own: (Should work but needs to be tested)
Work very fine