CAN through SPI PI3?

  • johnfarrugia - 2017-05-24

    I am looking for a tutorial on how to configure a Pi3 to use Canbus through an MCP2515. Is there any available?

  • johnfarrugia - 2017-05-25


  • johnfarrugia - 2017-05-25

    Using the candump command, I am able to see the network Packets.
    However, I am still getting a bus failure in codesys

    IMG: Capture.JPG

    IMG: Capture.JPG

  • johnfarrugia - 2017-05-26

    I seem to be getting errors from the following script:

    sudo /root/

    BITRATE=expr $2 \\* 1000
    ifconfig $1 down
    echo ip link set $1 type can bitrate $BITRATE
    ip link set $1 type can bitrate $BITRATE
    ifconfig $1 up

    IMG: Capture.JPG

  • johnfarrugia - 2017-05-27

    Edwin? Can you help?

  • JoJo - 2017-08-08


    I'm having the same problem ... Do you know more about that ?

    Best Regards

  • klima - 2017-11-19

    Create file in /root/ and chmod it to 777.


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