Datasource OPC UA client system failure

  • pavledjo - 2023-03-16

    I am having problem with Datsource OPC UA client. Currently I am testing lost off connection. I have one PLC as OPC UA server and one PLC OPC UA client. I have two lines of OPC UA protocol. One primary and one secondary if first fails. When i disconnect cable the system on OPC UA client crushes. I got error :untime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state
    * We recommend a reboot of the controller now! *

    And this is logger of client :
    3/16/2023 10:40:10 AM EXCEPTION POSITION: IP=0x(nil) (no IEC context could be retrieved)
    3/16/2023 10:40:10 AM EXCEPTION [NonContinuable] occurred: App=[Application], Task=[DatasourcesTask]
    3/16/2023 10:40:10 AM runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state
    * We recommend a reboot of the controller now! *

    3/16/2023 10:40:07 AM Timeout in CycleEnd: Still no sync message RSRV_StartCycleReply (6): Standalone
    3/16/2023 10:39:50 AM OpcUa_Channel_ResponseAvailable: Request failed! (0x80AD0000)
    3/16/2023 10:39:50 AM OpcUa_Channel_ResponseAvailable: Request failed! (0x80AD0000)
    3/16/2023 10:39:50 AM OpcUa_TcpConnection_Delete: Rude disconnect!
    3/16/2023 10:39:45 AM Datasource_1: Error Failed (5) in state Busy

    Does anyone know solution to the problem?

  • michelebianchi - 2023-04-04

    hi, same issue with codesys sp19 / control for raspberry pi sl v4.7.0.0
    when the opcua server is shutted down abnormally i get a SIGABRT.
    when release will be deployed?
    is there a workaround or a patch to fix that behaviour?

    • michelebianchi - 2023-04-06

      Fixed, upgrade worked for me :)

  • gediminas - 2024-10-25

    I am using CODESYS v3.5 SP20 Patch 3 / Control for BeagleboneBlack SL v4.13 and after some time the OPC UA Server crashes. However, Runtime still works without any issues.
    The events leading up to the OPC server crash are the most suspicious: 1) Mutex deadlock detected - owner thread died, and 2) Runtime received SIGABRT. And it seems very similar with this topic except used versions - issues should be fixed with previous SP's.
    I can't seem to find any information about these events. Need some pointers in the right direction on how I can fix this problem.

    • ballen - 2025-01-16

      Have you had any luck figuring this issue out?


      Last edit: ballen 2025-01-16
      • gediminas - 2025-02-09

        I haven't actually found an answer yet. It happens quite rarely, so testing and diagnostics are complicated. I've updated the software with every SP and add-on updates released, but it's probably a Kernel driver issue.


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