CPU Load due to CoDeSys Runtime

  • mani-i4point0 - 2022-10-10


    In My Project, I am using Raspberry PI [ RevPI Connect + ], In my Project,

    I am using CoDeSys, Node-Red also, Interfacing with multiple systems
    In CodeSys I have an Ethernet / IP adapter and Ethernet /IP Scanner to interact with Keyence Camera and also a Rockwell PLC

    also, using OPC UA client and servers for interfacing between Node-red, Codesys and HMI.

    I see the on this Raspberry PI, the CPU load is taking nearly 35% load even for the short application.

    Is there anyway, I can reduce this CPU Load ?

    Your Input would highly appreciated

  • fleaplc

    fleaplc - 2022-11-03

    I think the only way to readuce CPU load is slow-down task execution (orr of course get a bigger CPU). In your case take care to CPU load average, it's pretty high (more than 5, should be <0.65)


    Last edit: fleaplc 2022-11-03

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