Trends from Mysql DB

  • witalis - 2019-11-06


    I need to present trends of some variables stored in Mysql DB. Is it possible to do it with Codesys? I asked about 2 years ago about this, but there was no helpful answer.

    I tried to do this with XYchart but I couldn't use on X axis Time type (only Integer and Real is accepted).

    I also found on the controller the file of SQLite which is used to store recorded data. Maybe I can transfer data from Mysql to this SQLite file? I know how to write some C code to do this without Codesys. What is the structure of stored variables in this DB? Do anybody knows it?

    Please help me, I have really serious problem with this issue:-)

  • m.prestel - 2019-11-06


    no it is currently not possible to connect the trend with a remote database. There is an open requirement for this.

    And no, there is no offical description on the structure of the trend sqlite.

    You can however open the sqlite with e.g. sqlite browser and view the data.

    Best regards,


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