I wrote the following in python to read from a SI7021 sensor. I had to the use smBUS2 library that I found on pypi as the original smbus library wouldnt let me read/write bytes in the format that the manual for the SI7021 showed.
fromsmbus2importSMBus,i2c_msg,SMBusWrapperimporttimeclasstemp_humid:  """My class to handle the readings from the SI7021 temp humid sensor  """  def__init__(self):    self.address=0x40    self.humidityCommand=0xF5    self.tempCommand=0xE0    self.temp_value=None    self.humidity_value=None  defhumidity_temp_set(self):    """Sends command to read humidity. Then reads humidity with a pause between the two bytes.    Temperature then reads as a temp reading is taken by the sensor for compensation for humidity reading    """    #---HUMIDITY I2C WRITE READ---#    withSMBusWrapper(1)asbus:      self.humidity_write=i2c_msg.write(self.address,[self.humidityCommand])      self.humidity_read=i2c_msg.read(self.address,2)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.humidity_write)      time.sleep(0.25)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.humidity_read)    #---TEMP I2C WRITE READ---#    withSMBusWrapper(1)asbus:      self.temp_write=i2c_msg.write(self.address,[self.tempCommand])      self.temp_read=i2c_msg.read(self.address,2)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.temp_write)      bus.i2c_rdwr(self.temp_read)  defhumidity_get(self):    """Carries out the maths for the humidity reading and returns it in %    """    #---HUMIDITY VALUE EDITING---#    humidity_byte_list=list(self.humidity_read)    humidity_MSB=humidity_byte_list[0]    humidity_LSB=humidity_byte_list[1]    humidity_word=(humidity_MSB<<8)+humidity_LSB    self.humidity_value=((125.0*humidity_word)/65536.0)-6    returnround(self.humidity_value,2)  deftemp_get(self):    """Carries out the maths for the temperature reading and returns it in DegC    """    #---TEMPERATURE VALUE EDITIING---#    temp_byte_list=list(self.temp_read)    temp_MSB=temp_byte_list[0]    temp_LSB=temp_byte_list[1]    temp_word=(temp_MSB<<8)+temp_LSB    self.temp_value=((175.72*temp_word)/65536)-46.85    returnround(self.temp_value,2)
Could anyone point me in the right direction for writing something similar for this in codesys? Do I have to write a device description or can I just write a function that calls the correct I2C blocks? (whats the deal with the Super^ call also?) I've tried to follow the PDF that comes with the codesys pi controller documentation but I don't find it the easiest thing to follow.
Hi all,
I wrote the following in python to read from a SI7021 sensor. I had to the use smBUS2 library that I found on pypi as the original smbus library wouldnt let me read/write bytes in the format that the manual for the SI7021 showed.
Could anyone point me in the right direction for writing something similar for this in codesys? Do I have to write a device description or can I just write a function that calls the correct I2C blocks? (whats the deal with the Super^ call also?) I've tried to follow the PDF that comes with the codesys pi controller documentation but I don't find it the easiest thing to follow.
Thanks in advance.
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