thanks for suggestion, I've tried with the sample from 3s but it cannot make it work..all the times I get error.. Does anyone use it recently? (ps. I've tested with http and https both)
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fleaplc hat geschrieben:
thanks for suggestion, I've tried with the sample from 3s but it cannot make it work..all the times I get error.. Does anyone use it recently? (ps. I've tested with http and https both)
How you tested it, maybe in simulation? It does not work this way, you should use real PLC or CODESYS Control Win V3 (soft-plc).
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Hi Kislov,
you're right, it was an issue on my connection, Now I can get the done from FB. Just one question: I've like to get in string format the content of web page but I get only this:
I've expected something like this (as if I get the "save as" page from web browser) it isn't?
<!DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="de"><head><title>Online-measurementofthemainsfrequency</title><metacharset="utf-8"><metahttp-equiv="content-type"content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><metaname="description"content="Measurement of the utility frequency (line/grid frequency) of the european grid"><metaname="author"content="Thomas Gobmaier"><metaname="keywords"content="line frequency, grid frequency, mains frequency, power frequency, 50 Hz, 50Hz, UCTE, ENTSO, ENTSO-E, PRIMARY CONTROL"><linkrel="apple-touch-icon"sizes="76x76"href=""><linkrel="icon"type="image/png"sizes="32x32"href=""><linkrel="icon"type="image/png"sizes="16x16"href=""><linkrel="manifest"href=""><linkrel="mask-icon"href=""color="#5bbad5"><metaname="msapplication-TileColor"content="#da532c"><metaname="theme-color"content="#ffffff"><linkhref="Online-measurement%20of%20the%20mains%20frequency_files/webstyle_3.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"media="screen"><!--[ifIE]><scripttype="text/javascript"src="./excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]--><scripttype="text/javascript"async=""src="Online-measurement%20of%20the%20mains%20frequency_files/ga.js"></script><scriptlanguage="JavaScript"type="text/javascript">Â Â Â Â varreq=0;Â Â Â Â varurl0="";Â Â varpfeil_pos=1;Â Â Â Â varfrequenz=0.0;Â Â varfrequenzAlt=50.2;Â Â varfrequenzDelta=0.0;Â Â varfrequenzPos=50.2;Â Â Â Â varmasse=5.0;Â Â varfeder=75;Â Â vardaempfung=3.0;Â Â varbeschl=0;Â Â vargeschwindigkeit=0;Â Â varfrequenzLinPol=50.2;Â Â varphasenwinkel=0.0;Â Â varphasenwinkelAlt=0.0;Â Â varphasenwinkelDelta=0.0;Â Â varRL=0.0;Â Â varRLAlt=0.0;Â Â varRLDelta=0.0;Â Â varRLPos=0.0;Â Â varpfeil_RL=1;Â Â vargf,gm,gms;Â Â Â Â varergebnis="ab";Â Â varsperr=false;Â Â Â Â varWinkel=-0.001;Â Â Â Â varphasenwinkeltext="Â 0";Â Â varsize=20;Â Â
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Is there a FB (OSCAT maybe?) I can use to read the content of a web page (https)?.
I need to extract some value from a website
check this example: m
thanks for suggestion, I've tried with the sample from 3s but it cannot make it work..all the times I get error.. Does anyone use it recently? (ps. I've tested with http and https both)
How you tested it, maybe in simulation? It does not work this way, you should use real PLC or CODESYS Control Win V3 (soft-plc).
I've tested using Control Win3. I get TCP read error every time
For me it works without problems...
You need to check your network settings, maybe you have problem with routing of packets.
Hi Kislov,
you're right, it was an issue on my connection, Now I can get the done from FB. Just one question: I've like to get in string format the content of web page but I get only this:
I've expected something like this (as if I get the "save as" page from web browser) it isn't?