I2C libraries MCP23017_16_IO

  • ciorry86 - 2016-07-11

    Good afternoon,
    i try to configure a I/O I2C Board with 8 input and 8 output.
    In this moment i can see the board, but i have no idea how force the output.
    In the exaple of MCP23017 library for me is not clear how to use a instructions.
    There is a other documentation or some forum user that have use this library ?

    Thank you all !

  • przemeki - 2017-08-09

    Hello I also try to use library from this post:

    Unfortunately I am not able to force output even IO variable is set to "16#00"

    (I am using RPi v3)

    There is a problem with IO configuration -> its fixed FF (all inputs)
    Maybe I cannot call init procedure properly....

    I change it in library to 16#F0 to have half port as in and half as out and it works..

    Can someone change it during operation??


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