wbj0t - 2024-07-18

Hi everyone. I use Raspberry Pi 4, one core codesys SL.
I have a question about global variable access via programm when I glued the same variable to MODBUS SERIAL/TCP DEVICE holding register.
So, the question: what behavior of this modifying?
When I set "Always update variables (in bus cycle)" and set some task as bus for the Device, then in another task I cant change this varible (can, but immediatly the old value setted again).
But the same things works with MODBUS SLAVE: again "Always update..." and master attached to some task, then I change variable in another task and all works.
I cant set up my variables from retains file at PrepareStart event because of this behavior with MODBUS SERIAL/TCP DEVICE.

Thanks, wbj0t.