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SOURCEPOSITION - Exception Area=0 ; offset= 0

  • mani-i4point0 - 2022-10-09


    I am using the Codesys RTE in my Project. In my application I cyclic poll for the hardware as well as for the POU's. This works quite well, but sometimes the PLC runs into an exception.

    The log shows the following two exceptions which occur at the same time:

    Exception: SOURCEPOSITION App[myApp] area=0, offset=0
    Exception: EXCEPTION [watchdog] occured: App[Application], Task=[Task].

    Unable to locate the POU exception line.

    Please do refer the attached image for more info.
    Also, unable to find the ExceptionCode,
    Maybe someone has a hint what I should further try.

    Best Regards,

  • mqi2r

    mqi2r - 2022-10-18

    Hi, a watchdog exception is usually that your task took too long to execute and tripped some watchdog timeout.

    You should review your Task Configuration for the task called "Task" in your case and see if a watchdog has been enabled and if so, ensure the time is long enough for the task to execute. During development or troubleshooting you may wish to disable the watchdog.


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