EtherCAT SM Drive configuration error

  • samw - 2022-11-07

    CODESYS V3.5 SP18 Patch 3+ (64bit)
    CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 Ver.
    CODESYS Gateway V3 - x64 Ver.

    Windows 11 VM
    Realtek USB Gb Ethernet
    JMC iSHV57 EC servo motor
    CAT 5e cable

    Dear All

    I am new to PLC programming and motion control software so I'd like to apologise in advance for any silly questions or incorrect use of tech lingo. However I do have experience in programming with Arduino, LabView and some python and c/c++.

    Recently an integrated motor iSHV57 by JMC caught my attention. It is basically a full feature servo motor but without the big controller box tagging to it. Around the same time I came across CoDeSys's SoftPLC. The combination of the two and the networking capability of EtherCAT got me very excited because now we can develop a clean set up with just a laptop and ethernet cables daisy chained to a whole bunch of motors. Well that was the idea one week ago and here I am still stuck in the very noob level of communicating with the motor.

    I have spent some time to get my head around the codesys/windwos stack integration. The codesys download page indicates lots of software or runtime requirements which confused me a bit but if I am not mistaken CODESYS V3.5 covers everthing and do not require additional installation? I have followed the Codesys's start up instruction and ran some simple codes on the SoftPLC and I had no issues.

    However when I move up to the SoftMotion this was a complete kettle of fish. I have spent almost a week on a bug on the setup or configuration of the "SoftMotion CiA402 Axis". The comunnication between the PLC and motor appear to be fine, the green circle always light up next to them. (Pls see attached codesys device tree.png) The motion axis on the other hand always has a red triangle no matter what setting I try. And a error message SM Drive Configuration Error always pop up in the status page. (see attached "SMDrive Status error.png). I have tried out too many parameters on the motor that now I am completely lost. The error message does not help narrow down where the problem is at all. I have compiled a list of screen caps of the status of the PLC, the motor and the axis as a zip file. I hope somebody here could at least point me to some parameters that I should check.

    Massive thank you to the hero who can solve this!

  • beppo - 2024-01-31

    I'm facing the same issue, did you solved it?


  • maxsuelcunha - 2025-02-28

    You can simply excute the function block SMC3_ReinitDrive to the referred axis.


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