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Multiple VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER in Dialog?

  • rmaas - 2022-04-26

    Hello all,

    In a WebVisu i am using a dialog as motor popup with the MTR_HMI DUT as VAR_IN_OUT using {attribute 'VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER'}.

    as described here: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Visualization/_visu_pragma_var_in_out_as_pointer.html

    This is working very well, but now i would like to make another dialog which uses multiple motor DUT's, the problem is only the first variable declared after {attribute 'VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER'} is being treated as such...

    the other variables are not updated cyclically.

    I tried to put {attribute 'VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER'} before each variable declaration but then the visualization runtime crashes as soon as i open the popup (dialog).

    Is there a solution to this problem? Is it possible at all?


    System Config:
    - RevolutionPi controller with Codesys Runtime Package (Multicore)
    - Codesys V3.5 SP18 + (64-bit)
    - Codesys Visualization

  • rmaas - 2022-04-28

    Issue is gone!

    after a Build -> Clean all and controller power cycle, the runtime is not crashing anymore.

    Everything works fine when putting {attribute 'VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER'} before each variable declaration
    (see Example2 in previous post)



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