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Custom Fonts within WebVisu

  • hajduk

    hajduk - 2023-05-30

    I am having trouble getting a custom font to embed in WebVisu. I found this YouTube video and thought I had it figured out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noYNb7esuk8

    This technique does not seem to work. I have a TrueType font that I want to embed in the project so that the PC/browser that is viewing the visualization does not need it installed. If the font is installed on the computer that is accessing the WebVisu site and I specify the font, it works just fine since the font is present on my PC. End users won't have this font so I'd like to embed it.

    Is this possible to do? I am using CODESYS SP19 and the Raspberry Pi runtime for this application. What technique is required to enable this?

  • hajduk

    hajduk - 2023-06-05

    Can anyone offer any insight?


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