CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextRegisterFile usage

  • sgronchi - 2022-02-25

    I need to load at runtime a TextList, so I wandered around CmpDynamicText library and saw DynamicTextRegisterFile, DynamicTextUnregisterFile and so on.

    Is there an usage example somewhere, or at least someone who has make it work?

    Or should I replicate TextList infrastructure in IEC code instead, something like the following pseudocode?

    PROGRAM LoadTexts
        xExecute : BOOL;
        filename : STRING;
        textList :ARRAY [0..255] OF WSTRING;
        i : UINT;
        _xExecute : BOOL;
        parsed :ARRAY [0..255] OF WSTRING;
        idx : STRING;
        pbyText : POINTER TO BYTE;
        pstTextList : STRING := 'MyTextList';
    IF xExecute AND NOT _xExecute THEN
        // open file and parse it
        IF (* all the parsed content is valid *) THEN
            FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO
                textList[i] := parsed[i];
            FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO
                idx := UINT_TO_STRING(idx); // or just use a table
                pbyText := VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextGetTextW(
                    pstTextList  := pstTextList,
                    pstTextIndex := ADR(idx)
                IF pbyText <> 0 AND_THEN pbyText^ <> 0 THEN
                        pBuffer     :=    ADR(textList[i]),
                        iBufferSize := SIZEOF(textList[i]),
                        pStr        := pbyText
    _xExecute := xExecute

    Nonetheless, it would be a pity to roll a poor man's version of the already builtin infrastructure.


    Last edit: sgronchi 2022-02-25
  • m.prestel - 2022-02-28

    DynamicTextRegisterFile should do the trick I think.

    Best regards,

  • sgronchi - 2022-02-28

    Yes, but what's the right format for the file?
    Is it the same as <textlistname>.txt or the one of globaltextlist.txt?
    Should I unregister the previous file or not?</textlistname>

  • m.prestel - 2022-02-28

    They use the same file format, they just have additional languages depending on what you added.

    Are you using the same file? Then a reload should be enough, no need to unregister and register.

  • sgronchi - 2022-02-28

    Sorry, I messed up with the import file (not the globaltextlist.txt), the one that has the textlist as the first column.

    I'd like to keep the original file if something goes wrong as a fallback solution, unregistering it if the other file is valid.

  • sgronchi - 2022-03-04

    I cannot seem to be able to change default texts. They are NOT changed from the default file even if I unregister it. But texts with IDs not present in the default file are imported successfully.

    "outputfilename" is '/opt/data/mytl.txt'
    It has only "Id;Default" instead of "Id;Default;it;en;de" columns.

    LoadCustomFile (does not overrides default texts)

    // Current language save/restore because on text reload the language reverts to ""
    // Even without it, so in the "" CURRENTLANGUAGE case, default texts are not overridden
    size := SysFile.SysFileGetSize(szFileName := outputfilename, pResult := ADR(res));
    currentLanguage := VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextGetCurrentLanguage();
    IF res = CmpErrors.Errors.ERR_OK AND size > 24 THEN
    // Unregister returns "1" = GENERIC FAIL
    // and in PLC log appears "Could not unregister dynamic text file"
    VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextUnRegisterFile(szFile := '/opt/Project/PlcLogic/visu/mytl.txt');
        VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextRegisterFile(szFile := outputfilename);
        // DynamicTextReloadTexts() in place of DynamicTextLoadDefaultTexts() does not work either
        VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextChangeLanguage(stLanguage := currentLanguage);
        VisuGlobals.customTextlist := TRUE;
        VisuGlobals.customTextlist := FALSE;

    RemoveCustomFile (works and removes default texts that were only in the "override" text list but not in the system one)

    currentLanguage := VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextGetCurrentLanguage();
    VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextUnRegisterFile(szFile := outputfilename);
    SysFile.SysFileDelete(szFileName := outputfilename);
    VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextRegisterFile(szFile := '/opt/Project/PlcLogic/visu/mytl.txt');
    VisuElems.CmpDynamicText.DynamicTextChangeLanguage(stLanguage := currentLanguage);
    VisuGlobals.customTextlist := FALSE;

    VisuGlobals.customTextlist is used to ask for the text with DynamicTextGetDefaultTextW if TRUE (because otherwise one gets the language-specific text) and with DynamicTextGetTextW if FALSE.


    Last edit: sgronchi 2022-03-04
  • sgronchi - 2022-03-08

    If it is not possible to understand why unregistering the default file fails, I think it's better to go the build-from-scratch way...

  • m.prestel - 2022-03-15

    I think it is best to provide a small example project at this point

  • sgronchi - 2022-04-07

    Hi Marcel,
    here you are. Sorry for the delay.

    You'll have to adjust LoadNames.defaultfilename and LoadNames.outputfilename according to your system. I attached the custom "mytl" in the projectarchive.

    If you set a breakpoint into LoadNames.LoadCustomFile, you'll see that resUnreg is 1 (generic fail).

    To keep it short, I did not implement the logic which asks for default text if LoadNames.xCustom is true, because if unregistering fails it won't work anyway.


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