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How to tract down cause of "RTEXCPT_NOEXCEPTION"

  • thecolonel26 - 2021-11-18

    I have an exception that keeps crashing the Visualization but I do not know how to track down the cause. It happens whenever I click on a certain button on that Screen. but I have no idea what this error means, nor how to gain more information about it.

    The message is as follows
    "Exception happened while evaluating main visu 'SandBox', Exception Code: RTEXCPT_NOEXCEPTION"

    And that is all it gives me


    Turning on "Stop Execution on Handled Exception", got me a lot more info.


    Last edit: thecolonel26 2021-11-18
  • thecolonel26 - 2021-11-18

    Last edit: thecolonel26 2021-11-18

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