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Codesys HMI basics & questions

  • yyun - 2023-02-28

    Hello all,

    I am new to Codesys. I'd like to try Codesys HMI on Raspberry Pi as my first project to migrate to Codesys from another system. I had some success adding and using CAN and webVish. However, my goal is to develop and deploy embedded UI applications to the Pi. I had a couple questions when I was doing it.

    1. Is Codesys HMI a standalone installation?
      I downloaded HMI package here: https://us.store.codesys.com/codesys-hmi-sl-bundle.html
      However, unlike other packages, it asked me to install it separately. After installation, I could not even find where I could open the Codesys HMI. Am I doing something wrong here?

    2. How to auto-run an application & where is the application deployed?
      I could not find any useful information online. Any information is appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.

  • edepalos - 2023-03-02

    in the description you have:
    "CODESYS HMI SL is a software package that is installed on a remote computer to equip it with a graphical user interface (HMI)"
    "Executable under Windows 8 / 10 / Embedded (32 / 64 Bit)"

    So unless You have Win10 embeded on the Pi, You can not have the CodesysHMI running on it.

    • yyun - 2023-03-02

      Thank you for your reply. Thank you for noticing it, I totally missed it.
      I understand now that this package is for Windows systems. However, is there a way/package to use Codesys HMI on Raspberry?
      I got suggestions from the forum to use Webvisu. My goal is to create a vehicle dashboard demo application running on Raspberry Pi.

  • edepalos - 2023-03-02

    I do reccomend for you to use WebVisu, because you can visualize your demo on a cheap android head unit so you won't be needing to build hardware...


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