Hi, since the latest update it seems the OnDialogClosed is not called anymore??
using CODESYS SP20 Patch 3 with CODESYS Visualization
I am using LoadWriteRecipe to load a recipe file from disk (with some custom dialog settings), and I need to run a function (Recipes_LoadFromRecipeData()) afterwards which I execute when OnDialogClosed is closed with OK button.
See attached screenshot and code below:
***OnDialogClosed:Recipes_OnLoadFileDialogClosed(pClientData):***// the DialogManager is provided via the implicitly available VisuManagerdialogMan:=VisuElems.g_VisuManager.GetDialogManager();IFdialogMan<>0ANDpClientData<>0THENFileOpenCloseDialog:=dialogMan.GetDialog('VisuDialogs.FileOpenSave');// gets the FileOpenSave dialogIFFileOpenCloseDialog<>0THENresult:=FileOpenCloseDialog.GetResult();// gets the result (OK, Cancel) of the dialogIFresult=VisuElems.Visu_DialogResult.OKTHENRecipes_LoadFromRecipeData();END_IFEND_IFEND_IF***OnMouseClick:ExecuteST-Code***// override FileOpenSave Dialog settings// Visu_FbFileListProvider.Initialize(stDirectory, stFilter, stFileIn, stTitle, iRowCount, bBrowseDirectory, bTouch) VisuDialogs.g_FileListProvider.Initialize('./','*.bunkerrecipe','','Loadrecipe',20,TRUE,FALSE);VisuDialogs.g_FileListProvider();
This used to work in CODESYS v3.5 SP20 Patch 1, but it seems it doesn't work anymore unfortunately?
The OnDialogClosed just never seems to be called anymore....
Hi, since the latest update it seems the OnDialogClosed is not called anymore??
using CODESYS SP20 Patch 3 with CODESYS Visualization
I am using LoadWriteRecipe to load a recipe file from disk (with some custom dialog settings), and I need to run a function (Recipes_LoadFromRecipeData()) afterwards which I execute when OnDialogClosed is closed with OK button.
See attached screenshot and code below:
This used to work in CODESYS v3.5 SP20 Patch 1, but it seems it doesn't work anymore unfortunately?
The OnDialogClosed just never seems to be called anymore....
Last edit: dominggus 2024-12-18
updated to CODESYS Visualization, still not working...