Webvisu without ethernet connection, just touchscreen. (Raspberry)

  • khar - 2022-02-17

    Hi there,

    Is it possible to have WebVisu working without having to connect to ethernet? I am trying to have a rasberry with a touchscreen working as a "Kiosk" but it does not like the fact that the rasperry is not connected to any LAN. Is there a way to achieve this? Thank you.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-02-17

    Hi, the problem is when you have no network, there is no ethernet comms for a default raspberry installation.

    one way is to use auto instead of hotplug:

    edit /etc/network/interfaces
    if the following line is not there, add it:
    auto eth0
    if the following line is there, remove it:
    allow-hotplug eth0
    save and close the file

    another way would be to add a loopback adapter.

    I am not sure if this is valid for the current OS, so let everyone know if either of these work for you.

    • khar - 2022-02-17

      thanks so much for your suggestions Campbell.

      Unfortunately your first suggestion did not work.

      I will try you second suggestion today and will let you know. Thank you.

    • khar - 2022-02-17

      I just tried the loopback solution it did not work. If you have any other suggestions I could try, that would be great if not, thank you for your help. :)


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