TargetVisu and WebVisu running at the same time

  • dannew - 2023-05-01

    Firstly, i am quite new to this so be gentle.
    I have a basic oven control visualization running as a targetvisu on a Wago 600 touch panel. I also have a webvisu running in my project so it can be viewed from a remote PC on the same network.
    I have recently had some issues reported of things freezing on the touch panel which seems to be when a webvisu is aslo being used.
    Any advice on how to prevent this? is there a way to display a banner on the touch panel when a webvisu is connected to? or is there another fundemental issue?


  • jinlee - 2023-09-18

    Hi there,

    I am having the same question as well. Did you manage to solve it ?


  • jinlee - 2023-09-18

    Hi there,

    I am having the same question as well. Did you manage to solve it ?



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