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Downloading trace file stored on PLC to desktop from visu

  • electrojoe - 2020-04-22

    I'm testing a bit with codesys and I've managed to save a trace to a file to the PLC. The idea is now that a colleague is able to make a trace by going to the visualization with the desktop computer. And save a trace file and able to download it straight to the desktop without using codesys software. Is there a way to do that? I haven't found that option yet.

  • m.prestel - 2020-04-22

    Hello @electrojoe,

    check out the example here https://store.codesys.com/visu-file-transfer-example.html#Support (left side of the visualisation)

    Don't forget to enable file transfer in the webserver with the following configuration:


    Best regards,

  • electrojoe - 2020-04-22

    Thank you for the quick reply. Will have a look on that, thanks!


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