TargetVisu started in windowed or not full screen

  • peterkcontrols - 2025-02-26

    Hello, I am using Codesys on an industrial pc with a single monitor. I would also like to have a separate vision software running on the PC and would like to display it half screen. When I run the soft PLC the my visualization screen appears full screen, I would like to be able to set the size of the visualization screen so I can display other software on the monitor. Is it possible to set the width/height of the targetVisu? Anyone try something similar? I would like to avoid having to put it on a Virtual Machine.

    Thank you

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2025-02-26

    In your soft plc folder, there is a file called targetvisuextern.cfg.
    Open this with a text editor to change the settings.
    Remove the semi-colons in front of the lines to enable your custom window settings.
    WindowType=0 means you will get a moveable window.

    Save the file and restart the soft PLC to enable these settings.

  • peterkcontrols - 2025-02-26

    Thanks for the response. I have found this file in two places, I have updated the text in both but it didnt work. Am I missing something on the Codesys side.

    How do you restart the soft plc, I have been stopping it and starting it. The Visu screen come up but still in full screen mode.

    Here are the two locations of this file:
    C:\Program Files\Codesys Control\GatewayPLC\AppDataFiles\CODESYSControlWinV3x64
    C:\Program Files\CODESYS\GatewayPLC\AppDataFiles\CODESYSControlWinV3x64

    Here is the contents of targetvisuextern.cfg


    ; The Window... settings can be used for displaying the targetvisualization in a window instead of fullscreen


    ;Logger.0.Backend.0.ClassId=0x0000010B ;sends logger messages to SysOut
    ;Logger.0.Backend.1.ClassId=0x00000104 ;writes logger messages in a file
    ;Logger.0.Backend.2.ClassId=0x00000135 ;sends logger messages as UDP syslog


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