Webvisu dialog template

  • tjarcoboerkoel - 2018-11-13

    Hello dear readers,

    I'm still learning WebVisu stuff, it's so interesting, but I'll be needing some "universal" popup box which gets and sets variables for that situation/application.

    Say, I'm having a house with multiple rooms. All rooms have Temperature, Co2 and humidity as status (shown) and as setpoint for the room Climate controller (writable).
    I don't like ending up with 10 identical pages where only the Climate variables are different.

    Is there a was to access application variable
    - as index like in Climate.Room[i].Rh = 'OnClickAction' and textvariable Climate.Room[i].Rh
    - or via a pointer ptrRoom =ADR(Climate.Room[1])

    and use this reference in the objects "text variables" for display and as (onclick/dialog) writeback as well?

    Best regards,



    Talk.ru: 1

  • m.prestel - 2018-11-20

    Hello sir,

    you may wanna take a look at this example (https://store.codesys.com/visu-dialog-st.html).
    There are a few example applications including the DialogVarInOut, which seems to fit your requirements!

    Best regards,


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