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Optimizing webvisu for slow network connection

  • cdfizz17 - 2021-11-05


    I am creating a webvisu that will need to be accessed over 3g mobile network (slow).
    Is there any best practice or advice for this? Configuration of buttons, alarm management, etc.
    I want the visualization to be responsive.


  • m.prestel - 2021-11-05

    well the only thing I would recommend is that you use the "Support client animations and overlay of native elements". More things will happen in the client in this case, e.g. multitouch scrolling.

    However interactions e.g. with a button will still be triggered by the PLC. That wont help you there.

    Best regards,

  • cdfizz17 - 2021-11-09

    Thank you for the advice.


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