Issue with TargetVisu on Codesys Control Win

  • miked29 - 2022-04-06

    I have a new Codesys project using a TargetVisu on a Windows 10 PC, but the Target Visu is locking up. WebVisu works fine for the project.

    Errors in the logs are:
    "VisuFctCheckForUnusedClients: Successfully Removed Client at Address: 2685724411288, IEC-ID was: 0, EXT-ID: 21722"
    "TryToRecoverFromDroppedNotify: Additional notify retry sent to the targetvisu. Current number of retries: 1"

    Anyone ran into these errors before?



  • mavitia - 2024-01-29

    I am having exactly the same problem, I created a Ticket, and will post whenever I get a solution for the problem.

  • mavitia - 2024-02-02

    anyone else running into the same issue: perform a repair install on the runtime, that should fix it without affecting license.


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