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How to functionally copy a BUTTON from one page to another

  • ashoksr90 - 2023-06-29

    I have a button which triggers an event. I am trying to have a copy of that button in multiple pages which will utilize the existing callback without creating additional events .

    I am working on SP9 so I cannot use 'Frames'.


  • ben1 - 2023-07-05

    I don't have software old enough to open this but, I guess I am confused.... Can't you just copy-paste the button?????

  • ashoksr90 - 2023-07-10

    Hi Ben,

    I have 30 features (buttons, images and text) repeating over 10 pages. The functionality for all these features remain the same.

    Advantages of having a functional copy according to me:
    1. No new events needs to be created if any required
    2. Duplication of events is avoided
    3. Easy to update and modify



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