Dialog Box Push Button

  • Lee23 - 2022-01-31

    Hello All,

    I am new to the industry and am currently trying to create a Motor applet. Basically a pop up that displays passed in Parameters/variables from motors when they are clicked on and the ability to change some values of speed aswell as the ability to Start, jog forward/Backward or other options from the push of a button in the dialog however I ran into the following issue:

    I am using a dialog window that has parameters that are passed in from an example motor, when I press a motor object that is part of the main HMI the applet opens. When I press a button that uses tap to temporarily send a TRUE statement to an action ie. 'Jog Forward', and after being released it would turn to false, however the command did not recieve the TRUE Statement, after further troubleshooting I found it would send data after the dialog box was closed.

    Is there any work around to this that will allow me to send Dialog Parameters without having to close the box? or will I have to redesign some other portions of my project to accomodate this feature?

    Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    I have Attached Pictures/PNGs of the Example of what I have and trying to accomplish.


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