Image Pool using in other libraries

  • abauza - 2024-08-19

    Hi im Albert, im developing libraries for my PLCs and i have some issues on visualization part.

    First of all I have done a library that have a image pool with a list of 4 gifs "ImagePoolErrors" (i've tested in other projects and it works) but the problem comes when i create another library that in the visualization part contains images from my image pool library, when i simulate a program that includes a instance of my second library object the visualization images dont show, any of them, i've checked all the references and tried some options of the image properties but without any difference.

    Here is the screenshots of the first library (that contains Image Pool) and the second library (that includes images of the image pool first library) and the visualization simulation (with the missing image gif issue).

    Any idea of what i forgotten in the process?

    If you need any detail of the library or of the project or you need the library file, ask me, thank on advance

  • abauza - 2024-08-20

    Hi I have done some tests and i realised that it's an issue with the visualizator simulator because i uploaded the program to a device and tried to see on the Web browser and I see correcctlu the images of the image pool of the library.
    I post this for anyone that have the same problem.


    Last edit: abauza 2024-08-20

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