TrueType font problem

  • Thomas@Moba - 2024-09-12


    I have the problem that CoDeSys displays a message that this font is not a TrueType font when I select our company font. But it is a TrueType font. How can I fix this error?


  • Thomas@Moba - 2024-09-19

    Nobody got an idea???

  • dekelec - 2024-10-22

    Initially I had the same problem in CoDeSys when selecting a newly installed TTF font, while CoDeSys was running. I solved it by closing Codesys and running it again to restart the initialization process. After that, using the new font did not pop up errors.
    I also had cases with files that had a ttf extension, but were actually not TrueType.


    Last edit: dekelec 2024-10-22
  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2024-10-23

    We have also used the Roboto font without any problems, but possibly your company modified it a little bit?
    Maybe you can try the original ones from Google:

  • Thomas@Moba - 2024-10-23

    Thanks for your answers! Close and Open CoDeSys has no effect. I already tried the original Roboto and this is working. But I think our marketing compartment changed it.


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