
3 days ago
  • kislov - 2021-01-15

    Hi. Is this possible with this library to use CODESYS PLC as EtherNet/IP Master and get data from IO-modules IPC DAS?

    Talk Topic about project #codesys-eip


    Last edit: kislov 2021-01-15
    • Morberis

      Morberis - 2021-01-18

      I think so, by adding to your device tree a ethernet scanner then ethernet adapter configured for that IO module. I've only setup modbus tcp on an ethernet port though.

      • kislov - 2021-01-19

        I'm talking not about device tree components but about library "CODESYS EIP" by NothinRandom.


        Last edit: kislov 2021-01-19
        • Morberis

          Morberis - 2021-01-19

          Ah sorry my bad (*οΏ£βˆ€οΏ£)

  • nothinrandom - 2021-03-15


    No, the CoDeSys_EIP library only handles explicit communication as of now. I guess I could integrate implicit communication, but that's what the CoDeSys EIP scanner already does... I'll put it on my roadmap, but certainly don't hold your breath. Looking at the specs sheet of the IO module and communication setup on page 59/61, it looks like you'll need to use implicit communication.



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