Post by timvh on Configuring a 2's compliment
You could create a DUT of the Type Union and add an array of 2 bytes + an Int. Then write the byte values in the array of the Union and read the Int. Or VAR iInt : INT; byHigh : BYTE := 2#1111_1111; byLow : BYTE := 2#1111_1111; END_VAR iInt := TO_INT(byHigh*16#100 + byLow);
Last updated: 2024-09-28
Post by reinier-geers on Energie price
On a website i can get the energie price. But how does that work in codesys? There is a video of Rest client. But i can find the HTTP library. If i type on my browser : i get {"status":"true","data":"Please provide a valid API token. More information at https:\/\/\/prijzenfeeds\/","code":"2"}
Last updated: 2024-12-03
Post by reinier-geers on Energie price
On a website i can get the energie price. But how does that work in codesys? There is a video of Rest client. But i can find the HTTP library. If i type on my browser : i get {"status":"true","data":"Please provide a valid API token. More information at https:\/\/\/prijzenfeeds\/","code":"2"}
Last updated: 2024-12-03
Post by duvanmoreno24 on Modbus writing on value change
Yes, I tried to do what you put in the first code. However, I have a problem with that and that is that the inputs must be declared with the type. I have many data types running in my code (real, int, uint, bool) and I can't put them in the same function, another thing is that I need to instantiate that function for everything I want to write to the slave. You put a for to 200 but it means that it has to be the same data type and inside the array, but I want to get them individually. I'm struggling to do it in a good and efficient way like wago's E-cockpit does. in the first screenshot you can see, you simply type in value, change the package of things you want to write in value change and it does everything by itself automatically, without comparing any old and new values and even less having the need to activate a bool. , it is perfect.
Last updated: 2024-04-03
Post by marek71 on Ambiguous use of name - CO136
My PLC is WAGO PFC200 Firmware Revision 26. target After updating WAGO_Devices_and_Libraries with newer Firmware 27, CODESYS wants to update all libraries to new versions. I will only add that I did not update the Firmware in the PLC. After compiling the program, I received the following errors: ------ Build started: Application: Device.Application ------- Typify code... [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): FbSerialInterface_internal: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): FbSerialInterface_internal: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_RESULT' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): Initialize [FbSerialInterface_internal]: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'RTS_INVALID_HANDLE'' to type 'POINTER TO BYTE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): Initialize [FbSerialInterface_internal]: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_INVALID_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): Initialize [FbSerialInterface_internal]: C0046: Identifier 'RTS_INVALID_HANDLE' not defined [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_is_tx_empty: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_get_line_state: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_is_line_available: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): COMSW_SET_MODE: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_set_line_state: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' Compile complete -- 10 errors, 0 warnings Build complete -- 10 errors, 0 warnings : No download possible The problem was caused by the WagoSysPlainMem(WAGO) library in the original version after updating to After returning to version, the problems disappeared. Probably the version number of this library is responsible for supporting the appropriate Firmware Revision. Can anyone confirm or deny my suspicions?
Last updated: 2024-07-06
Post by herbasso88 on WebVisu flickering
Good morning, I'm new on Codesys Forge, so I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about my problem. When I open my WebVisu pages with Microsoft Edge, or Chrome, the background and also some rectangles blinking without reason!!! The application is developed with Codesys and run on Codesys HMI, same version ( After several experiments I discover that the problem happens when I made dynamic the "End of area" property of a meter object, but I can't understand why this blinking problem happens. Also, the problem is only at the WebVisu page, the "normal" VISU pages (the ones opened when Codesys HMI start) work always perfectly. Another strange thing is that the problem happens only if on the same page, where there is the meter object, there is also a trend object!?!? Codesys HMI is running on a Virtual Machine (VMware Workstation 15 player, v.15.5.6) running Windows 10 Pro N 64-bit. The blinking problem happen also if I convert the project to Codesys This version of Codesys and Codesys HMI are installed on a Virtual Machine running Windows Server 2019 Standard 64-bit. In attachment the archive of my project. The attached project has only one page, if "Enable Counter" is not pressed the "End of area" variable of the meter is not updated in the software, and everything work well, normal VISU and WebVisu; if "Enable Counter" is pressed, the "End of area" variable of the meter is updated in the software, and the WebVisu page start blinking. I tried also to enable the "Support client animations and overlay..." property at VisualizationManager, this seems stop the blinking problem, but that property also destroy my WebPage, moving almost all the graphical object, that also seem not working anymore. I really need help to understand what I'm doing wrong, I have to develop a bigger project and I have to understand if trend objects and animated meters cannot stay in the same page. In the final project the WebVisu will be very important because the customer will use this way to access the application to monitor the process. Regards
Last updated: 2024-05-06
Post by jerry-sorrells on Find Function: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Build: CODESYS 3.5 SP19 Patch 1 (64-bit) Host OS: Windows 10 Target: Linux SL I have a project with programs in Structured Text and Ladder Diagram. When I try to use the Find function, it works for the Active Editor; however, when I try to use Find for the Entire Project, I get the error "Object reference not set to the instance of an object." I know what this error means in the context of the program, but I have no idea why the find function is returning this error. The variable I am searching does not matter: it happens with all variables. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I generally use the Find function quite often as I am developing and not having it is really slowing me down.
Last updated: 2023-10-23
Post by struccc on Release SP20 - Changes in behaviour?
This... is not very practical for me - as I have a bunch of different classes - it's just doesn't seems to be very practical to define a NULL for each of them... Something like this I use in parameter definitions. For example: VAR_INPUT refVFD_Drive : REFERENCE TO FB_VFD_Drive := GVL_DUMMY.Dummy_VFD; END_VAR I use this to prepare objects for code I don't control: Typycally visualizations - had many troubles with references set on the fly, right before opening a corresponding visualization... And yes, the instance in GVL_Dummy reports itself as "Fake", so it does not influence the actual application at all. Actually this way I could invalidate a reference, just to set it to a "Dummy" instance.
Last updated: 2024-03-25
Post by phoward131 on Text List Fallback Value
I am relatively new to Codesys and I'm trying to develop an HMI that displays what mode a particular device is in based on an integer value. I am currently using dynamic texts with a text list which works fine but I am looking for a way to display a particular string (ie 'Unknown') when the index doesn't match any of of the indices in the text list. I can enter 'Unknown' in the text property of the text field element which works as expected but it displays the single quotes on the visualization. How can I escape these quotes to simply display the word Unknown? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-03-22
Post by struccc on HTML5 Controls - string(>80) values
Dear all, does anyone have experience with HTML5 controls recently? CODESYS / Visualization I'd like to create a simple lightweight text editor, with proper multiline handling, cut & paste, scrolling, etc. And it seems to work fine, just have problems with strings longer than 80 bytes.... Declaring a variable sText1 : STRING(8000) and referencing it in the HTML5 Controls corresponding value property works perfectly one way: the code receive the data as a string (See log1)... (Note TypeID 1000...) Also sending back the data (seems to work (See log2) except it doesn't change the value of the bound variable. Probably the issue is with using SendSimpleValue method... Naturally, I could do a workaround, but maybe there is a more standard way to implement this... Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Last updated: 2024-10-23
Post by chirag on About byte swap and convert into 16 bits
Hello, I have %QB0 8 high bits and %QB1 8 low bits . How can i swap bits %QB0 and %QB1 for requirment positions in a 16-bit value ? after that i need %QB0 and %QB1 in to 16bits . For that, i need help. Please see attached pictures for your reference. Thanks in advance.
Last updated: 2023-12-04
Post by nz-dave on Bool turning on in case stament in wrong state?
pretty sure its not. ive done a cross reference and only have one write that sets it to true. Only way i can stop it is to remove the function block call from the main pou that is running said case. its got me stumped:/
Last updated: 2023-12-16
Post by tvm on Cannot pass array of constant size to a function as a reference
maybe this would be a better approach, then you don't have to pass the constant at all. FUNCTION fun : INT VAR_IN_OUT arr: ARRAY[*] OF INT; END_VAR VAR lower: DINT; upper: DINT; END_VAR lower:= LOWER_BOUND(arr, 1); upper:= UPPER_BOUND(arr, 1); see here as well
Last updated: 2024-01-08
Post by struccc on Release SP20 - Changes in behaviour?
Wow.... I missed this one in the manual - so there is a special syntax to invalidate a reference... Great :) Seems to work. (it's just mentionned in the examples line)... I've always assigned 0 to the variable, with := 0 - like setting a pointer to 0. In theory, that should work as well. Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-03-25
Post by wb16 on Visualisation generates "Unresolved reference"
Hello Zol6, Have you solved this issue? I use Festo PLC CPX-E-CEC-C1 to create alarm monitoring project. In CODESYS V3.5-SP18 I used the Alarm Storage object and have the same problem. Is it the PLC that is not compatible or the version of the library is not match? Best, wb16
Last updated: 2024-06-10
Post by eschwellinger on Edge Gateway online, but PLC is not online
we need some logfiles from the edge gateway /etc/Gateway.cfg [CmpLog] CmpEdgeGateway.Filter=0xFFFFFFFF Logger.0.Name=/tmp/codesysedge.log Logger.0.Filter=0x0000000F Logger.0.Enable=1 Logger.0.MaxEntries=100000 Logger.0.MaxFileSize=5000000 Logger.0.MaxFiles=1 Logger.0.Backend.0.ClassId=0x00000104 ;writes logger messages in a file Logger.0.Type=0x314 ;Set the timestamp to RTC and does the scan via Automation Server show the plc?
Last updated: 2024-01-09
Post by felipemsgarcia on Edge Gateway online, but PLC is not online
Hi Edwin, The PLC is already in the automation server so nothing happens when I scan the network, however the PLC show offline (not connected). Please see logs below. [CmpLog] Logger.0.Name=codesysedge.log Logger.0.Filter=0x0000000F Logger.0.Enable=1 Logger.0.MaxEntries=100000 Logger.0.MaxFileSize=1000000 Logger.0.MaxFiles=1 Logger.0.Backend.0.ClassId=0x00000104 ;writes logger messages in a file Logger.0.Type=0x314 ;Set the timestamp to RTC Thank you!
Last updated: 2024-01-09
Post by alez on CANOpen SDO to write VISIBLE STRING
Hello, I am experiencing difficulties in configuring a CANopen device by sending SDOs. In particular I am attempting to write an Object Dictionary that has VISIBLE STRING as the Data Type. When I try to configure the sending of an SDO from Codesys to configure this parameter I am not allowed to enter a string value. In my particular case I am trying to change the Manufacturer Device Name ( Index 0x1008 ). Could it be that Codesys doesn't manage these types of variables?
Last updated: 2024-04-29
Post by schnepper on Minor UI bug: cannot create SFC POU after creating a Function POU
After creating a Function POU, it is not possible to then create an SFC POU. Steps to recreate: * Create a new Function POU. SFC is not allowed for Functions, so SFC does not show in the Implementation language dropdown. * Click Add Object -> POU... Function is selected for Type. * Select Program * SFC is not present in the Implementation language dropdown
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Post by ndzied2 on Rounding error in simple addition
This is a consequence of how computers store floating point numbers. 0.1 cannot be exactly represented in a computer. This is not a CoDeSys thing. Here is a link to a converter to show you the exact value that is represented when you use a REAL data type (which is a 32 bit float). If you really need to keep track of 0.1 increments. use INT OR DINT and then add 1 each time and assume that there is one decimal place.
Last updated: 2024-05-24
Post by taqamert on Codesys 2.3 & Peak PCAN
Despite working on it for days, I haven't achieved any results. I followed the necessary steps one by one as mentioned in the file you sent, but there hasn't been the slightest change. I couldn't find the step you mentioned "Set the 'Can Board Type' to PCAN USB" in the Word document. There is no such setting anywhere I looked. Is there a more detailed explanation available, or can you explain it in more detail? What am I missing?
Last updated: 2024-07-16
Post by pmanuele on Beckhoff AS1060 and EL7041 configuration
Hello everyone, i'm having some problems commanding AS1060 step motor with EL7041 (rev22) drive. With motor i've also the incremental encoder (05.2420.1230.0200.5009). I can correctly move the motor in "Position controller" operating mode with the internal counter. The problems start when i set the Encoder in feedback type or i change the operating mode. Does anyone have experience with these two terminals and can give me some advice of main parameters to check or change? Thanks everyone
Last updated: 2024-12-11
Post by toffeebonbon on EL7041-0052 - does it run with EL7041 SoftMotion?
Good morning everyone. In my setup I am trying to use a couple of EL7041-0052 (the EL7041 variant without terminals for an encoder) to run stepper motors without feedback. When using the softmotion drivers for the EL7041 (Rev22 and Rev24, even selecting external feedback type doesn't work) the device log shows warnings for the corresponding hardware: "SDO write error 0x1 -> 0x8012:0x08 eError 0x1 AbortCode 0x6090011". 0x8012:0x08 is the register for the Feedback Type. My best guess was setting the the register value in the start parameters to zero, but the result is the same. What else can I try to get the hardware to work? I have screenshots attatched showing the running fieldbus and the log messages. EDIT: One clarification: the "device log" that shows the error is the PLC, not the ethercat terminal. The log of the terminal itself shows neither errors nor warnings. BR Robert
Last updated: 2023-11-29
Post by manuknecht on High Cycle Times for SoftMotion_PlanningTask when using AxisGroup
Hello all I am using an AxisGroup with the Gantry2 Kinematics to move a 2D-Gantry system. When creating the AxisGroup, the SoftMotion_PlanningTask is created automatically with a cycle time of 2 ms in my case. I realized that the maximum cycle time of this task can spike to very high values (up to 60 ms) at lower speeds of the motion, leading to synchronization issues and errors on the axes. The same behaviour - though not as drastic - can be observed with virtual axes too. Is this behaviour intended or to be expected? Can the cycle time or type of the SoftMotion_PlanningTask be changed to prevent these errors? Or is there another fix for this issue? I tried changing the cycle type to Freewheeling, which solved the synchronization issues, but caused an error on the AxisGroup after a while, reading SMC_CP_QUEUE_UNDERRUN. Thanks in advance and best regards Manuel
Last updated: 2024-03-07
Post by zoronoa on J1939.ReceiveWatchdog & J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup
Hi, I'm trying to monitor a specific PGN which I have it sending a pulse every 500mS Problem: Using the Watchdog for the ECU does not really help me as I have multiple instances with separate PGNs, if a PGN goes ghost, the ECU watchdog won't be flagged as the others will be running. I found the J1939.ReceiveWatchdog & J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup function blocks and they seem like a good solution for my problem, I just can't get them to work from my understanding you just build the J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup once and then connect it's output to the J1939.ReceiveWatchdog, here's my CODE for the setup HEARTBEAT_TIMER(IN:= TRUE, PT:= T#1000MS); //turn-on delay because of initialization race IF HEARTBEAT_TIMER.Q= TRUE THEN Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.xExecute:= TRUE; Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.itfECU:= Valve_X; Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.dwPGN:= 65511; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.xEnable:= TRUE; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.itfParameterGroup:= Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.itfParameterGroup; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.tTimeout:= T#1500MS; END_IF Notes: Glob_Var.DisplayReceive is of type J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog is of type J1939.ReceiveWatchdog The above code is done once and not cyclically I'm monitoring Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.xError cyclically
Last updated: 2024-03-13
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