Post by berto on Opening PDF in Web Browser in Target Visu HMI
Hi everybody, I've been facing problems with the PDF visualization in Web Browser. I am trying to open a pdf file called 'sample.pdf' which I manually saved inside PlcLogic/visu folder. I am setting the web browser URL as: '' but I get 'refused connection'. I got a similar error trying to open https sites and I discovered that I can only open http websites. Opening '' everything works fine. I also tried to check using code whether the sample.pdf is present in the directory. Unfortunately, when I try to read directories of 'PlcLogic' I get file FILE_OPERATION_DENIED (I am using File.DirList). I would like to be able to open PDF files in web browser. Possibly to move new PDF files in the folder as my customer wants to display different pdf manuals on the hmi. Here you find some screenshots and my .project. I am using Codesys Best regards, Berto
Last updated: 2024-07-11
Post by manuknecht on Opening a Dialog on a specific Client from ST
I managed to find a solution that seems to work reliably. As the VU.Globals.CurrentClient-filter accesses the CURRENTCLIENTID or at least a similar, internal variable it can only be used if called from a certain client (e.g. from a button in a visualization). My solution works by implementing a new client filter that compares the client ID of all clients to the ID of the last client that was used. The variable containing the data of the last client is defined as: G_LastClient : VU.IVisualizationClient; // Copy of last client that detected click This last client is then updated every time a button is pressed using the Execute ST-Code input configuration of the button: G_LastClient := VU.PublicVariables.Clients.Current; Next, I created a function block that implements the client filter interface as so: FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_LastClientFilter IMPLEMENTS VU.IVisualizationClientFilter VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR END_VAR Then i added a method to the FB called IsAccepted which is used to filter out the client. When creating the method, it should automatically be filled with the according variable declaration, as it is defined in the interface: (* For every client can be desided, if it is accepted. ``TRUE``: Client is accepted*) METHOD IsAccepted : BOOL VAR_INPUT (* The client, to check*) itfClient : VU.IVisualizationClient; END_VAR Now the client can be compared to the last used client as such: // check if clientID corresponds to clientID of last recorderd client IF itfCLient.ClientId = G_LastClient.ClientId THEN IsAccepted := TRUE; ELSE IsAccepted := FALSE; END_IF To make use of this custom client filter, initialize a variable with the client filter: LastClient : FB_LastClientFilter; // Client filter to find last used client Then use this client filter when opening or closing a dialog from ST: fbOpenMyDialog(itfClientFilter:=LastClient,xExecute:=TRUE,sDialogName:='VIS_MyDialog_DLG');
Last updated: 2023-09-27
Post by rossanoparis on Upgrading CODESYS runtime from v4.7 to v4.9 using a bash script leads to lose the licences stored in the soft container
System information - Controller: KUNBUS RevPi CONNECT-S - OS: Linux buster 32bit 5.10.103-rt62-v7l #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT armv7l GNU/Linux - CODESYS v3.5 SP19 Patch 2 I'm facing a problem related to codesys licences using a procedure based on a bash script. Such bash script detect the presence of new .deb files and install them on system. My automation solution don't allow to be maintained by dedicated personal, thus even the CODESYS runtime SW must be installed using an "automatic" procedure instead of using the CODESYS tool. remark I've been using the following procedure since the runtime v4.5 without any issue. Before installing the new runtime packages, I need to copy the file CODESYSControl_User.cfg (here attached) because of new section which is necessary to add in order to allow some folders to be written by CODESYS runtime v4.9 Up to now, this has been unnecessary, this is the main difference between my previos bash file and the new one. remark If I skip this action, everythings goes fine, but my CODESYS application can't work as it needs to access some folders on controller's file system. Process - Before the procedure: the licenses are OK (see attached file lic-01.png) - After the procedure: the new CODESYS runtime version is correctly installed, but the software container with v1.19 and all licences disappear (see attached file lic-02.png) This is the synthetic content of bash script I'm using. # Stop runtime sudo service codesyscontrol stop sudo service codesysedge stop # Move the new CODESYSControl_User.cfg file # New configuraton with folders declared sudo mv -f CODESYSControl_User.cfg /etc # Install runtime package echo N | sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades codesyscontrol_raspberry_4.9.0.0_armhf.deb # Install edge gateway package echo N | sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades codesysedge_edgearmhf_4.9.0.0_armhf.deb # Reboot controller sudo reboot Thanks in advance
Last updated: 2023-09-19
Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
Yes, this is the error the sometimes show up. What make me crazy is the fact that it happens randomly and not each times. I know very well where the problem is, in wich one program row it's located. For each actions of the state machine I have all events recorded with log on text file. it is not problematic for me to find the application point of the fault, but I need to understand why occasionally and for no apparent reason, switching the state machine and thus changing the motion FB, sends the axis into failure (but only occasionally). For example, one case that is often problematic is the execution of the Axis Halt instruction. When, after a MoveAbosulte instruction this returns the event as 'done' and indeed the axis is in standstill, the state machine first sets the move instruction to FALSE, and the next cycle sets the Halt request to TRUE. Some of the time everything works out fine. Occasionally, however, in this exchange, the axis goes into fault, also losing the OPERATIONAL state. Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work).
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by tk096 on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work). In general: - Motion function blocks have to be called until they report 'Done', 'Error', 'CommandAborted' or a subsequent motion FB with BufferMode=Aborting is started in the current cycle. - Setting the Execute input to FALSE will not abort any ongoing motion of the motion function block. For example, one case that is often problematic is the execution of the Axis Halt instruction. When, after a MoveAbosulte instruction this returns the event as 'done' and indeed the axis is in standstill, the state machine first sets the move instruction to FALSE, and the next cycle sets the Halt request to TRUE. Some of the time everything works out fine. Occasionally, however, in this exchange, the axis goes into fault, also losing the OPERATIONAL state. I think the error SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION is only a follow-up (and misleading) error that results from the axis not being in operational state anymore (bus problems). Is there an error 'regulator or start not set' in the device log before the error 'motion generating FB wasn't called for at least one cycle'? Which error does the respective function block (Halt.ErrorId) report?
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Post by ppix on Establishing TLS Connection with MQTT Broker using MQTT Client SL Package
I’m currently working on establishing a TLS connection with an MQTT broker using the MQTT Client SL package in CODESYS. While I’ve successfully established communication with the broker without TLS, I'm encountering issues when trying to enable TLS. In the 'MQTT Explorer' application, I can easily upload the server certificate (.crt), client certificate (.crt), and client key (.key). However, in CODESYS, I can’t find a way to upload my client key (.key file). Here's a summary of my current setup: Certificates: I have uploaded both the client and server certificates to the certificate store under the 'Trusted Certificates' folder in the security screen. TLS Context Initialization: Despite setting the _sCommonName as the name of my client certificate, a new self-signed certificate is created and placed within the device’s certificates. I then need to manually move this certificate to the trusted certificates folder. This results in three certificates in my trusted certs folder: client cert, server cert, and the newly created cert. _ciDefaultCertInfo : MQTT.NBS.CERT_INFO := (psInfo := ADR(_sCommonName), udiSize := TO_UDINT(LEN(_sCommonName))); // CN of the certificate (common name) _sCipherList : MQTT.NBS.CIPHER_LIST := STRUCT(psList := ADR('HIGH'), udiSize := 4); // Cipher string see _tlsContext : MQTT.NBS.TLSContext := ( sUseCaseName := _sCommonName, // A certificate is stored in the certificate store with the use case name. You can choose any name. Here we use the common name. ePurpose := MQTT.NBS.PURPOSE.CLIENT_SIDE, // For client certificates set this to NBS.PURPOSE.CLIENT_SIDE sTLSVersion := '1.3', // The TLS version sCipherList := _sCipherList, // Set the cipher list sHostname := sHostname, // The hostname of the broker udiVerificationMode := 2, // 2 => Active Peer verification ciCertInfo := _ciDefaultCertInfo, // Set the cert info itfCertVerifer := 0); // 0 => No Verifier mqttClient : MQTT.MQTTClient := (xUseTLS:=TRUE, itfTLSContext := _tlsContext, itfAsyncProperty := _asyncProperty); Additional Details: In the client FB, I’ve set uiPort:= 8883, xUseTLS:= TRUE, and configured itfTLSContext as mentioned above. The certificates are encrypted with SHA256RSA. sHostname is the IP address of my broker. I’ve attached a copy of the client FB, which shows straight lines where variables are assigned and boxes where they are not. I am currently trying this on the only 2 compatible versions of COSDESYS with my controller (V3.5.15.20 and V3.5.18.40) My Question: How do I correctly set up this mTLS connection? What might I be missing? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially considering I’ve already successfully established a non-TLS connection with the same broker. Thank you in advance for your help!
Last updated: 2024-06-19
Post by imdatatas on MC_CamIn did not work properly with SMC_FreeEncoder on SoftMotion
Hello, I am facing a problem with the new Softmotion version. Has anyone encountered a similar problem, what is the solution? I would be happy if you could share it. Problem description: -- "SMC_FreeEncoder" encoder axis is the master, -- The motor of the servo driver on the EtherCAT bus is the slave axis. -- When the MC_CamIn block executed, the InSync output is activated. However, although the master encoder axis position value changes, there is no movement in the slave servo axis! Test steps: 1-) EtherCAT servo axis installed, configured and motion test was performed with MC_Jog. No problem. 2-) Softmotion general axis pool > SMC_FreeEncoder was added and pulse amount configuration was performed. No problem. 3-) Incremental encoder actual count value was transferred to the "SMC_FreeEncoder.diEncoderPosition" variable as DINT under the ethercat task in every cycle and the encoder axis position value was observed. No problem. 4-) A simple CAM table with a 1:1 ratio was created under the project tree. (For example: Simply, when the encoder rotates 1 turn, the motor will rotate 1 turn.) 5-) The SMC_FreeEncoder axis enabled with MC_Power and brought to the StandStill state. 6-) The MC_CamTableSelect block was run with default input values ​​(all absolute) and only the Cam table name was specified. The Done output was seen successfully. No problem. 7-) The MC_CamIn block was activated with default input values ​​(absolute) and only the master encoder axis name, slave servo axis name, CamTableID input pins was specified and then "Execute" input set to TRUE. 8-) The InSync output information of the MC_CamIn block observed as TRUE. However, although the encoder axis value changed, the position value of the slave axis did not change at all, it did not move. It always remained at 0.0mm. 9-) When I repeated the same steps above, only changing the master axis to SM_Drive_Virtual instead of FreeEncoder and gave movement to the virtual axis, this time the slave axis moved successfully. However, when the same steps and operations are performed with the same IDE just downgrade SoftMotion version from to, everything works normally and without problems as expected in MC_CamIn block with FreeEncoder master. (By the way, The used IDE version is Codesys V3.5 SP20patch3.) Best Regards Imdat
Last updated: 5 days ago
Post by mondinmr on Direct Pointers in IOMapping for EtherCAT with IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Dia
I have found a very interesting solution using: IoConfigTaskMap IoConfigConnectorMap IoConfigChannelMap The first is the list of IO tasks. The second is the connector for each IO module in the IOMap. The third is the individual input or output on the IOMap. One of the properties of the connector is another pointer to a connector, which corresponds with the connector of the EtherCAT slave. Through this information, it is possible to understand to which EtherCAT slave an IO connectormap corresponds. I am attaching an FB that allows for the construction of an IO map and finding the pointer to the actual IOs in the IOMap based on the bitoffset. FUNCTION_BLOCK IOExplorer VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR inputChannels: COL.LinkedList; outputChannels: COL.LinkedList; ulintFactory: COL.UlintElementFactory; END_VAR METHOD inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR inputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR outputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD scanIO VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR numTasks: DINT := IoConfig_Globals.nIoConfigTaskMapCount; tType: WORD; ioTask: POINTER TO IoConfigTaskMap; numCon: WORD; connector: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; numCh: DWORD; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; iTsk: DINT; iCon: WORD; iCh: DWORD; i: DINT; _tmpConnList: COL.IList; elem: COL.IUlintElement; itf: COL.IElement; tmpCh: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; lastE: DINT; e: COL.COLLECTION_ERROR; e1: Error; END_VAR VAR_INST lF: COL.ListFactory; END_VAR IF outputChannels.CountElements() > 0 OR inputChannels.CountElements() > 0 THEN RETURN; END_IF _tmpConnList := lF.CreateDynamicList(16, 16); //Iterate through all IO tasks FOR iTsk := 0 TO numTasks - 1 DO ioTask := ADR(IoConfig_Globals.pIoConfigTaskMap[iTsk]); //Store the type of the task (Input or Output) tType := ioTask^.wType; numCon := ioTask^.wNumOfConnectorMap; //Iterate through all connectors of the task FOR iCon := 0 TO numCon - 1 DO connector := ADR(ioTask^.pConnectorMapList[iCon]); numCh := connector^.dwNumOfChannels; //Iterate through all channels of the connector FOR iCh := 0 TO numCh - 1 DO //Create a new channel info object and fill it with the address, connector and size of the channel //Connectors is address of field connector in this case like EtherCAT slave //Address is the address of the IOMap //Size is the size of channel data in bits in IOMap channelInfo := __NEW(ADVChannelInfo); channelInfo^.addr := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].pbyIecAddress; channelInfo^.connectorField := connector^.pConnector; channelInfo^.size := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].wSize; //We put the channel info a temporary ordered list //Order is based on the address of IOMap lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If the address of the channel is smaller than the address of the channel in the list IF tmpCh^.addr > channelInfo^.addr THEN //Insert the channel in the list at the current position _tmpConnList.InsertElementAt(TO_UDINT(i), ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo))); //Clear the channel info pointer channelInfo := 0; //Exit the loop i := lastE + 1; END_IF END_FOR //If the channel info is not 0, it means that the channel was not inserted in the list IF channelInfo <> 0 THEN //Add the channel to the end of the list elem := ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo)); _tmpConnList.AddElement(elem); END_IF END_FOR //Iterate temporary list and add the channels to the input or output list lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If type is input, add the channel to the input list IF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_INPUTS THEN e := inputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); //If type is output, add the channel to the output list ELSIF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_OUTPUTS THEN e := outputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); ELSE __DELETE(tmpCh); END_IF END_FOR //Clear the temporary list _tmpConnList.RemoveAllElements(); END_FOR END_FOR END_METHOD
Last updated: 2024-02-13
Post by raghusingh77 on Get $100 EVERY TIME USE THIS COUPON CODE OF ACU934948 TEMU
Temu has quickly established itself as a leading online shopping platform, offering customers a wide array of products at unbeatable prices. As we move through 2024, shoppers can take advantage of exciting promotions, including the $100 off coupon code [ACU934948]. This article will guide you through how to maximize your savings with this code and other fantastic offers available on Temu. Exclusive Discounts for New Users For those who are new to Temu, the platform offers an enticing 30% discount on orders over $39. By using the coupon code [ACU934948], first-time users can enjoy this immediate savings opportunity. Additionally, new users can benefit from a special promotion that provides up to 75% off their first purchase. This makes it an ideal time for newcomers to explore Temu's extensive inventory while enjoying significant discounts. Massive October Promotions October 2024 is shaping up to be a month filled with incredible deals on Temu. Shoppers can access discounts of up to 90% off select items when using the coupon code [ACU934948]. This promotion is part of Temu's strategy to attract both new and returning customers during the busy shopping season. Flat Discounts and Bundle Offers The $100 off coupon code [ACU934948] stands out as a valuable offer, providing a flat discount that enhances the overall value of your purchases. This coupon is applicable not only for new users but also for existing customers, ensuring that everyone can benefit from substantial savings. Furthermore, Temu has introduced bundle offers that combine this $100 discount with additional promotions, allowing customers to save up to 70% on select products. Temu Rewards Program for Loyal Customers Temu values its loyal customers through its comprehensive Rewards Program, which offers exclusive deals and discounts. By using the coupon code [ACU934948], existing customers can enjoy additional benefits, including potential cash-back offers. 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