Post by comingback4u on Memory Address Overlap
Hello, We use a controller that comes with a bunch of predefined faults. These faults are considered active and historic. They are a 32 byte array but only take up 26 bytes of data. Because of this the historic faults start at address 26 instead of 31. Active faults variable take up address location 0 to 31. Historic faults variable take up address location 26 to 57. Because of this overlap I get an error that these overlap and it wont allow me to download to my controller. This isn't an issue in but becomes an issue in newer version. Is there a way to turn this off? If I change the address location, the historic faults then become broken without doing some manipulation in the code. The software will build just fine. Thank you for your time.
Last updated: 2024-03-07
Post by dhumphries on How to determine code size
I'm trying to determine which Codesys Control license I need, the Control Standard S has all the features I think I'll need, but the code size is limited to 3mb, I created a simple program with only 1 line of ladder logic and a simple visualization with a button and an indicator. When I generate code I get some messages, one indicates that the total allocated memory size for code and data is 2.1mb. Is this metric the correct size of the code? I question the size because it exceeds the allowable code size for the Basic S and Basic M licenses and consumes 2/3 of the available memory for the Basic L or Standard S license. What tool can I use to estimate the size of code as it relates to the runtime license limit?
Last updated: 2024-04-05
Post by dkugler on build (F11) / generate code using a python script file
thank you very much! I found the generate_code methode, but struggled with the primary and active_application. With this expample I will be able to play around. If the code generation takes a minute or more I often switch to other programs and don't notify the process is finished. So now I'll get an alert and will switch back immediately. My next little project will be, to beep different if there are errors and a seperate script to do the download incl. the user management data base without stopping at the dialogs asking for onlinechange/complete download and overwriting an existing database and as goody, play a beep/sound again.
Last updated: 2024-04-11
Post by bjarne-pagaard on Codesys v3.5 Sint to byte
Hi A SINT is a short (signed) integer. It is already only 1 byte - so you should have no problem casting it to a byte like so: bMyByte := TO_BYTE(sintMyShortInt); If you have a regular INT you want to put in 2 bytes - there are a lot of ways you can do this. A Union is certainly one of them. You could have a union with 2 memebers: An array of 2 bytes as one member, and an integer value as another member. Another way would be to look at MEMCPY to put the value into your CAN-message. .. or create a function to take your input value as input, and giving you 2 individual bytes as output. This could be handy if you need to change the byte-order. Integer data types:;product=codesys;version= -Bjarne
Last updated: 2024-04-24
Post by alexgooi on FB_INIT in library
Dear Forum, I currently have a challenge. I have a library with some communication classes. These communication classes need to be linked to an interface like this: Devices_and_controllers.Comm_Frame.Modbus_GVL_Link.KNX_TCP[Interface_Index] := THIS^; This is executed via a FB_Init() method. When I try to do this in a program this works fine. But when I declare the FB_Init() in the library the FB_Init() method is being called but the link is not made (interface still has the value 0000000000). The Objects and interfaces are defined in the library (GVL), so Iβm assuming the data should be there. When I call the FB_Init method explicitly in the program it also works fine. Whys is this not working when it is all defined in the library? And is it even possible to create a structure like this in Codesys? Kind regards Alex
Last updated: 2024-05-22
Post by robpqs on Program from one PLC to other WAGO 750-8204
Hello, You use the WAGOUpload tool. You can download it on the download center of WAGO. Make a backup and restore it on the new device. (if can check the remanent data to copy the persistent variables if necessary) You can also use a SD card, go to the WBM copy it the image to the SD card and restart the other controller on the SD card. In the WBM, copy it back to the internal flash. If you contact your local Wago office, they will more than probably help you. There is also a WAGO forum. RP,
Last updated: 2024-05-27
Post by kuegerls on SysProcessExecuteCommand2 and CANopen Device
Hello, CODESYS Control is running on my RevPi, and my system communicates over a CANbus with a master using the ConnectCan module (Slave - CANopen Device). The communication works perfectly fine so far. However, as soon as I call a Python script with "SysProcessExecuteCommand2" that creates a CSV file and executes without errors, the master does not adopt any changes to the Transmission Process Data Objects (TPDOs). I don't quite understand what one has to do with the other, and perhaps someone can help me with this. Here is my script call: SysProcess.SysProcessExecuteCommand2(pszCommand:='python /home/pi/', pszStdOut:=sCMDOutput, udiStdOutLen:= SIZEOF(sCMDOutput), pResult := ADR(eResult)); Thank you in advance! Best regards, Stefan
Last updated: 2024-06-20
Post by dekelec on The current baud rate could not be determined in CR0020 IFM with maintenance tool
It could be a problem with the cable pinout on either side: 9 pin D-SUB connector (male) - PC side Pin Potential: 1 n.c. 2 RxD 3 TxD 4 n.c. 5 n.c. 6 GND 7 n.c. 8 n.c. 9 n.c. Shell Shield Check if TxD and RxD cross between pins 2 and 3 (what is the Recive signal/wire to one device it's a Transmit signal/wire for the othe device) or with COM port settings: Bits per second: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow controll: None
Last updated: 2024-07-09
Post by pazderai on CanOpen write issue
Thank you for an answer. Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work. The slave needs command byte as follows 0x22. It means expedited transfer where s-bit is not set, therefore data length is not specified. If I use segmented mode by CiA405.SDO_WRITE_DATA it produce command byte as follows 0x21 which is unfortunately supported by the slave and it returns with error 0x05040001 - SDO Abort Code -Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown. I can use CAN API low level to overcome this problem where it is possible to set 0x22 as a command byte, but than I can use user interface to set the communication probably, because I thing that machine expert uses library CiA405.SDO_WRITE for setting the slave. Or am I wrong?
Last updated: 2024-07-16
Post by c3po on SNMP Communication with WAGO 750-8212 PFC
Hello folks, my problem is a bit bigger for just one question. So let's start with the easiest. But first, my system setup: It's a WAGO 750-8212 PFC with some I/O-modules. I try to communicate with the controlsystem over SNMP using the IIoT library from codesys. Is there some expirience with this kind of communication? It's just about transfering some data from PFC to network and setting some analogsettings from network to the PFC. So my easiest question: Do I ever need the SNMP_Agent or can I use the SET / GET function as standalone, without the agent? (maybe some more questions will follow, if someone will answer to my request) thanks so far
Last updated: 2024-08-21
Post by micik on Reverse bytes in an array
Hello, I'm getting the data in Codesys that is an array of 8 bytes. From this array, I need to foram LREAL number, however, because of different endiannes I need to reverse bytes in this array and then copy to a LREAL variable. For this I'm using a loop and it works OK. I wonder if there is a built in function to do this. I have found CAA Memory library but it has functions like reverse bytes in DWORD. But it seems it doesn't have what I need. What I need is a function to reverse bytes in an 8 byte array, or something similar.
Last updated: 2024-08-22
Post by micik on Reverse bytes in an array
Hello, I'm getting the data in Codesys that is an array of 8 bytes. From this array, I need to foram LREAL number, however, because of different endiannes I need to reverse bytes in this array and then copy to a LREAL variable. For this I'm using a loop and it works OK. I wonder if there is a built in function to do this. I have found CAA Memory library but it has functions like reverse bytes in DWORD. But it seems it doesn't have what I need. What I need is a function to reverse bytes in an 8 byte array, or something similar.
Last updated: 2024-08-22
Post by timvh on Communication between applications on same device/controller/runtime (Win RTE
If you have a Windows system (RTE), then why not run the CODESYS HMI as separate controller. This could easily be moved to another PC if required. In the HMI you could also still use the Symbolic Var access as part of the Data Source Manager, although maybe OPC is the preferred way to make it more future proof. Or what about the Remote Target Visu. Then you can reduce the load of the main controller, while still only having to create one application including Visualization. This is now also supported for Linux systems. See:
Last updated: 2024-09-28
Post by micik on Start Codesys project and then execute python script from command line
Hello, by searching the forum, I have found an example of batch script that can be used to start codesys projct by temporarily setting env variables. However, I'm not sure how to modify this to start Codesys 3.5.20 and whether or not I need to specify "profile" with Codesys version at all. @echo off SET PROJECT=D:\TestScripts\Data\OnlineTest.project SET VARIABLES=POU.testint,POU.testoutput start /wait CoDeSys.exe --profile="CoDeSys V3.4 SP3" --noUI --runscript="D:\TestScripts\" I have tried the following just to open the test project: SET PROJECT=C:\TEST\Example.project start CODESYS.exe --profile="CODESYS V3.5 SP20 Patch 2" But I'm not sure how to specify this project to be open after py script is executed. The py script should first add required library to the project and then project should be open.
Last updated: 2024-09-30
Post by dsa28 on OPC UA subscriber not operational
Hello All, Hopefully I can get some help configuring an OPC UA subscriber in a CODESYS runtime in a Raspberry Pi 5 that tries to retrieve data from an OPC UA publisher (in this case running in a TwinCAT system). I tried to follow the steps described in the page to implement the OPC UA subscriber: Seems that the example provided was created with version Now with version is not possible to open the complete project neither convert it. Anyway, after configuring all IPs and ports used in the OPC UA connection function block but the connection state always shows DISABLED. Can someone help me to do the proper configuration of the OPC UA subscriber? Many thanks in advance.
Last updated: 2024-10-22
Post by mondinmr on Why SysPipeWindows is not implemented in RTE?
This library would be very useful for IPC communications. Using a UDP socket on localhost is unpredictable, as with slightly loaded machines it does not even guarantee packet delivery locally. Using TCP creates a lot of overhead. Message named pipes would be an excellent solution for Windows RTE. On Linux, since the release of the extension package, there is no issue, as it is sufficient to develop a component. However, although now 90% of our clients understand that Linux runtimes are better in every way compared to Windows RTE, especially from the security aspect (Not in kernel space) and the issues with Windows updates, 10% stubbornly insist (sometimes for trivial commercial reasons) on using Windows. Managing IPC with circular buffers in shared memory is quite ugly, or rather really ugly and unaesthetic. In the manuals, I saw the SysPipeWindows libraries, so I decided to test them, but unfortunately, I noticed that they are not implemented for RTE devices. Technically, I could try to open them as regular files, but SysFileOpen returns 16#27 or 16#39 depending on how I set the name (direction of the slashes). Here is the code to create shared memory and named pipes. Shared memory work great, named pipes no! #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; const wchar_t* name = L"Global\\ShmTest"; HANDLE hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(SharedData), name); if (hMapFile == NULL) { qCritical("Error creating shared memory"); return 1; } data = static_cast<SharedData*>(MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof(SharedData))); if (data == NULL) { qCritical("Error mapping shared memory"); return 1; } HANDLE hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\MyPipe"), PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT, &sa); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { qCritical("Error creating named pipe"); return -1; } if (!ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL)) { qCritical("Error connecting to named pipe"); return -1; } checkPipe(hPipe); #endif
Last updated: 2024-02-02
Post by jeffg on ERROR: GetNetLinkSockAndInfoByMac(): could not open netlink socket: Too many open files
I just installed codesys runtime on a raspberry pi Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz (Compute Module 4) I am running on Codesys control for raspberry pi 64 SL ver 4.13.0 and I keep getting a crash after about five to ten minutes. This program was running fine on a 32bit system with runtime 4.8 previously but they upgraded the panel PC cause it got smashed. Looking at the logs I see this error "ERROR: GetNetLinkSockAndInfoByMac(): could not open netlink socket: Too many open files" at the time of crash. I do have a UDP socket open for a serial to ethernet adapter and im wondering if maybe its opening a bunch of sockets and while receiving messages, Im not sending anything to the device only receiving. Below is the code used for the UDP VAR // Scale Comm fbPeerServer : NBS.UDP_Peer; ipAddress : NBS.IPv4Address; fbReceive : NBS.UDP_Receive; xPeerActiv : BOOL := TRUE; abyReceive : ARRAY [0..255] OF BYTE; sLastValidReceive : STRING(255); udiIndex : UDINT; END_VAR IF xPeerActiv AND NOT fbPeerServer.xBusy THEN ipAddress.SetInitialValue(ipAddress := gvlSettings.sIPAddres); fbPeerServer(xEnable := TRUE, itfIPAddress := ipAddress, uiPort := gvlSettings.uiPort); END_IF fbPeerServer(); fbReceive(xEnable := fbPeerServer.xBusy, itfPeer := fbPeerServer, pData := ADR(abyReceive), udiSize := SIZEOF(abyReceive)); IF fbReceive.udiCount > 0 THEN IF fbReceive.udiCount < SIZEOF(sLastValidReceive) THEN SysMem.SysMemCpy(pDest := ADR(sLastValidReceive), pSrc := ADR(abyReceive), udiCount := fbReceive.udiCount); // Set End of String sLastValidReceive[fbReceive.udiCount] := 0; END_IF END_IF If anyone as seen this I could really use some help figuring it out. I included the Log report
Last updated: 2024-09-19
Post by yannickasselin on MQTT QoS 1 & 2
Hello, After some more tests, here is what I found out. It seems we have to increase the uiKeepAlive and tPingInterval parameters. If I increase the uiKeepAlive value to 60s and the tPingInterval to 30s, then if I disconnect the ethernet cable from Codesys and publish some messages to which Codesys subscribes to and then reconnect within 30s, I will get the messages. If I don't reconnect the cable within 30s (ping interval), the client goes in error with "ACKNOWLEDGE_TIMEOUT". When this happens, it will not automatically reconnect after reconnecting the cable. I have to disable and re-enable the client but I will not get the published messages. I need to do more tests because there are a lot of weird things happening when playing with the ping interval and the keep alive. It is not clear to me what does what. I even ended up not receiving messages anymore, even if I disabled and re-enabled the mqtt client. The client did not give any error. The only way I was able to get messages again was by modifying my client ID. After that, if I try to re-use one of the old client IDs, nothing works (publish, subscribe) and I get a TCP_INIT_ERROR and sometimes a TCP_READ_ERROR. I need more explanation/documentation about these weird behaviors. Maybe it is the way I use it, maybe it is related to the broker (I am using Mosquitto with default parameters). When using a Node-Red client, everything works perfectly. I am trying to achieve the same behavior with Codesys but it seems impossible so far.
Last updated: 2024-10-30
Post by solidlogicguy on Little endian to Float from Modbus RTU
Hello, I got a device from which I require to read values from I am using a WAGO PLC 750-8212 and I am communicating through Modbus Master FUNCTION BLOCK from library WagoAppPLCModbus in Codesys 3.5 to this device. I already receive data from the device that is a CVM to monitor voltage from a fuel cell. The technical support of the company that makes these devices says that the data is sent in little endian form. And I want to convert it to a float value. The tech support sent me the next instructions of how to do it but I am new using codesys, so any advice or help I will really appreciate so much. Message from tech support: The process is complicated, better to do it with already implemented library in the language/program you use. Basically the process should be next: To convert the two Modbus registers containing parts of a 32-bit float in little-endian byte order to a floating-point number using mathematical operations, you first need to combine the two 16-bit integers (assuming reg1 is the lower word and reg2 is the higher word) and then interpret the result according to the IEEE 754 standard. Given: - Register 192 (reg1) = 4096 - Register 193 (reg2) = 14884 Step 1: Combine the two registers. Since we are dealing with little-endian byte order, reg2 is the high word, and reg1 is the low word: combined = reg2 * 2^16 + reg1 combined = 14884 * 65536 + 4096 combined = 975175680 + 4096 combined = 975179776 Step 2: Convert the combined value to binary: combined_binary = '1110101101011100000000000000000' Step 3: Split the binary into IEEE 754 components: Sign bit (1 bit): 0 Exponent (8 bits): 11101011 Mantissa (23 bits): 01011100000000000000000 Step 4: Convert the binary exponent to decimal and subtract the bias (127 for 32-bit floats): exponent = int('11101011', 2) - 127 exponent = 235 - 127 exponent = 108 Step 5: Calculate the mantissa as a fraction: The mantissa in IEEE 754 format is the fractional part after the leading 1 (which is implicit). Therefore, we need to convert the binary mantissa to decimal and add the implicit leading 1: mantissa_fractional = 1 + int('01011100000000000000000', 2) / 2^23 mantissa_fractional = 1 + 18688 / 8388608 mantissa_fractional = 1 + 0.002227783203125 mantissa_fractional β 1.002227783203125 Step 6: Combine the sign, exponent, and mantissa to get the float value: float_value = (-1)^0 * mantissa_fractional * 2^exponent float_value = 1 * 1.002227783203125 * 2^108 Because the exponent is quite large, the resulting float value is a very large number.
Last updated: 2023-12-15
Post by mgabryel on Problems with CAN 2.0 comunication on Wago PLC (Codesys 3.5)
Hello, I am trying to program CAN Bus comunication on WAGO PLC (more precisely on WAGO Touch Monitor model TP600). I am using for this purpose library "WagoAppCanLayer2" from Wago company. My IDE for programming this device is CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 2 + (64-bit). My program is written in Structured text using function blocks from previously mentioned library. Here is code of this program: 1) Variables declarations: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR oOpenInterface : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanL2Open :=( udiBaudrate := 125000 ); xInterfaceIsOpen : BOOL; sInterfaceInfo : STRING; oReceive : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanRx29BitFrame :=( xBufferMode := FALSE, wCanId := 16#181 ); xRecv : BOOL; sReceiveInfo : STRING; oSend : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanTx29BitFrame :=( dwCanId := 16#100, //was 16#201 xRtrFrame := FALSE ); xSend : BOOL; sSendInfo : STRING; oCanDiag : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanErrorInfo; xRst : BOOL; aSendData : ARRAY [1..8] OF BYTE; bSendLen : BYTE; TON_0 : TON; TON_1 : TON; END_VAR 2) Program body: oOpenInterface( xEnable := NOT xInterfaceIsOpen, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE ); sInterfaceInfo := oOpenInterface.oStatus.GetDescription(); xInterfaceIsOpen S= oOpenInterface.xValid AND NOT oOpenInterface.xError; oReceive( xEnable := xInterfaceIsOpen, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE, xRxTrigger := xRecv ); sReceiveInfo := oReceive.oStatus.GetDescription(); IF NOT xRecv THEN IF oReceive.bRxNBytes > 0 THEN oReceive.aRxBuffer[1]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[2]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[3]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[4]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[5]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[6]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[7]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[8]; END_IF xRecv := TRUE; END_IF aSendData[1] := 224; aSendData[2] := 13; aSendData[3] := 14; aSendData[4] := 15; aSendData[5] := 222; aSendData[6] := 13; aSendData[7] := 14; aSendData[8] := 15; bSendLen := 8; TON_0(IN:= NOT TON_1.Q, PT:= T#2S , Q=>xSend, ET=> ); TON_1(IN:= TON_0.Q, PT:= T#2S , Q=>, ET=> ); oSend( xEnable := xInterfaceIsOpen, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE, aTxBuffer := aSendData, bTxNBytes := bSendLen, xTxTrigger := xSend ); sSendInfo := oSend.oStatus.GetDescription(); oCanDiag( xEnable := TRUE, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE, xTriggerResetCounter := xRst, xValid=> , xError=> , oStatus=> , wBusState=> , wBusDiag=> , uiRxOverflowsL2=> , uiTxOverflowsL2=> , uiRxOverflows=> , uiMsgTimeouts=> , uiBusOffs=> , uiBusWarnings=> ); Program first opens comunication on CAN 2 device and then periodically try send one CAN data frame. After starting program CAN 2 interface is properly open. The xSend variable is toggling with period 2s. When program sends data an "Tx overflow" error appears. When I am watching CAN_H line on DSub 9 socket i am not able to see proper CAN frames - see screenshot attached to this message. Could somebody help me determine what is wrong with this program. Best regards
Last updated: 2024-08-02
Post by alex-at-xana on EThercat Dynamic configuration
Hi Everyone, For a fast monitoring system I am using Ethercat oversampling and timestamping inputs. As the customers has a lot of different configurations out in the field, we went for a dynamic Ethercat configuration. Already got the whole detection chain working but now I am stuck since two days in debugging the configuration. Here are my quesitons: I extended the dynamic config example for the EL3632 16#0E303052: //EL3632 pSlave^.SetDCSettings(TRUE,TRUE,80,80,TRUE,4000,0,0); pSlave^.AddSyncManager(16#1000,128,16#26,TRUE,3); pSlave^.AddSyncManager(16#1080,128,16#22,TRUE,2); pSlave^.AddSyncManager(16#1100,0,16#4,TRUE,1); pSlave^.AddSyncManager(16#1110,214,16#20,TRUE,0); pSlave^.AddFMMU(0,214,0,7,16#1110,0,1,1); pSlave^.AddFMMU(0,1,0,0,16#80D,0,1,1); xKnown := TRUE; This leads to a PLL Error for these devices. I double and triple checked the configuraton, but cannot find the issue. There seems to be one difference: the config dialog creates a startup parameter: 16#10F3:16#05, Name: Command_0, Value:0. Bitlen: 16, Stop on fault: false, jumpt at fault: false: next line: 0 a) I do not find information on how to set this in my code. Can you help me there? b) Without trying to set the value, I get a PLL error for these devices in the master log. Is the config wrong? c) Do I need to set the Master to Autoconfigure or Manual? I used autoconfigure for my tests. The stack creates input data addresses for the slaves input data range (pSlaves[i].InputData) which are different from those created when I use the Engineering tools dialogs to configure Ethercat. Specifically, the addresses seem to be aligned at 16 byte boundaries when they are created using the engineering tool, but may appear at uneven addresses when I use the script in dynamic config. I did not try to access ULINT at uneven addresses yet, but I am suspecting this may be a problem. Do I need to manually align the addresses ? Any help is appreciated...
Last updated: 2024-09-10
Post by george32 on Readable IO names
Hello Folks, I have a quite basic understanding of how PLC programming works. However I keep getting stuck on 1 problem I could not get my head around. The problem is as follow: I have a PLC with 60 IO (20 inputs, 40 outputs). Each IO is defined as a function block. Furthermore I have an external IO card connected trough a CanBus connection. This IO card has 4 analog input channels (USINT), 4 digital inputs (Bool) and 4, digital outputs (Bool) Because I have 2 different components which both has data have I made 4 arrays to store the data off every component in one variable. PLC_Input: Array [1..20] of BOOL; PLC_Output: Array [1..40] of BOOL IOCard_Input: Array [1..8] of BOOL IOCard_Output: Array [1..4] of BOOL Because the control and reading of the different in and outputs is done by a TCP connection I want to use some kind of enumeration or struct to give each index a name so that my main would be a little bit more readable instead of all the magic numbers. Also this would make my program more dynamic for the furter in case I need to changes some in the IO nummers. For example: pump is placed on the fysical terminal strip number place 54, which is the 3th output of the IO card in the program: if I am sending a message with value 54 I would like to control IOCard_Output[3]. If there is a solution or methode to get this done, I can eventually do the following in my main program: IOCard_Output[Pump]. I have tried the following: IOCard_Output[Pump - 51] with an enumration but this keeps raising an error I hope some of you could help me further with this problem. In gross lines: I want to couple all the different IO to a more readable name and this readable name should control the right Array index Thanks in advance, George
Last updated: 2024-09-26
Post by adamrobotic on llcallback() iec exception caught cmpid=0x00000002, eventid=0x00010008
Hi All, Recently I have been experiencing a issue in CodeSys SP16 Patch 3, with a exception which comes up after I have made several online changes. callcallback() iec exception caught cmpid=0x00000002, eventid=0x00010008, after I experience this fault then I receive a error message for any subsequent online change "online change failed, no task gap within 10000ms". To recover either the controller needs a orgin reset, which will allow online edits thereafter until falling back into the loop. I am using a TURCK TX707 product which is controlling robot trajectory, We have hard coded the coordinate data rather than using persistence variables so hence the need to do online changes consistently. I have read on the forum other people have experienced similar issue with the online task gap, but I have no task which have same priority and also monitored the CPU usage and have not seen it go above 13%. Anyones help would be much appreciated, thankyou.
Last updated: 2023-08-18
Post by vipul on Multicast udp
Hi, Good afternoon can anybody help me with UDP Multicast code. I am not able to send or recieve data when code is dumped on linux device. Below is my code. Declaration: PROGRAM udp_multicast VAR oneTimeFlag :UINT :=0; state: INT:=0; driver: UDP.UDPDriver; //port : UDP.Port;//moved to GVL src_ipAddr_ud: UDINT; src_ipAddr_st:STRING := '';//'';//ipms ip address dst_ipAddr_ud:UDINT; group_ipAddr_st:STRING := ''; //group_ipAddr_ud:UDINT; result: SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT; //result of recieve function. bind: UDINT; //result of binding. resultCreate:SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//result of port creation. timer:BLINK; temFlag :INT:= 0; post:INT :=0; checksumFunc:checksumXor; localStringBuf:STRING[500]; chksum:BYTE; dataBuffer:POINTER TO BYTE; checksumString:ARRAY[0..5] OF BYTE; recvSize:__XINT; errorCode:UDINT; joinGroupErrorCode:UDINT; END_VAR ************8 Implementation: IF oneTimeFlag <> 1 THEN oneTimeFlag:=1; resultCreate := driver.CreatePort(ADR(GVL.port)); src_ipAddr_ud := UDP.IPSTRING_TO_UDINT(sIPAddress:= src_ipAddr_st); GVL.group_ipAddr_ud := UDP.IPSTRING_TO_UDINT(sIpAddress:= group_ipAddr_st); GVL.port.IPAddress := src_ipAddr_ud; GVl.port.ReceivePort:= GVL.src_port;//port on which messages are expected. GVl.port.SendPort := GVL.dest_port; GVl.port.OperatingSystem := 0; //0- any system GVL.port.Socket :=3; //3- socket type is multicast bind := GVL.port.Bind(udiIPAddress:=src_ipAddr_ud,); GVl.port.JoinGroup(udiGroupAddress:= GVL.group_ipAddr_ud,udiInterfaceAddress:= src_ipAddr_ud,eLogCode=>joinGroupErrorCode); END_IF timer(ENABLE:=TRUE,TIMELOW:=T#100MS,TIMEHIGH:=T#100MS); IF timer.OUT = TRUE THEN GVL.port.Send(udiIPTo:=GVL.group_ipAddr_ud,GVL.dest_port,pbyData:=ADR(GVL.writeData),diDataSize:=SIZEOF(GVL.writeData)); ELSE SysMemSet(ADR(GVL.readData[0]),0,SIZEOF(GVL.readData)); result := GVl.port.Receive(ADR(GVL.readData),diDataSize:=SIZEOF(GVL.readData),udiIPFrom=>dst_ipAddr_ud,diRecvSize=>recvSize,eLogCode=>errorCode); SysMemMove(ADR(GVL.readDataBuf[0]),ADR(GVL.readData[0]),SIZEOF(GVL.readData)); END_IF post:=LEN(GVL.readDataBuf);
Last updated: 2024-01-14
Post by thewizard8 on Raspberry PI4 Serial Port
Hi Dear All, I'm using my raspberry PI4 as a CoDeSyS PLC (Build from scratch with custom electronics). I was able to implement all fieldbuses with the exception of Modbus Serial. I'm using the internal Port (GPIO) and I configured it in /etc/Codesyscontrol_user.cfg the following away: [SysCom] Linux.Devicefile.1=/dev/ttyUSB0 Linux.Devicefile.2=/dev/ttyS0 I'm using COM2 on Master configuration. I'm using a interface board from TTL/RS485 (bidirectional board), and it's works perfectly with other devices but not in CoDeSyS. I'm able to send data with python script and read it on my pc using putty, but when I use a modbus slave simulator to interface with codesys I always get red icons on master and slave. (Please find image attached). I'm pretty shure that this might be a bad parameter on my CoDeSyS runtime configurstion file. Can someone help me? I'm stuck and this is for my master degree certification.
Last updated: 2024-03-18
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