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Post by mxj262 on FB having single input but initialized with Array CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am adding elements of an ARRAY using pointer to access each element inside a FOR loop and the FOR loop does not stop! What is the right way to use pointers in such case?? I have another loop that is not using pointer and it stops but the loop using pointer keep on adding. METHOD FB_Init: BOOL VAR_INPUT bInitRetains: BOOL; // TRUE: the retain variables are initialized (reset warm / reset cold) bInCopyCode: BOOL; // TRUE: the instance will be copied to the copy code afterward (online change) END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT // basically REFERENCE TO window_buffer: ARRAY [*] OF INT; // array of any size END_VAR THIS^.windowPtr := ADR(window_buffer[0]); THIS^.windowSize := UPPER_BOUND(window_buffer, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(window_buffer, 1) + 1; FUNCTION_BLOCK FB500 VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR windowPtr: POINTER TO INT; windowSize: DINT; currentIndex: UINT; element1:INT; element2:INT; i:INT; j:INT; sum:DINT:=0; END_VAR element1:=windowPtr[0]; // read the first element of the Array dynamic memorry element2:=windowPtr[1]; FOR i:=0 TO (TO_INT(windowSize-1)) BY 1 DO // this loop does not stop Sum:=sum + windowPtr[i]; END_FOR FOR j:=0 TO 5 BY 1 DO // this loop stops j:=j+1; END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-05-06

Post by rabaggett on Reading Named Pipes in Linux Is there a better way? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have a Python program that will handle things in my application such as VISA over IP and Telnet control of instruments. I want the main control and HMI in Codesys. My problem is communication between the two. I have looked at several ways to accomplish this, and settled on having the Python program create two named pipes, one to send information to Codesys, and one for Codesys to send information to Python. The information would be packetized with \n for end of packet.. Seems simple. I think the named pipes method should work, but file reading in Codesys using the CAA file library starts to get difficult when the file is never ending, as in this case. Before I spend too much time making something that may be fundamentally flawed I want to ask. Is there a better way? Is there a way to read the file 'one line at a time' which might solve my never ending file problem? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-05-09

Post by william-blandon on RecipeManCommands.ReloadRecipes CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Dave. Thanks for your answer. I still struggling with this. I have done everything according with the Codesys help even I have looked in detail at the example. I have double checked the recipe manager configuration and the use of all the methods. There are two methods that do not work as expected. I'm using Codesys and recipe management .CreateRecipe just create a recipe in the recipe definition but do not create the file. This have a walk around just giving a .ReadAndSaveRecipe afterwards. .ReloadRecipes do nothing but do not generate any error as well. After calling it I call the .GetRecipeCount and the number is always 0. When I create a new recipe (using the function block methods) then the number changes. Looks like this method is looking to the wrong directory finding nothing. I don't know if there is a missing configuration in the CODESYSControl.cfg file. I'm thinking in a walk around for this but I need to create a strings array with the recipe names as retentive and making all the management when deleting and adding recipes. Have had some one the same problem?
Last updated: 2024-05-23

Post by sigurdrb on send appliaction files to wago plc (codesys 3.5) via ssh CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I was hoping I could send the two files "" and "application.crc" directly to the directory "/home/codesys/PlcLogic/Application" instead of logging into the device with codesys, downloading the program to the controller and then do the "create boot application", so it will reboot with the correct program running. I think i also need to edit the file "eRUNTIME.cfg" located in the "/home/codesys/ folder, because when I create the boot application from the codesys IDE, these lines are added to the file: [CmpApp] Application.1 = Application [SysFileMap] /home/codesys/PlcLogic/Application/, 0x2DBC747E, I think the "eRUNTIME.cfg" file is the same as CODESYSControl.cfg I also dont know the purpose of the hexadecimal numbers etc. that is generated. When I tried to replicate what codesys was doing, I placed the same files in the same folder as when codesys generated the boot file. And also added the lines in the eRUNTIME.cfg file: [CmpApp] Application.1 = Application [SysFileMap] /home/codesys/PlcLogic/Application/ The controller did not boot up with any program, so my method did not work at all. I guess these lines tells the controller to run an application and where to find it? Could any of you help me with the best way to get the compiled program to the controller without using codesys or wago-software?
Last updated: 2024-05-28

Post by denkihitsuji on Content update through Data URI on Web Brower on Visualization Toolbox CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Objective: I want to dynamically update the content with strings and JPEG images received from a TCP/IP socket. For this purpose, I am exploring the possibility of utilizing the Web Browser feature of the Visualization toolbox. Example: In a standard web browser, entering data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,SGVsbG8gc3RyYW5nZXI= in the URL window will display "Hello stranger" on the webpage. Issue: When attempting to use this method in the Web Browser of the Visualization toolbox, the content does not display as expected. Instead, it shows the error:'Navigation to the webpage was canceled.'. Request: I seek guidance on how to resolve this issue so that the Web Browser in the Visualization toolbox correctly interprets and displays the data URI content. Alternative Solution Welcomed: Or, if it is possible to directly use Codesys Structured Text (ST) variables within an HTML page, this approach would also meet my requirements. Thank you for your attention.
Last updated: 2024-07-30

Post by ofey on Testing of Codesys program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi! I thought to hear what you guys think is the best way to test the program in my scenario. I have some PLC programs that have been made and deployed on different PLC's. The program has added the specific devices and IO that is applicable. I have made a test environment for everything outside of the PLC, ie. the same SCADA system that is talking to the PLC, and a program running locally is simulating the plant (level regulation of different tanks). Pr. now I have had to manually change the variables that are reading/writing values from the IO so they read/write via OPC instead. I also have to change the device tree from the specific PLC rack, to the soft PLC. So I kind of end up with two different programs that I have to maintain. I was just wondering if you believe there is an easier way to do this. So I can have the exactly same program and kind of switch between the soft mode, and the "real" mode.
Last updated: 2023-12-07

Post by bbm1995 on Camera RTSP Feed CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi dgrard, I had the same issue for a long time, but on a WAGO webvisu. Now I'm glad that I can share my solution. I don't know if you are trying to use the webvisu or the target visu, but this works on webvisu: Get "go2rtc" and set it up according to the documentation. I'm running the Windows binary. Here's my example of the go2rtc.yaml config file (contains working example streams): api: listen: ":1984" # default ":1984", HTTP API port ("" - disabled) origin: "*" # default "", allow CORS requests (only * supported) static_dir: "www" # default "", folder for static files (custom web interface) tls_listen: ":443" # default "", enable HTTPS server tls_cert: "./SSL/fullchain.pem" tls_key: "./SSL/privatekey.pem" streams: # Streams with multiple links will fall back on the next link. ABUS TVIP48511: - rtsp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/ch1/main - rtsp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/ch1/sub # Diagnostic connections Kirchhoff Institute for Physics - Germany: Blanton Bottling, Kentucky - USA: Tokyo - Japan: Tampere Hacklab - Finland: Soltorget Pajala - Sweden: Kaiskuru Skistadion - Norway: webrtc: listen: ":8555" #ice_servers: # - urls: [ "stun:localhost:3478" ] # username: "" # credential: "" Access the webinterface of go2rtc and get the link of your stream. Use the link as for your browser frame in the visualization. Depending on your device, you need to be able to access the file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf or /etc/lighttpd/webvisu.conf and change the contents similar to this one, otherwise you'll get CORS and CSP errors in the browser and you won't be able to view the stream on the webvisu: # Webvisu specific settings $SERVER["socket"] =~ port_webvisu_used_any { url.redirect += ( "^/webvisu/?$" => "/webvisu/webvisu.htm" ) $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webvisu/?" { var.response_header_policy_webvisu = ( # CSP for WebVisu, allowing inline sources. "Content-Security-Policy" => "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *; frame-src *", # CORS for WebVisu, allowing any origin to access. "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*", # Tell older browsers that this page can only be displayed if all ancestor # frames are same origin to the page itself. "X-Frame-Options" => "SAMEORIGIN" ) # Response header policy for WebVisu setenv.set-response-header = var.response_header_policy_webvisu setenv.set-response-header += var.response_header_policy_common }
Last updated: 2023-11-14

Post by john-robinson on Limiting Memory Access of an Array to Within its Bounds CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Recently we had an issue regarding some simple code to calculate a rolling average. The code indexes from zero to 199 to properly store the current input into a circular buffer which then allows us to calculate a rolling average: VAR input_5s : REAL; outs_arr : ARRAY[0..199] OF REAL; i : USINT := 0; END_VAR ___ //this code runs every five seconds, calculating a rolling average outs_arr[i] := input_5s; i := i + 1; output := OSCAT_BASIC.ARRAY_AVG(ADR(outs_arr), SIZEOF(outs_arr)); IF i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr) THEN i := 0; END_IF There is a simple bug in this code where the index will be set to 0 when it has surpassed the length of the array in bytes (800 in this case) rather than larger than the number of reals in the array (200). The solution here is simple, replacing i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr) with i >= SIZEOF(outs_arr)/SIZEOF(outs_arr[0]). In this example when the index increased to 201 and the line outs_arr[201] := input_5s was called, codesys arbitrarily wrote to the address in memory that is where outs_arr[201] would be if the array was that long. I would like to find a way to wrap the codesys array inside of a wrapper class that checks if an input is within the bounds of an array before writing to that value. I know how I would implement that for a specific array, I could create a method or class that takes an input of an array of variable length, ie. ARRAY[*] OF REAL, but I don't know how to make this for any data type. I am wondering if anyone has ever done anything similar to this, or has any better suggestions to ensure that none of the programmers on this application accidentally create code that can arbitrarily write to other locations in memory.
Last updated: 2024-03-05

Post by mondinmr on Direct Pointers in IOMapping for EtherCAT with IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Dia CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have found a very interesting solution using: IoConfigTaskMap IoConfigConnectorMap IoConfigChannelMap The first is the list of IO tasks. The second is the connector for each IO module in the IOMap. The third is the individual input or output on the IOMap. One of the properties of the connector is another pointer to a connector, which corresponds with the connector of the EtherCAT slave. Through this information, it is possible to understand to which EtherCAT slave an IO connectormap corresponds. I am attaching an FB that allows for the construction of an IO map and finding the pointer to the actual IOs in the IOMap based on the bitoffset. FUNCTION_BLOCK IOExplorer VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR inputChannels: COL.LinkedList; outputChannels: COL.LinkedList; ulintFactory: COL.UlintElementFactory; END_VAR METHOD inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR inputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR outputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD scanIO VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR numTasks: DINT := IoConfig_Globals.nIoConfigTaskMapCount; tType: WORD; ioTask: POINTER TO IoConfigTaskMap; numCon: WORD; connector: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; numCh: DWORD; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; iTsk: DINT; iCon: WORD; iCh: DWORD; i: DINT; _tmpConnList: COL.IList; elem: COL.IUlintElement; itf: COL.IElement; tmpCh: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; lastE: DINT; e: COL.COLLECTION_ERROR; e1: Error; END_VAR VAR_INST lF: COL.ListFactory; END_VAR IF outputChannels.CountElements() > 0 OR inputChannels.CountElements() > 0 THEN RETURN; END_IF _tmpConnList := lF.CreateDynamicList(16, 16); //Iterate through all IO tasks FOR iTsk := 0 TO numTasks - 1 DO ioTask := ADR(IoConfig_Globals.pIoConfigTaskMap[iTsk]); //Store the type of the task (Input or Output) tType := ioTask^.wType; numCon := ioTask^.wNumOfConnectorMap; //Iterate through all connectors of the task FOR iCon := 0 TO numCon - 1 DO connector := ADR(ioTask^.pConnectorMapList[iCon]); numCh := connector^.dwNumOfChannels; //Iterate through all channels of the connector FOR iCh := 0 TO numCh - 1 DO //Create a new channel info object and fill it with the address, connector and size of the channel //Connectors is address of field connector in this case like EtherCAT slave //Address is the address of the IOMap //Size is the size of channel data in bits in IOMap channelInfo := __NEW(ADVChannelInfo); channelInfo^.addr := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].pbyIecAddress; channelInfo^.connectorField := connector^.pConnector; channelInfo^.size := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].wSize; //We put the channel info a temporary ordered list //Order is based on the address of IOMap lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If the address of the channel is smaller than the address of the channel in the list IF tmpCh^.addr > channelInfo^.addr THEN //Insert the channel in the list at the current position _tmpConnList.InsertElementAt(TO_UDINT(i), ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo))); //Clear the channel info pointer channelInfo := 0; //Exit the loop i := lastE + 1; END_IF END_FOR //If the channel info is not 0, it means that the channel was not inserted in the list IF channelInfo <> 0 THEN //Add the channel to the end of the list elem := ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo)); _tmpConnList.AddElement(elem); END_IF END_FOR //Iterate temporary list and add the channels to the input or output list lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If type is input, add the channel to the input list IF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_INPUTS THEN e := inputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); //If type is output, add the channel to the output list ELSIF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_OUTPUTS THEN e := outputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); ELSE __DELETE(tmpCh); END_IF END_FOR //Clear the temporary list _tmpConnList.RemoveAllElements(); END_FOR END_FOR END_METHOD
Last updated: 2024-02-13

Post by brell on Automatic xExecute NBS.TCP_write CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I've recently started experimenting with CODESYS for a project and am fairly new to it. I'm currently working with Function Block Diagrams (FBD) to set up TCP communication between a server and a client, where the client is implemented as a Python script. Once the communication is established, my connection status changes to True, which is the expected behavior. My challenge arises with the TCP write module, which requires the xEnable_write flag to toggle between True and False. If xEnable_write remains True, the module only performs a single write operation. To address this, I introduced a falling edge trigger (F_TRIG), expecting it to help in toggling xEnable_write and it does, However, I've encountered an issue where in the beginning after connxion established I need to manually set xEnable_write to True for the system to work as intended. I'm looking for a way to automate this process so that xEnable_write becomes True automatically upon establishing a connection . Initially, I tried setting xEnable_write to True from the start, but this approach didn't work well since it left the flag permanently True, preventing further toggling. I also experimented with using a TON timer, but I faced similar issues. I am seeking a solution that automatically toggles xEnable_write between True and False after a connection is established, ensuring continuous write operations without manual intervention. Any advice or guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated."
Last updated: 2024-03-05

Post by wmoon on Licensing info not available. CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
That command can't excute on my device. I installed CODESYS into Hilscher's product using container Here is the Docker file what I used. I'm not sure if this docker file have a problem. If it have a problem, please let me know how to download the files into my device using ftp server. FROM arm64v8/debian:11.6 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y wget sudo unzip libusb-1.0-0-dev procps ENV CDS_VERSION "" ENV EDGE_VERSION "" ENV URL "$CDS_VERSION/CODESYS%20Control%20for%20Linux%20ARM64%20SL%20$CDS_VERSION.package" ENV EDGE_URL "$EDGE_VERSION/CODESYS%20Edge%20Gateway%20for%20Linux%20$EDGE_VERSION.package" RUN wget --output-document=/tmp/codesys.package $URL && \ unzip -p /tmp/codesys.package 'codemeter.deb' > /tmp/codemeter.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/codemeter.deb && \ unzip -p /tmp/codesys.package 'codesyscontrol.deb' > /tmp/codesys.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/codesys.deb RUN wget --output-document=/tmp/edge.package $EDGE_URL && \ unzip -p /tmp/edge.package '*arm64.deb' > /tmp/edge.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/edge.deb EXPOSE 11740 1217 11743 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c" , "/etc/init.d/codesyscontrol start && /etc/init.d/codesysedge start && tail -f /dev/null"]
Last updated: 2024-03-20

Post by simone on Cannot connect to webvisu on localhost CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
As I wrote before on the title, I have difficulties to connect to see webvisu from localhost. The story: while waiting for the plc+hmi to arrive, I'm preparing the software, mainly the visual parts trough the control Win3 x64 (same version as the ide The problem is that I can't see the webvisu with the installed webbrowser. I don't know if this is a problem, but I changed the port to 9001 (randomly "free") because 80, 8000, 8080, 8088, 3000 are all occupied by other projects (all on the Apache server). Is there something wrong with the config file? This is the url: localhost:9001/webvisu_app.htm and here the config file part "CmpWebServer". [CmpWebServer] ;The handling of startup/shutdown of the webserver: ;0->automatically start, shutdown only on shutdown of the runtime;1->automatically start, could be shutdown on demand ;2(default)->start/shutdown on demand;3->start on demand, shutdown only on shutdown of the runtime StartupType=0 ;The TCP port the webserver listens on WebServerPortNr=9001 LocalAddress=localhost ;LocalAdapterName=LAN-Connection LocalAdapterName=EthernetPCPLC ;LocalAdapterNameUnicode=L\00A\00N\00-\00C\00o\00n\00n\00e\00c\00t\00i\00o\00n\00 LocalAdapterNameUnicode=E\00t\00h\00e\00r\00n\00e\00t\00P\00C\00P\00L\00C\00 Thanks for all the help!
Last updated: 2024-07-11

Post by anonymous on Hi, I try to send and receive data using a UDP connection via SysSocket While sending data works fine, I have problems with the receiving part. I am able to capture the received data of client side in wireshark But unable to capture it on the codesys CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I try to send and receive data using a UDP connection via SysSocket While sending data works fine, I have problems with the receiving part.I am able to capture the data of client side in wireshark but i am unable to capture it in the codesys. Heres the below part of code of client side. PROGRAM POU_udpclient_program VAR istep : INT := 1;//step variable for state machine xStart: BOOL;// Flag to start the UDP protocol iecSocketId: syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_HANDLE;//socket handle for receiving iecCreateResult: syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT; ipAddr: syssocket.SOCKADDRESS;//Socket address structure for receiving sIpAddress : STRING := ''; wPort: WORD:= 12346; iecConnectResult : syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//connect paramters sDataRec : STRING[255];//Buffer for received data xiRecBytes : __XINT;//number of bytes received iecRecResult : syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//receive data parameters iecCloseResult : syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT; END_VAR syssocket.SysSockInetAddr(sIpAddress,ADR(ipAddr.sin_addr)); ipAddr.sin_family := syssocket.SOCKET_AF_INET; ipAddr.sin_port := syssocket.SysSockHtons(wPort); CASE istep OF 1: //create socket IF xStart THEN iecSocketId:= syssocket.SysSockCreate(syssocket.SOCKET_AF_INET,syssocket.SOCKET_DGRAM,syssocket.SOCKET_IPPROTO_IP,ADR(iecCreateResult)); IF iecSocketId = syssocket_interfaces.RTS_INVALID_HANDLE THEN xStart := FALSE; istep := 1; ELSE istep := 2; END_IF END_IF 2: //connect to socket server using setoption iecConnectResult := syssocket.SysSockSetOption(iecSocketId,syssocket.SOCKET_SOL,syssocket.SOCKET_SO_REUSEADDR,ADR(ipAddr),SIZEOF(ipAddr)); istep := 3; 3: //receive data xiRecBytes := syssocket.SysSockRecvFrom(iecSocketId,ADR(sDataRec),SIZEOF(sDataRec),0,ADR(ipAddr),SIZEOF(ipAddr),ADR(iecRecResult)); istep := 4; 4: //close socket iecCloseResult:= syssocket.SysSockClose(iecSocketId); xStart := FALSE; istep := 1; END_CASE
Last updated: 2024-06-03

Post by steven-schalm on Github Actions CI/CD tasks - development topic CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
hello kevinrn, I've been looking for a solution to the CI/CD issue for a long time. Briefly about me... I am 32 and software architect for Codesys V3 and fullstack dev for web (VueJS, NestJS) in a small company in Erfurt (Germany). Through my web part, we already have CI/CD running well via GitLab (YAML-based configuration file (.gitlab-ci.yml), which defines which pipelines and jobs are executed when certain events occur) with everything you know. Stages for npm packages - prepare (GitVersion, npm install or whatever) - build (vite, tsc or whatever) - testing (vitest, jest or whatever) - deploy (npm packages) And similar for monorepo's or backend services (in NestJS) as DockerImages. For Codesys we have been building an OOP framework for years (~50 libraries now), which is currently managed via SVN and a specially written Svn-Watcher (in Python) gets commits and runs and builds everything together and deploys it to an FTP server and network drive. Why do we still have SVN? Because we are unfortunately still tied to the safety integration of Codesys and can therefore only go to SP15 at most with our controller/Eckelmann. But soon there will be an update and there will be no more obstacles to using Git. Hence my questions: 1. the basic idea is to run a local Windows Runner on some machine? 2. install Codesys on the machine where the runner is running? 3. powershell & python scripts are then used to execute builds (compile, build, sign libraries) & deploys? 4. can the Github action also be used in GitLab? ChatGPT has already told me that it's not the same, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Do you have any ideas on this? Greetings :D
Last updated: 2024-08-20

Post by herbasso88 on WebVisu flickering CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning, I'm new on Codesys Forge, so I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about my problem. When I open my WebVisu pages with Microsoft Edge, or Chrome, the background and also some rectangles blinking without reason!!! The application is developed with Codesys and run on Codesys HMI, same version ( After several experiments I discover that the problem happens when I made dynamic the "End of area" property of a meter object, but I can't understand why this blinking problem happens. Also, the problem is only at the WebVisu page, the "normal" VISU pages (the ones opened when Codesys HMI start) work always perfectly. Another strange thing is that the problem happens only if on the same page, where there is the meter object, there is also a trend object!?!? Codesys HMI is running on a Virtual Machine (VMware Workstation 15 player, v.15.5.6) running Windows 10 Pro N 64-bit. The blinking problem happen also if I convert the project to Codesys This version of Codesys and Codesys HMI are installed on a Virtual Machine running Windows Server 2019 Standard 64-bit. In attachment the archive of my project. The attached project has only one page, if "Enable Counter" is not pressed the "End of area" variable of the meter is not updated in the software, and everything work well, normal VISU and WebVisu; if "Enable Counter" is pressed, the "End of area" variable of the meter is updated in the software, and the WebVisu page start blinking. I tried also to enable the "Support client animations and overlay..." property at VisualizationManager, this seems stop the blinking problem, but that property also destroy my WebPage, moving almost all the graphical object, that also seem not working anymore. I really need help to understand what I'm doing wrong, I have to develop a bigger project and I have to understand if trend objects and animated meters cannot stay in the same page. In the final project the WebVisu will be very important because the customer will use this way to access the application to monitor the process. Regards
Last updated: 2024-05-06

Post by hwillems on Ranges, Lambdas, on Fixed arrays of structs CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I do datastructures and algorithms in Codesys. For example a Struct of Person with thing's like IdNumber, Name, Age etc. as example. Now i do all kind of calculations, filters. So i have this pretty big Fixed Array with Structs. On this struct i want to do simple stuff you can do easily in C++/Python/Rust etc. For example i want to do this: AvererageAge := Average(Peoples.Age); Then it will return the average of all members ages. Or Sort struct on age etc. Or sort on alphabetical Name. Or use Lambda functions to filter/mutate out things like, filter out everybody above 18 years old. Or remove people who it's name start with "A". Currently i have to write my own custom function for example sorting on Age. And make a super specific function based on that particulare datastructure. Here an Example: (*Before calling this FIlter method, set the mNodeFilterSwitch to the desired filter.*) CASE mNodeFilterSelect OF (********************************[ Status Filters ]***********************************) NodeID: FOR x := ACS_OUT_BEGIN TO ACS_OUT_END BY 1 DO FOR y := ACS_IN_BEGIN TO ACS_IN_END BY 1 DO IF marrNode[y].Status.oiNodeID > marrNode[y + 1].Status.oiNodeID THEN mNodeTemp := marrNode[y + 1]; marrNode[y + 1] := marrNode[y]; marrNode[y] := mNodeTemp; END_IF; END_FOR; END_FOR; Started: FOR x := DES_OUT_BEGIN TO DES_OUT_END BY -1 DO FOR y := DES_IN_BEGIN TO DES_IN_END BY -1 DO IF marrNode[y].Status.oxStarted > marrNode[y - 1].Status.oxStarted THEN mNodeTemp := marrNode[y - 1]; marrNode[y - 1] := marrNode[y]; marrNode[y] := mNodeTemp; END_IF; END_FOR; END_FOR; Starting: FOR x := DES_OUT_BEGIN TO DES_OUT_END BY -1 DO FOR y := DES_IN_BEGIN TO DES_IN_END BY -1 DO IF marrNode[y].Status.oxStarting > marrNode[y - 1].Status.oxStarting THEN mNodeTemp := marrNode[y - 1]; marrNode[y - 1] := marrNode[y]; marrNode[y] := mNodeTemp; END_IF; END_FOR; END_FOR; END_CASE; I have like 30+ of these in the enum. Not really DRY code right? These are custom made bubble sort filters in a function. You pass in the Datastructure, and say what function you want. (This is an enum collection of sorting functions) And then the Array with Nodes of Structs gets ordered. Why can't we have Iterators and Lambda's and build in standard functions like regular languages? Also i use bubble sort because it's the easiest to implement because i can't get this to code DRY. Problem with ST (Even the new one with classes) that it's very limited for programming datastructures and algorithms. Yes you still not want dynamic memory and you need to choose the correct algorithm so you know the most extreme edge cases regarding the time it takes to execute the algorithms.(Real-time execution) How are other people dealing with this? Here for example saw some software using an adjusted ST language and having FOR EACH possibility: You can then build your own custom Iterator functions. I wish the IEC 61131-3 standard would be more expressive and having more standard modern features, but still keep close to the fact of no dynamics memory and real-time systems.
Last updated: 2023-08-31

Post by scoob on ModbusFB - Slow Response Time CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I have been trying to use the ModbusFB functions so I can put some code into libraries, but it seems to be very slow for me. I have a Modbus device with 100ms registers. I previously setup 10 channels in the 'traditional' Modbus Slave with channels and mappings - and set a cyclic trigger at 100ms - this worked fine. I then tried the ModbusFB example, and setup reading the same 10 blocks of modbus addresses, copying the example and putting all of the requests into an array and triggering the requests sequentially. I timed how long the requests are taking to get round to each one, and it is around 1s 450ms. How do I speed this up to match the cyclic time? IF NOT(init) THEN init := TRUE; // Set the required IP address: ipAddress[0] := 192; ipAddress[1] := 168; ipAddress[2] := 1; ipAddress[3] := 10; // Pass the required IP address to the clinet FB: client_NetworkSwitch.aIPaddr := ipAddress; client_NetworkSwitch.udiLogOptions := (ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.ClientConnectDisconnect OR ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.ClientReceivedValidReplies); // Try to connect the client client_NetworkSwitch(xConnect:=TRUE); // Configure all the channels to read connecting them to the client: portStatus_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4096, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(portStatus), udiReplyTimeout := udiReplyTimeout); portSpeed_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4352, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(portSpeed)); flowControl_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4608, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(flowControl)); linkUpCounter_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 5888, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(linkUpCounter)); txPacketCounter1_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8192, uiQuantity := 100, pData := ADR(txPacketCounter1)); txPacketCounter2_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8292, uiQuantity := 28, pData := ADR(txPacketCounter2)); rxPacketCounter1_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8448, uiQuantity := 100, pData := ADR(rxPacketCounter1)); rxPacketCounter2_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8548, uiQuantity := 28, pData := ADR(rxPacketCounter2)); txErrors_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8704, uiQuantity := 64, pData := ADR(txErrors)); rxErrors_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8960, uiQuantity := 64, pData := ADR(rxErrors)); // Trigger all client requests initially FOR clientRequestsCnt := 0 TO (SIZEOF(clientRequests)/SIZEOF(clientRequests[0]))-1 DO pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; pClientRequest^.xExecute := TRUE; END_FOR // Prepare sequential trigger / control of client requests. clientRequestsCnt := 0; pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; END_IF // Call the client to do request processing: client_NetworkSwitch(); // Now we trigger client request sequentially ... IF NOT pClientRequest^.xExecute AND NOT pClientRequest^.xDone AND run AND client_NetworkSwitch.xConnected THEN pClientRequest^.xExecute := TRUE; END_IF // .. and check result/error IF pClientRequest^.xExecute AND run AND client_NetworkSwitch.xConnected THEN IF pClientRequest^.xDone THEN // Prepare next trigger of client request (a rising edge of xExecute) pClientRequest^.xExecute := FALSE; IF clientRequestsCnt < SIZEOF(clientRequests)/SIZEOF(clientRequests[0])-1 THEN // next client request clientRequestsCnt := clientRequestsCnt + 1; ELSE clientRequestsIterationCounter := clientRequestsIterationCounter + 1; clientRequestsCnt := 0; END_IF pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; END_IF END_IF I did try a semi-coded way using the IoDrvModbusTCP library, and setting the slave com settings, then 10 commands and 10 requests, then using a TP on xDone as a pause, before triggering another request - this is time the delay is around 120ms - so the device is fine with the speed, just something I am doing wrong in the ModbusFB method I am sure.
Last updated: 2024-04-26

Post by ihatemaryfisher on Sorting array of any-sized structure CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In my machine's operation, I need to display multiples tables containing arrays of structured variables. The arrays change during operation, and my supervisor has advised me to write a new bubble-sort for each array. I think I can make a function to sort an array of any data type. This was my own project, and I'm a relatively new coder. I want to know the weaknesses in my approach, and a better method, if one exists. As far as I can test, the function accepts an array of a structured variable of any size, and sort it by any VAR in that structure. But it relies heavily on pointers, which I've heard are bad practice? Function call: // SORT BY BYTE-SIZED VAR IF xDoIt[6] THEN FUNBubbleSortSansBuffer( IN_pbySourcePointer := ADR(astArray[1]), // address of first byte in first element of array IN_pbyComparePointer:= ADR(astArray[1].byCompByte), // points to first byte of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) IN_uiStructureSize := SIZEOF(TYPE_STRUCTURE), // size, in bytes, of the structured variable IN_uiCompareSize := SIZEOF(astArray[1].byCompByte), // size, in bytes, of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) diArrayElements := UPPER_BOUND(astArray,1), // number of elements in array IN_xSmallToLarge := xSortOrder // whether to sort by small2large or large2small ); END_IF Function: FUNCTION FUNBubbleSortSansBuffer : BOOL VAR_INPUT IN_pbySourcePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; // points to beginning of array (first byte of first element) IN_pbyComparePointer: POINTER TO BYTE; // points to first byte of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) IN_uiStructureSize : UINT; // size, in bytes, of the structured variable IN_uiCompareSize : UINT; // size, in bytes, of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) diArrayElements : DINT; // number of elements in array IN_xSmallToLarge : BOOL; // whether to sort by small2large or large2small END_VAR VAR j : DINT; // repeat iteration over array until array ends i : DINT; // iterarte over array, swapping when necesary k : DINT; // iterator from 1 to size of structure (stepping 'through' a single element in array) dwSize : DWORD; // internal var for use in MEMUtils.MemCpy(<size>) // FOR SORTING BY BYTE VAR pbySourcePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; pbySourcePointer2 : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyComparePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyComparePointer2 : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyPointerToBuffer : POINTER TO BYTE; // pointer to single byte buffer byBufferByte : BYTE; // single byte buffer END_VAR dwSize := UINT_TO_DWORD(IN_uiStructureSize); // get structure size (number of bytes) pbyPointerToBuffer := ADR(byBufferByte); // assign pointer to address of buffer byte (because MEMUtils.MemCpy requires a pointer input) CASE IN_uiCompareSize OF // depending on the size of the VAR to sort by (current functionality for BYTE and WORD/INT 1: // BYTE (8 BIT) FOR j := 1 TO diArrayElements DO // for number of elements in array FOR i := 1 TO (diArrayElements-1) DO // same thing, but row[i+1] row is included in swap logic pbySourcePointer := IN_pbySourcePointer + dwSize*(i-1); // point at #1 byte in array element[i] pbySourcePointer2 := pbySourcePointer + dwSize; // point at #1 byte in array element[i+1] // NOTE: because of memory locations, each array element is offset from one another by a number of bytes equal to the size of the structure // We can "walk" from array[i] to array[i+1] via steps equal to the size of the structure // e.g., ADR(array[i+1]) == ADR(array[i]) + SIZEOF([array datatype]) pbyComparePointer := IN_pbyComparePointer + dwSize*(i-1); // point to sorting variable in array element[i] pbyComparePointer2 := pbyComparePointer + dwSize; // point to sorting variable in array element[i+1] // using sort order (small -> large/large -> small) IF SEL(IN_xSmallToLarge, (pbyComparePointer2^ > pbyComparePointer^),(pbyComparePointer2^ < pbyComparePointer^)) THEN // This is where it gets tricky. We've identified pointers for the starting bytes of aArray[i] and aArray[i+1] // and we know the size of aArray[i]. We are going to swap individual bytes, one at a time, from aArray[i] and aArray[i+1] // this allows us to use only a single byte var as a buffer or temporary data storage // e.g., consider a structure consisting of a word, a byte, and a string. it is stored like this // |------WORD-------| |--BYTE-| |STRING------...| // astArray[1] == 1000 0100 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 0001 0010 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // performing a single swap (copy into a buffer, etc.) of the first byte of each array element creates this // astArray[1] == 0001 0100 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 1000 0010 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // incrementing the pointer adresses for the swap by 1 and swapping again swaps the next byte in each array element // astArray[1] == 0001 0010 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 1000 0100 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // continuing this from k to SIZEOF(TYPE_STRUCTURE) results in a toally swapped row FOR k := 1 TO IN_uiStructureSize DO // copy single byte[k] of array element 1 to buffer MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := (pbyPointerToBuffer), pbySrc := (pbySourcePointer+k-1), dwSize := 1); // copy single byte[k] of array element 2 to 1 MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := pbySourcePointer+k-1, pbySrc := (pbySourcePointer2+k-1), dwSize := 1); // copy buffer to byte[k] array element 2 MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := (pbySourcePointer2+k-1), pbySrc := pbyPointerToBuffer, dwSize := 1); END_FOR END_IF END_FOR END_FOR
Last updated: 2023-08-17

Post by kamalsingh on Temu Coupon $100 off [acr552049] or [acr552049] For New And Existing Users CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
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Last updated: 2024-10-26

Post by honorzen543 on Temu Coupon Code 30% Off [acu729640] For Existing Customers CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
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Last updated: 2024-10-26

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