Search talk: find function

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Post by dekelec on Codesys 2.3 & Peak PCAN CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I use Peak USB adapter daily to download from CoDeSys 2.3 and 3.5 to IFM, EPEC and other controllers. The process: - First you need to install the appropriate driver. Link: - Restart the computer - Start the CoDeSys application - Change the name of the adapter in Communication parameters, as mentioned in previous comment. Write the name exactly as written "Peak_USB", as it could also be case sensitive (defines which .dll file to use). If this doesn't work I would contact the vendor of the controller to find out the procedure. In the attachment I've added a FAQ document from IFM regarding using PCAN USB. P.S. I've noticed in your picture of communication parameters a channel via TCP/IP is mentioned. In this case a USB to CAN connection is not being used. First you should change the channel/gateway to connect via CANbus or connect using an Ethernet cable.
Last updated: 2024-07-09

Post by berto on Opening PDF in Web Browser in Target Visu HMI CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everybody, I've been facing problems with the PDF visualization in Web Browser. I am trying to open a pdf file called 'sample.pdf' which I manually saved inside PlcLogic/visu folder. I am setting the web browser URL as: '' but I get 'refused connection'. I got a similar error trying to open https sites and I discovered that I can only open http websites. Opening '' everything works fine. I also tried to check using code whether the sample.pdf is present in the directory. Unfortunately, when I try to read directories of 'PlcLogic' I get file FILE_OPERATION_DENIED (I am using File.DirList). I would like to be able to open PDF files in web browser. Possibly to move new PDF files in the folder as my customer wants to display different pdf manuals on the hmi. Here you find some screenshots and my .project. I am using Codesys Best regards, Berto
Last updated: 2024-07-11

Post by mecmag on gear over gear (2 masters,1 slave) - how to do it? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, i need to create an application that uses 2 masters, with 2 different ratios, and it outputs in one single slave. I explain better: Imagine axis A, B and C. -Axis A is the slave. -Axis B is master of A, with a specific ratio. -Axis C is master of A, with a specific ratio. the result motion from B and C should be executed by A, proportionally in position and ratios from B and C. With standard softmotion libraries (MC_...) it is not possible (i couldn't) because it is allowed only one master with its ratio. I have made a similiar application in past, using MoveOverGear in order to synch gears before engage. Instead this time, i need to do a gear over gear application, using 2 different masters. The position have to be the sum of both masters (considering their ratios). Any clue about how to do it? Or were to find some FB that can do it?
Last updated: 2024-08-16

Post by z870623 on About CPU Loading CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am running a runtime environment on an ARM A35 dual-core processor (1.5GHz) and have encountered some issues. The CPU load (both CPU0 and CPU1) occasionally spikes above 50% before returning to normal, and this happens around 2-3 times per minute. At the same time, I’ve noticed that the Max Cycle Time in the Codesys monitoring screen shows much worse performance compared to the A53 (1.2GHz), with nearly double the cycle time. The optimizations I have made so far are as follows: Set the CPU to performance mode. Isolated CPUs: CPU0 is dedicated to running Linux services and the runtime itself, while CPU1 runs the EtherCAT task and the MainTask. Despite CPU1 only running these two tasks, the utilization still increases above 50%, which I find unreasonable. Additionally, I performed tests using cyclictest both without and with the runtime running. The performance is shown in the following image: From the results, I believe the CPU performance should be fine, but I am unsure why the monitoring results are not as expected. The testing outcomes should ideally be as close as possible to the cyclictest results. Does anyone have related solutions to this issue?
Last updated: 2024-10-14

Post by mainak on Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello all, I am using the OPC UA server with my custom information model. I have used the communication manager to add my information model under my application and created instances from OPC UA types. I see that the created instances in the OPC UA server has some opaque nodeid (attached screenshot) and I want to change that. Therefore I have the following questions: 1. Is there a way to configure the NodeIds of instances in the OPC UA server? I tried to edit it using the UaExpert client but got error "BadNotWriteable". is it possible to configure it somewhere so that the nodeids can be changed using an external client? 2. Is there a way to define the rule for creating instance nodeids within the codesys IDE? 3. Is it possible to create the instances before e.g. using a modelling tool like UaModeler and import them as part of the information model and use them later? Using the communication manager, I can only create instances from types. I couldn't find a way to map my existing instances to plc tags from my application. It would be nice if someone could help me with these issues. Thanks in advance. :)
Last updated: 2024-10-19

Post by rcaponi on Codesys Control RTE V3. Remote Control CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I would like to have, if possible, some clarification on this function. That is, I would like to understand if it is useful for managing, fom my development PC, the RTE runtime executed on a remote control. This is what the help says: Remote PLC: Opens the Remote Configuration dialog. By enabling or disabling the Control remote PC, not local option, you determine whether a PLC is used that is on a remote or local PC. Accordingly, the menu commands Start PLC, Stop PLC, and PLC Configuration refer to the local PC or a PC reached on the network. For the remote PC, specify the Target PC address, Port number, and a Timeout value (in ms) for the connection (Remote Timeout [ms]). But does this mean that I also need to install the RTE runtime on my development PC? Is it possible to have some more information? Best regards Roberto Caponi
Last updated: 2023-09-22

Post by timvh on VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupId is not stable CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but getting the CurrentUserGroupID like this will not work, because there could be multiple Visualization Clients and each can have a different user that is logged in. Also when you go online with CODESYS and open an Visualization, this is counted as a client. Probably this is the reason you see it changing. What you can to is "iterate" over all clients and then see which user is logged in on which visualization Client. For this you need to add the Visu Utils library to the project and call the FbIterateClients. See fbClientIteration( xExecute := x_Execute, itfClientFilter := VU.Globals.AllClients, itfIterationCallback := fbIterator, xDone => x_Done, xBusy => x_Busy, xError => x_Error, eError => e_Error); The fbIterator, in the example above, should be an instance of an FB which you have created yourself and this must implement VU.IVisualizationClientIteration. For example: FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_ITERATOR IMPLEMENTS VU.IVisualizationClientIteration Then automatically the corresponding methods will be called. In the HandleClient Method, you will get an interface to the client(s) and then you can get the current user through this interface: itfClient.UserGroupId You can also get the UserName: itfClient.UserName
Last updated: 2023-11-14

Post by vipul on Multicast udp CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Good afternoon can anybody help me with UDP Multicast code. I am not able to send or recieve data when code is dumped on linux device. Below is my code. Declaration: PROGRAM udp_multicast VAR oneTimeFlag :UINT :=0; state: INT:=0; driver: UDP.UDPDriver; //port : UDP.Port;//moved to GVL src_ipAddr_ud: UDINT; src_ipAddr_st:STRING := '';//'';//ipms ip address dst_ipAddr_ud:UDINT; group_ipAddr_st:STRING := ''; //group_ipAddr_ud:UDINT; result: SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT; //result of recieve function. bind: UDINT; //result of binding. resultCreate:SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//result of port creation. timer:BLINK; temFlag :INT:= 0; post:INT :=0; checksumFunc:checksumXor; localStringBuf:STRING[500]; chksum:BYTE; dataBuffer:POINTER TO BYTE; checksumString:ARRAY[0..5] OF BYTE; recvSize:__XINT; errorCode:UDINT; joinGroupErrorCode:UDINT; END_VAR ************8 Implementation: IF oneTimeFlag <> 1 THEN oneTimeFlag:=1; resultCreate := driver.CreatePort(ADR(GVL.port)); src_ipAddr_ud := UDP.IPSTRING_TO_UDINT(sIPAddress:= src_ipAddr_st); GVL.group_ipAddr_ud := UDP.IPSTRING_TO_UDINT(sIpAddress:= group_ipAddr_st); GVL.port.IPAddress := src_ipAddr_ud; GVl.port.ReceivePort:= GVL.src_port;//port on which messages are expected. GVl.port.SendPort := GVL.dest_port; GVl.port.OperatingSystem := 0; //0- any system GVL.port.Socket :=3; //3- socket type is multicast bind := GVL.port.Bind(udiIPAddress:=src_ipAddr_ud,); GVl.port.JoinGroup(udiGroupAddress:= GVL.group_ipAddr_ud,udiInterfaceAddress:= src_ipAddr_ud,eLogCode=>joinGroupErrorCode); END_IF timer(ENABLE:=TRUE,TIMELOW:=T#100MS,TIMEHIGH:=T#100MS); IF timer.OUT = TRUE THEN GVL.port.Send(udiIPTo:=GVL.group_ipAddr_ud,GVL.dest_port,pbyData:=ADR(GVL.writeData),diDataSize:=SIZEOF(GVL.writeData)); ELSE SysMemSet(ADR(GVL.readData[0]),0,SIZEOF(GVL.readData)); result := GVl.port.Receive(ADR(GVL.readData),diDataSize:=SIZEOF(GVL.readData),udiIPFrom=>dst_ipAddr_ud,diRecvSize=>recvSize,eLogCode=>errorCode); SysMemMove(ADR(GVL.readDataBuf[0]),ADR(GVL.readData[0]),SIZEOF(GVL.readData)); END_IF post:=LEN(GVL.readDataBuf);
Last updated: 2024-01-14

Post by axilleas on SMC_Interpolator + SMC_controAxislbyPos CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
dear all I am working on a very generic gantry system (virtual drives + win v3 control) reading gcode from external file. In order to stop the interpolator function from running when gaps are detected, SMC_controlAxisByPos FB has the bStopIpo output which according to the manual is connected to the Interpolator's bEmergencyStop. Lets assume that the axis are parked in position X1000 Y1000 and the initial G code movement is G00 X500 Y500. The normal behavior is to travel from the actual x1000 y1000 to G00 X500 Y500. The SMC_Interpolator always gets the X0 Y0 as the initial position, meaning that the bStopIpo is active until the axis are in X0 Y0 and the release the interpolator to set the new positions to X500 Y500. Is there a suggested method to solve this behavior? bonus question: I get a lot of bStopIpo during standard interpolation movements (not gaps). While working with virtual axis this is not a problem but when real axis are installed this will be an issue. What exactly triggers the bStopIpo output? Slow axis accelerations compare to Gcode defaults? Kind Regards
Last updated: 2024-02-05

Post by brell on Automatic xExecute NBS.TCP_write CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I've recently started experimenting with CODESYS for a project and am fairly new to it. I'm currently working with Function Block Diagrams (FBD) to set up TCP communication between a server and a client, where the client is implemented as a Python script. Once the communication is established, my connection status changes to True, which is the expected behavior. My challenge arises with the TCP write module, which requires the xEnable_write flag to toggle between True and False. If xEnable_write remains True, the module only performs a single write operation. To address this, I introduced a falling edge trigger (F_TRIG), expecting it to help in toggling xEnable_write and it does, However, I've encountered an issue where in the beginning after connxion established I need to manually set xEnable_write to True for the system to work as intended. I'm looking for a way to automate this process so that xEnable_write becomes True automatically upon establishing a connection . Initially, I tried setting xEnable_write to True from the start, but this approach didn't work well since it left the flag permanently True, preventing further toggling. I also experimented with using a TON timer, but I faced similar issues. I am seeking a solution that automatically toggles xEnable_write between True and False after a connection is established, ensuring continuous write operations without manual intervention. Any advice or guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated."
Last updated: 2024-03-05

Post by mtho on JSON Utilities - JSON file written with invalid structure CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm using the JSON Utilities SL library to write configurations in my program to a file. I'm generating the JSON data using the builder function block and all appears to work correctly. When I write the jsondata to file, I'm finding that some of the JSON elements are not being written in the right location in the file. Rather than writing they keys under the parent object, they get written outside the root JSON object at the end of the file. If I then try to read the file back into the program, I get an invalid_structure error. I don't get any errors when populating the JSON data or when writing the file. I attached an example of the JSON writer output. The problems begin with key P200. Each P200 should go under MBR1 through MBR3. Among the rest of the keys, they are supposed to be under different parent objects. I am using default values for wsLineBreak and encoding.
Last updated: 2024-03-06

Post by zoronoa on J1939.ReceiveWatchdog & J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I'm trying to monitor a specific PGN which I have it sending a pulse every 500mS Problem: Using the Watchdog for the ECU does not really help me as I have multiple instances with separate PGNs, if a PGN goes ghost, the ECU watchdog won't be flagged as the others will be running. I found the J1939.ReceiveWatchdog & J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup function blocks and they seem like a good solution for my problem, I just can't get them to work from my understanding you just build the J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup once and then connect it's output to the J1939.ReceiveWatchdog, here's my CODE for the setup HEARTBEAT_TIMER(IN:= TRUE, PT:= T#1000MS); //turn-on delay because of initialization race IF HEARTBEAT_TIMER.Q= TRUE THEN Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.xExecute:= TRUE; Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.itfECU:= Valve_X; Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.dwPGN:= 65511; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.xEnable:= TRUE; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.itfParameterGroup:= Glob_Var.DisplayReceive.itfParameterGroup; Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.tTimeout:= T#1500MS; END_IF Notes: Glob_Var.DisplayReceive is of type J1939.ReceiveParameterGroup Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog is of type J1939.ReceiveWatchdog The above code is done once and not cyclically I'm monitoring Glob_Var.DisplayWatchdog.xError cyclically
Last updated: 2024-03-13

Post by tomast on Codesys and Siemens SINAMICS 20 modbus RTU "Response CRC Fail" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a project involving the control of 5 VFDs via Modbus RTU, this time using the WAGO 750-8212 CPU. So far, I've managed to make progress, but I've encountered an issue. While I can successfully read and write to all the registers I need, I consistently encounter a "Response CRC Fail" error when attempting to write the value 1151 to the STW register at address 40100. I'm able to set the frequency via register 40101 and adjust all other parameters using different registers. Setting STW to 1150 results in the drive ready boolean from the ZSW-bit being received instantly. However, the moment I attempt to send 1151 to register 40100, I immediately receive the "Response CRC Fail" error for all channels. I've also attempted to use combined control, employing Modbus for frequency control and starting from a digital input. Everything seems to function properly until I send the start command to the VFD. Interestingly, I consistently encounter the same error the moment I send the start command, regardless of whether I use register 40006 (high) or 40100 (1151). Could someone please assist me in resolving this issue?
Last updated: 2024-03-21

Post by danieldiaz on Problem with FB execution CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I've been working on a system which needs an error function, with this purpose I've created a FB programmed in LD, after debugging I run the simulation. It seems that the variable linked to a coil doesn't change the value when the contacts are associated to input variables. When I use internal variables the logic works properly. I don't know if the problem is related to the variables definition or with the logic program. As you can see in the image, I1 and I2 are variables declared on the FB, the rest are input variables. If I force the eStop and Reset signals to TRUE the coil value should change, but it doesn't. However in the second network if I1 is TRUE the coil change to TRUE as it has to be. To sum up, my doubt is why that coil doesn't change its value? I would like someone to shed a light on this. Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-04-02

Post by alexgooi on Modbus writing on value change CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Duvan, You could make this in 1 single object (FB), Indeed don't use a function for this beacuse you need some memory to keep the old value. For i := 0 TO 200 BY 1 DO //Check if the value has been changed IF Old_Value[i] <> Value[i] THEN //Set the trigger to TRUE Trigger[i] := TRUE; Old_Value[i] := Value[i]; END_IF END_FOR If you define the Value array as an In_Out and the Trigger as an In_Out you arn't claiming any aditional memory to your system. You ofcourse then need to add some code arround it that does something with the trigger and writes it back to FALSE again. If you want more flexability you also could use pointers instead of using the IN_OUT FOR i := 0 TO 200 BY 1 DO address := address_Input + i * SIZEOF(*Put type here); IF Address^ <> Old_Value[i] THEN Trigger[i] := TRUE; Old_Value[i] := Address^; END_IF END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-04-02

Post by salvadegianluca on How to use TON inside an FB that is instanced within a Visu page CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone; I'm building a project in which the drag of the mouse over some controls (or the click event) changes the background color of the control items; this change of color is made with an FB that assignes a color code to the background with MUX command based on the value of an enumerator, this part is perfectly working but, when I'm using a touchpanel instead of a web visu (controlled by a mouse) I get into some issues as it seems that the touch operations are not triggering the MouseEnter and MouseLeave properties as it's done with the mouse.... For this reason I'm trying to add a TON to my FB and, if the enum that changes color remains at the same state for more then 3s I'm automatically resetting it to it's "0" so the item gets back the not selected color. Anyhow it looks like the TON function from library is not working in these FB that are instanced in the various visualizations, as instead they do if I create some instances within the POUS. Anyone has ideas of how to make them work?
Last updated: 2024-04-15

Post by salvadegianluca on How to use TON inside an FB that is instanced within a Visu page CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone; I'm building a project in which the drag of the mouse over some controls (or the click event) changes the background color of the control items; this change of color is made with an FB that assignes a color code to the background with MUX command based on the value of an enumerator, this part is perfectly working but, when I'm using a touchpanel instead of a web visu (controlled by a mouse) I get into some issues as it seems that the touch operations are not triggering the MouseEnter and MouseLeave properties as it's done with the mouse.... For this reason I'm trying to add a TON to my FB and, if the enum that changes color remains at the same state for more then 3s I'm automatically resetting it to it's "0" so the item gets back the not selected color. Anyhow it looks like the TON function from library is not working in these FB that are instanced in the various visualizations, as instead they do if I create some instances within the POUS. Anyone has ideas of how to make them work?
Last updated: 2024-04-15

Post by rabaggett on CODESYS control for Raspberry Pi 64 SL errors CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I am trying to create a project using a raspberry pi, I have added the modules for the Pi and MCP3008. I have encountered som errors that I don't know how to track down. 1. The GPIOs give preprocessor errors, but I read that this does not prevent compiling. This seems to be true. I can build the empty project with no errors. 2. After adding a SPI master and MCP3008, the preprocessor errors double, but seem similar and the project again builds with no errors. 3. I add a DUT and GVL, with a function, and I get the following errors. They remain even if I delete these things. ------ Build started: Application: Device.Application ------- Typify code... [ERROR] crr: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'ADR(GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7.Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7)'' to type 'POINTER TO IoConfigParameter' [ERROR] crr: C0077: Unknown type: 'GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7.Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7' [ERROR] crr: C0046: Identifier 'GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7' not defined Compile complete -- 3 errors, 0 warnings I attach the project. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-05-02

Post by hanoues on setting date and time on CPX-E CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, Can anybody here tell me how to modify the time and date on my CPX-E? I used the code I found on CODESYS online help, but it doesn't work. What am I missing? FUNCTION current_date_time : STRING VAR stUTC_Timestamp : SysTime; //utc time // ULINT#1528280694913 stLocal_TimeStamp : SysTime; //local time but is in general equal // ULINT#1528280694913 stdNow : SysTimeDate; //local time in an object to access each number (day, month...) dtNow : DATE_AND_TIME;//DT#2018-6-6-10:24:54 todNow : TIME_OF_DAY; // TOD#10:24:54.913 datNow : DATE; // D#2018-6-6 END_VAR SysTimeRtcHighResGet(stUTC_Timestamp); // ULINT#1528273494913 SysTimeRtcConvertHighResToLocal(stUTC_Timestamp, stdNow); //convert UTC ULINT to Local SysTime // stdNow.wYear = UINT#2018 // stdNow.wMonth = UINT#6 // stdNowy.wDay = UINT#6 // stdNow.wHour = UINT#10 // stdNow.wMinute = UINT#24 // stdNow.wSecond = UINT#54 // stdNow.wMilliseconds = UINT#913 // stdNow.wDayOfWeek = UINT#3 // stdNow.wYday = UINT#157 SysTimeRtcConvertDateToHighRes(stdNow, stLocal_TimeStamp); // ULINT#1528280694913 dtNow := TO_DT(stLocal_TimeStamp / 1000 ( ms )); // DT#2018-6-6-10:24:54 todNow := TO_TOD(stLocal_TimeStamp MOD TO_ULINT(T#1D)); // TOD#10:24:54.913 datNow := TO_DATE(dtNow); // D#2018-6-6 (convert to appropriate string) current_date_time := concat('$N[', TO_STRING(dtNow)); current_date_time:= concat(current_date_time,'.'); current_date_time:= concat(current_date_time, TO_STRING(stdNow.wMilliseconds)); current_date_time:= concat(current_date_time,'] - '); RETURN;
Last updated: 2024-05-21

Post by tortilla on J1939 connection between two devices CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hey, I'm pretty new to CoDeSys so I don't know a lot of things yet. I have to create a connection between two devices (CANbus - J1939 connection). The idea for now is to send a message from one to another (one operates on 3.5 SP11 the other one on 2.3) I watched a few videos, worked with the documentation and worked with chatGPT 4o and was able to build the attached file. This part is about the device on 3.5.11: I'm using the J1939LocalECUDiag, TransmitParameterGroup, TransmissionTrigger Function blocks to send the message but my TransmitPG.xBusy / .xDone never turns to True and therefore my message is not sent while TransmitPG.xExcecute is True. I added the two devices in the CANbus in the J1939Manager and addapted the options like I've seen in the documentation. Can anyone explain what's wrong with my code in this casse or give me advices how to properly create a connection between my two devices? Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2024-05-23

Post by william-blandon on RecipeManCommands.ReloadRecipes CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Dave. Thanks for your answer. I still struggling with this. I have done everything according with the Codesys help even I have looked in detail at the example. I have double checked the recipe manager configuration and the use of all the methods. There are two methods that do not work as expected. I'm using Codesys and recipe management .CreateRecipe just create a recipe in the recipe definition but do not create the file. This have a walk around just giving a .ReadAndSaveRecipe afterwards. .ReloadRecipes do nothing but do not generate any error as well. After calling it I call the .GetRecipeCount and the number is always 0. When I create a new recipe (using the function block methods) then the number changes. Looks like this method is looking to the wrong directory finding nothing. I don't know if there is a missing configuration in the CODESYSControl.cfg file. I'm thinking in a walk around for this but I need to create a strings array with the recipe names as retentive and making all the management when deleting and adding recipes. Have had some one the same problem?
Last updated: 2024-05-23

Post by abinvest579 on TCP Client CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi All, I am using codesys based plc to read and control magna power DC supply over LXI protocol using SCPI command. To connect device required socket programming for that i am using Net base service library function block TCP_Client to establish connection over TCP/IP , TCP_Write to write SCPI commands and TCP_Read to read data from Magna power DC supply. I have attached screenshot for logic developed. I am able to connect and write commands to device but i not receiving any information from device. For writing Commands i also tried various end of line character like \n,<nl>, A, D, 10, 13, 0x0A, 0x0D but not received any status from device. For testing purpose i am using simple command '*IDN?' to read data. Also if tried to check on hercules software what data actually plc read, first it read correct data after that is read wrong data as see in screen shot. 'Hello World' was correct read and after that Codesys in replaced with 'Codesysorld' that is not correct way. Same issue also appeared for send data. Any one have face same issue how i can read data directly from device correctly and send data please suggest solution on this.</nl>
Last updated: 2024-07-01

Post by timvh on How to implement an interface (IElement)? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
See: This contains an application "OnlineChangeSafeLinkedListExample". What you should do is create a new interface which has your "Priority" property. Then your FB should extend the base element function block and implement your own interface: E.g. FUNCTION_BLOCK MyElement EXTENDS COL.LinkedListElementBase IMPLEMENTS I_MyInterface Then the __QUERYINTERFACE does the magic to check if your "element" also implements your interface. Something like this: // Compares this element with itfElement. // Returns 0 if the elements are equal, < 0 if the element is less than itfElement, // > 0 if the element is greater than itfElement. // This method will be called from sorted collections (e.g. |COL.SortedList|) to sort the elements. // IMPORTANT: The underlying value to be compared with MUST NOT be changed during the lifecycle of the object. METHOD ElementCompareTo : INT VAR_INPUT (* The element to compare*) itfElement : COL.IElement; END_VAR VAR itfIntElement : I_MyInterface; xResult : BOOL; END_VAR // We use integer iInt1 for sorting. xResult := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfElement, itfIntElement); IF xResult THEN IF iInt1 < itfIntElement.Priority THEN ElementCompareTo := -1; ELSIF iInt1 > itfIntElement.Priority THEN ElementCompareTo := 1; ELSE ElementCompareTo := 0; END_IF ELSE ElementCompareTo := -1; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-07-22

Post by breiter on Frustration-Fueled Feedback on Project File Management and Git Integration CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, supporting a text based storage format is on our roadmap, see It will be an Add-On feature called "File Based Storage" for the professional developer edition. Structured text POUs will be stored as plain text. Other graphical languages will remain in an xml format. You will be able to switch the storage type for projects. Certain workflows will become easier this way. Nevertheless restrictions will remain because of CODESYS specific storage logic (for example how methods below function blocks are stored as file). So merging using our Git Integration Add-On remains the recommended workflow. A workflow involving Visual Studio Code as the main IDE is not supported. Simply because many topics like library management, task configuration or fieldbus configurators are not available for VS Code. A PLC project is a lot more than just some ST POUs. Best Regards
Last updated: 2024-10-16

Post by ellocco on XOR with four Inputs with OR-, NON- and AND-Operators CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
My topic is more of academic nature, I would like to implement an XOR-operation with four inputs on my own (without the predefined XOR-operator) in a function block diagram (FBD). I have two proposals. One works fine and the other one is just an idea, but I do not know, if it is possible to code it in CODESYS V3.5 SP18 in form of a FBD. Here the one that works: And here an idea, which I have not managed to code it as an FBD: Any ideas? Is the 2nd diagram a correct interpretation of the coding task? And is there a way to implement it in form of an FBD in CODESYS V3.5 SP18? Followup (08-Nov-2024): Also in the current version of CODESYS (V3.5SP20Patch3) I have not managed to connect the existing blocks. In the alternative SPS-IDE PLCnext Engineer it is possible.
Last updated: 2024-11-08

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