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Post by gustavocsw on MQTT memory leak problem CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I'm using the IoT Library to implement the MQTT communication with my local broker server in order to publish and subscribe at specifics topics to share and consume information about my application. But, it seems that are occurring some memory leak problem in a "high" frequency (more than 10 Hz) subscribe process. I follow the same method as in IoT Lib exemples, and at first looks perfect but my PLC was rebooting frequently and when I check its memory usage that was increasing as fast as the subscribe massage was sent. I'm using a WEG PLC410 and a WEG PLC500, and this error occurred in both of them (including in CODESYS Control Win x64). The application sends to the system a message JSON with the float payload Ex. {"data" : 0.8500}, but this happens with a INT, or BOL as well. I use the follow code in my application to find the value: //FindFirstValueByKey VARs PROGRAM JSON_VELO VAR //------Setting the JSON Subscriber to Set the Relay Value jsonDataVelo : JSON.JSONData; jsonByteArrayReaderVelo : JSON.JSONByteArrayReader; xST1okVelo : BOOL; FindFirstValueByKeyVelo : JSON.FindFirstValueByKey; jsonElementVelo : JSON.JSONElement; xDoneReaderVelo : BOOL; xDoneFindVelo : BOOL; //STRING and WSTRING for Subscribe the massage sPayloadJsonVelo : STRING := 'opa'; psPayloadJsonVelo : POINTER TO BYTE := ADR(sPayloadJsonVelo); //wsPayloadJsonRelaySet : WSTRING := "opa"; wsPayloadJsonVelo : WSTRING := STRING_TO_WSTRING('opa'); pwsPayloadJsonVelo : POINTER TO WORD := ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo); lrVelo : LREAL; xKeepAliveVelo : BOOL; xSetVelo : BOOL; RSSet : RS; LIMPAR : STRING; //Find the msg end sFindVelo : STRING := '}'; psFindVelo : POINTER TO STRING := ADR(sFindVelo); iLenVelo : INT; iSizeVelo : INT := 12; udiContMsg : UDINT; END_VAR // FindFirstValueByKey CODE // Relay Set configuration xSetVelo := MQTT_SUBSCRIBER.RSVelo.Q1; IF xSetVelo THEN xKeepAliveVelo := TRUE; END_IF IF xKeepAliveVelo THEN udiContMsg := udiContMsg + 1; iLenVelo := TO_INT(StrLenA(psPayloadJsonVelo)); iSizeVelo := iLenVelo - TO_INT(MQTT_SUBSCRIBER.udiPayloadSizeVelo); StrDeleteA(psPayloadJsonVelo,iSizeVelo,iLenVelo); wsPayloadJsonVelo := STRING_TO_WSTRING(sPayloadJsonVelo); pwsPayloadJsonVelo := ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo); //MQTT.ConvertUTF8toUTF16(sourceStart:= ADR(sPayloadJsonVelo), targetStart:= ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo), dwTargetBufferSize:= TAM, bStrictConversion:= 1); //Reset jsonByteArrayReader jsonByteArrayReaderVelo ( xExecute := TRUE, pwData := pwsPayloadJsonVelo, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, xDone => xDoneReaderVelo ); FindFirstValueByKeyVelo( xExecute := xDoneReaderVelo, wsKey := "data", diStartIndex:= 0, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, jsonElement => jsonElementVelo, xDone => xDoneFindVelo ); IF xDoneFindVelo THEN lrVelo := jsonElementVelo.value.lrValue; //Reset jsonByteArrayReader jsonByteArrayReaderVelo ( xExecute := FALSE, pwData := pwsPayloadJsonVelo, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, xDone => xDoneReaderVelo ); FindFirstValueByKeyVelo( xExecute := FALSE, wsKey := "data", diStartIndex:= 1, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, jsonElement => jsonElementVelo, xDone => xDoneFindVelo ); xKeepAliveVelo := FALSE; GVL.xSetVeloRead := TRUE; END_IF END_IF And this to subscribe at the topic: //SUBSCRIBE VAR: //----------------- Subscribe Velocity ----------------------- MQTTSubscribeVelo : MQTT.MQTTSubscribe;//Variable MQTTSubscriber block -X - function-X wsTopicSubscribeVelo : WSTRING(1024) := "CORE/odometry/GET/data/simp"; // Topic to publish a message sSubscribeMassageVelo : STRING; udiPayloadSizeVelo : UDINT; xSDoneVelo : BOOL; xSErrorVelo : BOOL; xReceiveVelo : BOOL; eSTypeVelo : MQTT.MQTT_ERROR; eSMQTTErrorVelo : MQTT.MQTT_ERROR; RSVelo : RS; udiCont : UDINT; //SUBSCRIBE CODE: MQTTSubscribeVelo( xEnable:= MQTT_CLIENT.xConnection_Broker AND NOT xSErrorVelo AND NOT JSON_VELO.xKeepAliveVelo, pbPayload:= JSON_VELO.psPayloadJsonVelo, udiMaxPayloadSize:= SIZEOF(JSON_VELO.sPayloadJsonVelo), udiPayloadSize => udiPayloadSizeVelo, mqttClient:= MQTT_CLIENT.ClientMQTT, wsTopicFilter:=wsTopicSubscribeVelo, xDone => xSDoneVelo, xError=> xSErrorVelo, xReceived => xReceiveVelo, eMQTTError=> eSMQTTErrorVelo ); RSVelo(SET := xReceiveVelo, RESET1 := JSON_VELO.xKeepAliveVelo);
Last updated: 2024-09-09

Post by scoob on ModbusFB - Slow Response Time CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I have been trying to use the ModbusFB functions so I can put some code into libraries, but it seems to be very slow for me. I have a Modbus device with 100ms registers. I previously setup 10 channels in the 'traditional' Modbus Slave with channels and mappings - and set a cyclic trigger at 100ms - this worked fine. I then tried the ModbusFB example, and setup reading the same 10 blocks of modbus addresses, copying the example and putting all of the requests into an array and triggering the requests sequentially. I timed how long the requests are taking to get round to each one, and it is around 1s 450ms. How do I speed this up to match the cyclic time? IF NOT(init) THEN init := TRUE; // Set the required IP address: ipAddress[0] := 192; ipAddress[1] := 168; ipAddress[2] := 1; ipAddress[3] := 10; // Pass the required IP address to the clinet FB: client_NetworkSwitch.aIPaddr := ipAddress; client_NetworkSwitch.udiLogOptions := (ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.ClientConnectDisconnect OR ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.ClientReceivedValidReplies); // Try to connect the client client_NetworkSwitch(xConnect:=TRUE); // Configure all the channels to read connecting them to the client: portStatus_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4096, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(portStatus), udiReplyTimeout := udiReplyTimeout); portSpeed_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4352, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(portSpeed)); flowControl_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 4608, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(flowControl)); linkUpCounter_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 5888, uiQuantity := 32, pData := ADR(linkUpCounter)); txPacketCounter1_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8192, uiQuantity := 100, pData := ADR(txPacketCounter1)); txPacketCounter2_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8292, uiQuantity := 28, pData := ADR(txPacketCounter2)); rxPacketCounter1_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8448, uiQuantity := 100, pData := ADR(rxPacketCounter1)); rxPacketCounter2_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8548, uiQuantity := 28, pData := ADR(rxPacketCounter2)); txErrors_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8704, uiQuantity := 64, pData := ADR(txErrors)); rxErrors_Request(rClient := client_NetworkSwitch, uiStartItem := 8960, uiQuantity := 64, pData := ADR(rxErrors)); // Trigger all client requests initially FOR clientRequestsCnt := 0 TO (SIZEOF(clientRequests)/SIZEOF(clientRequests[0]))-1 DO pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; pClientRequest^.xExecute := TRUE; END_FOR // Prepare sequential trigger / control of client requests. clientRequestsCnt := 0; pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; END_IF // Call the client to do request processing: client_NetworkSwitch(); // Now we trigger client request sequentially ... IF NOT pClientRequest^.xExecute AND NOT pClientRequest^.xDone AND run AND client_NetworkSwitch.xConnected THEN pClientRequest^.xExecute := TRUE; END_IF // .. and check result/error IF pClientRequest^.xExecute AND run AND client_NetworkSwitch.xConnected THEN IF pClientRequest^.xDone THEN // Prepare next trigger of client request (a rising edge of xExecute) pClientRequest^.xExecute := FALSE; IF clientRequestsCnt < SIZEOF(clientRequests)/SIZEOF(clientRequests[0])-1 THEN // next client request clientRequestsCnt := clientRequestsCnt + 1; ELSE clientRequestsIterationCounter := clientRequestsIterationCounter + 1; clientRequestsCnt := 0; END_IF pClientRequest := clientRequests[clientRequestsCnt]; END_IF END_IF I did try a semi-coded way using the IoDrvModbusTCP library, and setting the slave com settings, then 10 commands and 10 requests, then using a TP on xDone as a pause, before triggering another request - this is time the delay is around 120ms - so the device is fine with the speed, just something I am doing wrong in the ModbusFB method I am sure.
Last updated: 2024-04-26

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