Bosch BME 280 bzw 688 Sensor per I2C Bus steuern und Daten in Codesys verarbeiten
Bosch BME 280 bzw 688 Sensor per I2C Bus steuern und Daten in Codesys verarbeiten
Last updated: 2024-05-22
Global variable access by Programms and Modbus Devices (attach device to bus)
Global variable access by Programms and Modbus Devices (attach device to bus)
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by wbj0t on Global variable access by Programms and Modbus Devices (attach device to bus)
Hi everyone. I use Raspberry Pi 4, one core codesys SL. I have a question about global variable access via programm when I glued the same variable to MODBUS SERIAL/TCP DEVICE holding register. So, the question: what behavior of this modifying? When I set "Always update variables (in bus cycle)" and set some task as bus for the Device, then in another task I cant change this varible (can, but immediatly the old value setted again). But the same things works with MODBUS SLAVE: again "Always update..." and master attached to some task, then I change variable in another task and all works. I cant set up my variables from retains file at PrepareStart event because of this behavior with MODBUS SERIAL/TCP DEVICE. Thanks, wbj0t.
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by cfam on Codesys Control for PLCnext SL, Bus not running
Good day I would appreciate it if you can give me some advice on how to fix my "Bus Not Running Error". I am Using Codesys 3.5 SP20 and Codesys Control PLCnext SL V4.12.0.0. Codesys control was installed on the device and I can log into it but it seems that it does not pick up the PLC or the IO attached (Please see attached Image). The Bus Cycle Task of the AXL F 2152 is set to Main Task and the "Always update Variable" is Enabled on each IO Module. My Main Task interval is set to 100ms and Priority is set to 0. I have tried other options and none seem to work. Your response to this issue will be highly appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-08-12
Post by cfam on Codesys Control for PLCnext SL, Bus not running
Good day I would appreciate it if you can give me some advice on how to fix my "Bus Not Running Error". I am Using Codesys 3.5 SP20 and Codesys Control PLCnext SL V4.12.0.0. Codesys control was installed on the device and I can log into it but it seems that it does not pick up the PLC or the IO attached (Please see attached Image). The Bus Cycle Task of the AXL F 2152 is set to Main Task and the "Always update Variable" is Enabled on each IO Module. My Main Task interval is set to 100ms and Priority is set to 0. I have tried other options and none seem to work. Your response to this issue will be highly appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-08-12
Post by manuknecht on High Cycle Times for SoftMotion_PlanningTask when using AxisGroup
Hi These issues occured using a Raspberry Pi 4. I also repeated the experiment with codesys control for Windows, which results in much lower cycle times. With up to 3 ms, I still think they are fairly high given they should run at 2 ms and don't require complicated kinematics. The effect of higher cycle times for slower movements also prevails.
Last updated: 2024-03-13
Post by nathant on Saving variable values on power cycle (RevPi Connect)
Hello, this seems to be a known issue, but persistent/retain variables don't seem to work properly on RevPi devices. Is there a workaround to this? All I need is for a few configuration variables to be remembered through power cycle.
Last updated: 2023-12-03
Post by trycyclepower on EtherCAT drive going into fault mode require power cycle everytime
I have EtherCAT servo drive lost communication with PLC everytime it gets faulted, it does not not communicate until I power cycle everything again, how to solve this issue?
Last updated: 2024-09-11
RPI can system operation like rm in a shell have an impact on a Task cycle time
RPI can system operation like rm in a shell have an impact on a Task cycle time
Last updated: 2024-09-27
Post by banialuk on CAN Open Manager - varible of SYNC
Hello, were I have find varaible of SYNC "Cycle Period" , or variable that informs about the start of a new cycle SYNC. I want to use this variable in program code. I need to for communication beetween Mster and slave, and send PDO informations.
Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by banialuk on CAN Open Manager - varible of SYNC
Hello, were I have find varaible of SYNC "Cycle Period" , or variable that informs about the start of a new cycle SYNC. I want to use this variable in program code. I need to for communication beetween Mster and slave, and send PDO informations.
Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by aikapan on Ethernet/IP Scanner Exception
Same here. plcload in my case is about 7% while running. Watchdog ENIPScannerIOTask was about 200ms. Max cycle around 6ms, normal cycle time 4ms. Probably just increase the watchdog to 2000ms? or so... (Hardware: A Panel from Weintek)
Last updated: 2024-11-28
Post by walkercope on Ethercat bus on Beckhoff CX with Codesys for Linux
Has anyone figured out a way to use the ethercat bus on a beckhoff CX using codesys running on linux? Using ethercat on the native NICs works fine but I get a "packet could not be sent" error when trying to scan the ethercat bus device. Errors and hardware in attached image.
Last updated: 2024-05-13
Post by dkugler on EtherCAT Master: How many error frames till bus error
The story behind: I have had a EhterCAT fieldbus system where sometimes error frames occured. I noticed that the master is tolerant for some error frames, but if there are very much error frames the bus goes in error state. Does somebody know the limit of error frames above the bus changes to error state?
Last updated: 2024-12-03
Post by eschwellinger on onewire bus master stop working after upgrade
hm.. wie wäre es mit Runtime?
Last updated: 2023-09-21
[Error when Install Codesys for Beaglebone black ver4.0.0] cannot access '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/at24-0/nvmem': No such file or directory
[Error when Install Codesys for Beaglebone black ver4.0.0] cannot access '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/at24-0/nvmem': No such file or directory
Last updated: 2021-11-21
Post by eschwellinger on CAN-Bus in Demo-Version
Eigentlich alles ok - sollte gehen - der MDBX wie ist der konfiguriert (also die PDO's) auf Änderung / zyklisch? Wenn du einen CAN Monitor hast, anschließen und schauen was genau auf dem BUS los ist. Also einen CAN Trace machen.
Last updated: 2024-02-09
Post by snhatton on Saving variable values on power cycle (RevPi Connect)
Have you tried using the persistence manager which uses the file system of the controller to store persistent variables?
Last updated: 2023-12-04
Post by ton on How to create a stopwatch?
If you use LTIME() you will be very accurate and be able to have a normal task cycle time.
Last updated: 2023-12-16
Post by tk096 on High Cycle Times for SoftMotion_PlanningTask when using AxisGroup
Hi, which (kind of) PLC do you use?
Last updated: 2024-03-13
Post by tk096 on SMC_NCDecoder very slow to decode lines
Hi, you can call the decoder function block in a loop and/or decrease the task cycle interval of Task_PATH.
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by eschwellinger on RPI can system operation like rm in a shell have an impact on a Task cycle time
Which version exactly do you use?
Last updated: 2024-09-23
Post by manuknecht on High Cycle Times for SoftMotion_PlanningTask when using AxisGroup
Hi, we did install the real-time kernel patch on the RPI and also performed the additional optimizations including isolating the cores. Changing the configuration of the planning task e.g. running it on a separate core, changing the cycle times and mode from cyclic to freewheeling did not show any improvements.
Last updated: 2024-03-14
Post by acc00 on Main Task cycle too long leading to PLC Fail
I have 2 Wago PFC200 PLC, running with Runtime SP19 Patch 5, with the Redundant application. The PLC communicates as Modbus Master with at this moment 15 Modbus Slaves -later there will be 28 in total- (Drives, Power management units,...). These devices are connected in 2 rings (1 ring of Drives, 1 ring of Power Management units), with 2 Managed Moxa Switches being part of the ring. Each PLC is connected to one of these switches. The issue I'm encountering is that the Cycle time of the Active PLC goes very high when I'm closing the Drive ring (simulating an issue on one Cabinet supply, resulting in that one Drive shut down, which can happen on field quite often). As a result of this long cycle, the PLC fails and goes to Exception, and the Passive PLC does not take control of the system. A normal cycle is around 30ms for the Main task, and a few ms for the Ethercat task. When I monitor with Profiler, I see that in this Maximum Cycle, the main Task is only taking 13ms, so I'm not sure where the PLC is hanging for so long. Is the remaining cycle time the Redundant management/sync or something else? Thank you in advance.
Last updated: 2024-03-08
Post by elektron785 on CAN-Bus in Demo-Version
Hallo, wie verhält es sich mit der Demo-Version und Datenübertragung z.B. via CAN-Bus. Der Bus läuft, das Device befindet sich im Zustand "Operational" aber es werden keine Daten von der Soft-SPS empfangen. Ich benutze aktuell eine nicht lizenzierte Version von CoDeSys Control for Linux ARM64SL. Normalerweise sollte die Demo-Version uneingeschränkt laufen - also kann ich davon ausgehen, dass es sich um einen Programmierfehler handelt oder ist die Feldbusfunktion ohne Lizenz doch in irgendeiner Form eingeschränkt verfügbar (außer dem 30 Minuten Limit nach Reboot)?
Last updated: 2024-02-06
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