Post by andrebrandt on FB string and naming
Hi all. I have a FB written in ST. FUNCTION_BLOCK NTC10k VAR_INPUT Syst:STRING; In:REAL; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT Out:REAL; OTag:STRING; Out_St:Struct_NTC10K; END_VAR VAR Tag:STRING; InstanceName: STRING; Structure:Struct_NTC10K; END_VAR What i'm trying to do, is to pass data to structure. In structure i want to add a tag with systemnumber and sensorname. '320.001-RT401' In pou i use this RT401: NTC10k;, and tried this RT401: NTC10k(Tag:='RT401'); Anyone done this?
Last updated: 2024-09-26
Post by rmaas on Webvisu cliënt responsiveness
hi, Does anyone know how to optimise the responisiveness of the web visualisation? When i open the webvisu on my laptop it is very responsive, no noticable lag. But when i open it on the HMI (web client) at the customer site there is a lag of +-500 when opening popups etc. The hmi used is: Phoenix Contact WP 6156-WHPS full hd Arm® Cortex®-A53, 1.6 GHz qt web browser The clients performance seems to be the problem, what can i do in my project to decrease the load for the client?
Last updated: 2024-09-28
Post by timvh on Communication between applications on same device/controller/runtime (Win RTE
The RTE will take the RTE license. The HMI will take the HMI license. For the Application Based Licenses, the Runtime will take the smallest which is required. So if you have an application running EtherCAT and no visualization, only the Control with support for EtherCAT is used. If you have another runtime which requires the visualization, it will take the smallest Control license which is required and available + the smallest visualization license which is required.
Last updated: 2024-10-01
Post by vstrom on Recipe definition, how to have the Name string in current language?
I'd like to know if it is possible to have the "Name" field, in the recipe definition, language dependent. Something like to have the possibility to put there a string ID that will be add to the GlobalTextList. In this way it can be translated and when showed in a Visualization screen its value depend on the current language. Thanks.
Last updated: 2024-10-04
Post by c3po on Farbwechsel -> hilfe für Anfänger
wow und wie das Problem gelöst wurde für den Nächsten Anfänger?! Naja egal. Das mit dem Farbwechsel ist bei mir kein Problem, ich frage mich nur, warum beim Farbverlauf immer als Alarmfarbe in der Mitte weiß genutzt wird?! Meine Buttons sind alle dunkel und haben weiße Schrift, die kann man dann natürlich gar nicht mehr lesen. Kann man das noch anpassen? Also, dass beim "Alarmzustand" der Farbwechsel nicht als zentrale Farbe weiß hat? Die Farbe die ich auswählen kann ist immer die außen liegende Farbe -.-
Last updated: 2024-10-07
Post by athuum on Error 'Library not found' and 'Unkown type'
Hello, I am getting the following error and warning when trying to download a project into a PLC: - Library CmpTargetVisu has not been added to the Library manager, or no valid license could be found - Unkown type: 'CmpEventMgr.EventParam' As far as I can see, both are included, and licensed, in the library manager (see image). What could the problem be, and how would I resolve this?
Last updated: 2024-10-08
Post by lsislsis on Alarms Placeholder
Hello. When i put placeholders at "/etc/codesyscontrol/CODESYSControl.cfg" : [SysFile] FilePath.1=/etc/codesyscontrol/, 3S.dat IecFilePath.1=/proc/, cpuinfo IecFilePath.2=/proc/, iomem PlaceholderFilePath.1=/sys/devices/w1_bus_master1, $OneWire$ PlcLogicPrefix=1 PlaceholderFilePath.2=/data/persistence, $ac_persistence$ PlaceholderFilePath.2.Volatile=1 PlaceholderFilePath.2.View=1 PlaceholderFilePath.3=/data/alarms, $alarms$ PlaceholderFilePath.3.Volatile=1 PlaceholderFilePath.3.View=1 Where "Data" are my USB Flash. I take these attachment errors at run time. What i am doing wrong.
Last updated: 2024-10-15
Post by ricardoteles97 on Trends Error: TrendStorageAccess: prvCheckForSizeLimit
Hello, I currently have my trend configured with a maximum size limit of 5MB (additional settings can be seen in the attached image). However, I am encountering an error related to this trend, specifically within the TrendStorageAccess library. The device log shows the following message: TrendStorageAccess: prvCheckForSizeLimit (see the attached image for details). Does anyone know the reason for this error? Additionally, where can I find more information to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2024-10-16
Post by derpaul on Lizenz ausversehen für WORKSTATION statt für GERÄT installiert - wie kann ich diese verschieben?
Hallo, ich hatte heute gestern Probleme mit mit Aktivierung der Lizenz (der Softcontainer auf dem Raspberry hatte sich nicht geöffnet) und dann habe ich hin und her probiert und dann irgendwann ging es, bis ich festgestellt hatte, dass die Lizenz auf der Workstation liegt (es geht um eine IIoT Library SL Lizenz). Ich habe versucht, die Lizenz irgendwie zu verschieben, habe es aber nicht hinbekommen - kann mir da jemand helfen?
Last updated: 2024-10-18
Post by mtnkyr on Ethercat Master
Hi everyone, I am working on a 3 axes Cartesian robot. I take control of all the axes. In the Ethercat connection, the drive sequence is the same as in the program. For example, in the current program the order is as follows. 1. Axis_Z 2. Axis_X 3. Axis_Y Communication Diagram PLC->Drive_Z->Drive_X->Drive_Y When I try to change the order in the program while keeping the communication diagram the same, there is an axis drive mismatch. How can I fix this?
Last updated: 2024-10-22
Post by winki on Modbus TCP & RTU with Control for Linux SL
Hello, Today I am able to test ma industrial computer in my test bench. I am able to do all the configuration throught my VPN, 100% remote. I can see the gateway & the Virtual PLC. Now I would like to do some Modbus TCP Client & Modbus RS485. But I am lost due to docker ! When I go to modbus TCP it only gave me the docker network, but not my eth0 & eth01 When I go to modbus rtu, how can I create the link between Com number & my /dev/ttyRS485 Loic,
Last updated: 2024-10-23
Post by pernockham on Is there a pragma for init/instantiation of local variables in FB (like in Methods)
Im using a pointer as input for a FB and for convenience I like to use 'referenced' variable internally. I use this setup in methods which works because internal variables are instantiated for each call. In a FB these variables are instantiated and initiated for the first call only. Is there a pragma/attribute available that changes this behaviour to mirror a 'method'-call?
Last updated: 2024-10-31
Post by pernockham on Persistence Manager: Config File not found?
Trying to utilize the persistence manager, but system do not write to file and do not create the config file. System is a Linux SL, version Problems with persistence/config started when I had other problems to go online, I deleted the config file and the persistent files, but the system will not re-create them. I have tried to remove/re-install the "PersistenceManager"-module, create the folder-structure myself. And also reinstall the linux-runtime but its clearly not working. Any help appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-10-31
Post by jddaigle on TargetVisu controls are incorrectly positioned
Hello, I'm trying to run TargetVisu on my Linux IPC, and while it does work, the controls are misaligned compared to my WebVisu. Both visualizations are full-screen on a Debian 12 VM with a resolution of 1280x768. The WebVisu is running in Firefox. Are there any configuration I should adjust to ensure the controls align properly between the two? Any guidance or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Last updated: 2024-11-03
Post by warrumungi on Opening a Dialog on a specific Client from ST
Hi Thanks, Manuel, for providing this solution and insight. I too had exactly the same problem as you did. While I did implement a custom filter, I'd also like to point out what jinlee mentioned above...I see no reference to VU.PublicVariables.Clients.Current anywhere?? In my case I only needed to show a dialog on a "master" client, not all the clients, so I filtered by IP address to do this.
Last updated: 2024-11-05
Post by trusty-squire on Display Units/Scale on Path3D visualization
Hi, Is it possible to display the units along the X,Y axis of the Path3D element? It correctly shows the CNC path to be followed, but there's no indication of scale or size of what's being displayed. I looked at the documentation and my first inclination is that this is not possible, and the option option would be to somehow recreate the Path3D functionality into the XY Chart visu element - which is not ideal. Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated!
Last updated: 2024-11-08
Post by mae-rex on Anzeige von gelatchten Werten im Alarmmanager in anderen Zahlenformat
Hallo, ich möchte den Alarmmanager verwenden und dabei einen generischen Fehlereintrag für meine Subkomponenten haben. Diese haben im allgemeinen einen Fehlercode, der hexadezimal dokumentiert ist und somit für den Anwender auch in der Form am sinnvollsten ist. Daher meine Frage: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Fehlertext in der Alarmkonfiguration wie folgt (in der Funktionalität) anzupassen: "Komponentenfehler hex(<latch1>)" oder wie auch immer.</latch1> Grüße
Last updated: 2024-11-11
Post by s1ack on PFC200 Will soft-container & IIoT license survive a firmware update?
I have an IIoT License activated on a PFC200 with older firmware 2.08.32 (11). If I flash it to the latest available 4.05.10 (27) does the license get destroyed? I have a back up file '3SLicenseInfo.tar'. But this looks quite a bit different form the backup I got from more modern firmware... 'CMLicenseNew.WibuCmRaU'. Can the new license manager restore it from the old .tar?
Last updated: 2024-11-12
Post by durallymax on Access Variable Visu Dialog
Is there a way to access the variable in the called dialog? Example: Text Field element with PLC_PRG.myVar as Text variable. OnMouseClick configured to write variable with keypad pop-up. OnValueChanged configured to Execute ST RND(PLC_PRG.myVar,2); Rather than change myVar with each copy of this Text Field, is there a way to access whatever the configured text variable is? Generally try to stay away from ST in visu, but was curious regardless.
Last updated: 2024-11-14
Post by garrian on How to write multiple coils (Modbus FC15)
Thanks for your reply. I belive it is contiguous, I'm writing to adress 0 to 4. Or, do you mean something else? Well, something is happening. If I on the client set adress 1,2,3 to true, only 1 is set to true on the server side. On the client side, the data is array of word. But on the server side, the coils are array of bool. Holding register is array of word on server side. Can this be a problem? Attached screenshot of how it looks at the server side.
Last updated: 2024-11-17
Post by garrian on How to write multiple coils (Modbus FC15)
Thanks! As far as I can see, the client can only send words. And on the server side there are an array for each of the functions: bool for coil and discrete, word for holding and input registers. I assume I can use holding register, then use bit mapping on the words instead of coils. But I really want to use the FC15/coils.
Last updated: 2024-11-17
Post by astrum on SPS Shell Commands im Projekt einbinden
Hallo zusammen, gebe es den die Möglichkeit SPS Shell Commands wie "Cert-Import" ins Programm einzubinden? ich habe versucht meine OPC UA Zertifikate über die sysFile Bibliothek vom Quarantäne zu vertrauenswürdig zu kopieren, was auch geklappt hat, aber das Zertifikat wird erst erkannt wenn ich die Steuerung neu starte. Ich habe mitbekommen das, dass mit der cmpPlcShell Bibliothek funktionieren soll, leider blicke ich bei der Beschreibung nicht durch. Hat da jemand eine Idee ?
Last updated: 2024-11-19
Post by ph0010421 on Task time too fast?
Hello I've made an FB which is a TCP server. It uses the excellent CAA NetServices library. If I have the FB in a task <4ms, then the RT crashes immediately at boot up. If the task >=4ms, it starts and runs perfectly. This is even if the block is not doing anything; just instantiated. Am I missing something silly? Why would a low task time cause this? 4ms is perfectly adequate, but I'm just interested why... thanks PH
Last updated: 2024-11-27
Post by selim on Need help to get RS-485 signal in Cosesys .
Hello Mr./Ms., I invested Raspberry Pi lot of time to get the output from the raspberry PI5. But, i did not get the signal. I use a raspberry pi 5> RS485 can hat > Modbus RTU, Industrial 8-ch analog acquisition module >weight transmitter jy-s60> S-load cell. I did not able to receive the signal from Modbus RTU to Raspberry PI5 where I use the RS 485 serial connection.
Last updated: 2024-12-01
Post by amy123 on JSON Utilities ENUM to STRING
Hello, Is it possible to get the string returned from the ENUM JSONType? I read that with regular enumerations you can add '{attribute 'to_string'}' and access it. However, this is from the compiled library, so I can not add that attribute. When I try to use TO_STRING(JSONType) it returns the integer as a string. Ex. jsonType :=TO_STRING(pJSONData^._aJSONData[i].eType); gives '8' instead of NONE Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-12-09
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