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Deutsch 🇩🇪 CODESYS Forge talk (Discussion)
German forum
Last updated: 2024-12-13

Post by ben1 on Help understanding analog in-/outputs CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi there mate Most PLC's have a very similar concept with AI/AO - have you used any other software before? I have not used a Wago before myself, but I assume the concept would very much be: 1. Add the analog in & out cards to your hardware config. 2. Setup the raw input scaling on the hardware (eg. 4 - 20mA = 4000 - 20000) 3. Use a built in or homemade scaling block to scale your input as needed (eg. 4000 - 20000 = -100 - 2000kPa. 4. Write code as required 5. Scale output as needed (eg. 0 - 100% = 0-10000 = 0 - 10V) Is this the information you require?
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Runtime licenses not detected => DEMO Mode 2hour CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Runtime licenses not detected => DEMO Mode 2hour
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Post by aliazzz on Runtime licenses not detected => DEMO Mode 2hour CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi! After upgrading all my licensed runtimes to V4.14.0.0 (= RaspberryPi SL, LinuxSL and ControlWin x64 SL) I found out via the logfiles they all defaulted back into DEMO mode while all runtimes have a USB dongle inserted. So, my main question is how I can get the Dongle license detected? I use License Server and Edge Gateway on all platforms Any suggestions are welcome.
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Post by durallymax on Help understanding analog in-/outputs CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
WAGO will use 0-32767 as the raw units. Note a value of 3 means over/under range. Map that IO however you please, then scale in your program using any of the available libraries or with your own simple y=mx+b scaling formula to get to the engineering units you desire. Inverse for the AO to get back to 0-32767.
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Post by aliazzz on Raspberry Pi 3: Linux/ARMHFv7 unknown container technology CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi CODESYS team! It seems Podman for Raspberry Pi 3 is not detected correctly in the latest "Deploy Control SL" : Linux/ARMHFv7 unknown container technology. 1) The Communication Tab, device information section shows podman technology as DETECTED. 2) The Runtime Deployment menu message says: "unknown container architecture" 3) The pulldown window under the deployment tab doesn't show the options for ARMHF Virtual Edge SL and ARMHF Virtual Control SL. I hope you can fix this soon and keep up the great work!
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Cannot Start Application ControlWin CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Cannot Start Application ControlWin
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Help understanding analog in-/outputs CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Help understanding analog in-/outputs
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Post by durallymax on Cannot Start Application ControlWin CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Using V3.5.19.70 with ControlWin x64 V3.5.19.70. Can start ControlWin and login to ControlWin but play button is grayed out. Under Device>Status ControlWin shows red with "No Driver Found" New laptop just setting up Codesys, Windows 11 24H2 Tried to uninstall and re-install with no success.
Last updated: 2024-12-15

Post by gorditron on I2C Communication with CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I have problems with the I2C communication to an ADS7828 AD converter. I don't get any value back from the chip. I use a Kontron chip (ARM 32SC) with Linux as the operating system. I also use the CmpCharDevice library. ADS7828 parameters Address: A1 = 0 / A0 = 0 = SD = 1 = Single End C2 = 0 / C1= 0 / C0= 0 / Channel 0 PD1 = Internal Reference and PD0 = AD Converter ON Here is my code: VAR b_i2cAdr : BYTE := 16#48; (* Standard I2C-Adresse des ADS7828 *) x_Init: BOOL;(* Flag für die Initialisierung *) b_config_byte: BYTE;(* Konfigurationsbyte für den ADS7828 *) ab_cmd_buffer : ARRAY [0..0] OF BYTE; (* Buffer für den Befehl *) ab_data_buffer : ARRAY [0..1] OF BYTE; (* Buffer für die empfangenen Daten *) ui_adc_value_1 : UINT; (* Ausgelesener ADC-Wert *) I2C_Handle: RTS_IEC_HANDLE; (* Handle für das I2C-Device *) di_result_open: DINT;(* Ergebnis der Funktionsaufrufe *) di_result_adr: DINT;(* Ergebnis der Funktionsaufrufe *) di_result_wr_cmd: DINT;(* Ergebnis der Funktionsaufrufe *) di_result_rd_cmd: DINT;(* Ergebnis der Funktionsaufrufe *) di_result_close: DINT;(* Ergebnis der Funktionsaufrufe *) END_VAR //*** Init from the I2C communication port *** IF NOT x_Init THEN I2C_Handle := CDOpen(szFile:= '/dev/i2c-0', dFlags:= O_RDWR, pResult:= ADR(di_result_open)); //* I2C opening * //*** set of the I2C address *** CDIoctl(hFile:=I2C_Handle , dRequest:=1795 , dParameter:=b_i2cAdr , pResult:=ADR(di_result_adr) ); x_Init := TRUE; END_IF (* Hauptlogik *) IF I2C_Handle <> 0 THEN (* Konfigurationsbyte setzen: Single-Ended Kanal 0, interne Referenz *) b_config_byte := 16#8C; (* 10001100b: AIN0, interne Referenz, Single-Ended *) ab_cmd_buffer[0] := b_config_byte; (* Schreiboperation zum Konfigurieren des Chips *) CDWrite(hFile:= I2C_Handle, pbyBuffer:= ADR(ab_cmd_buffer), udCount:= SIZEOF(ab_cmd_buffer), pResult:= ADR(di_result_wr_cmd)); IF di_result_wr_cmd = 0 THEN (* Leseoperation, um den ADC-Wert zu erhalten *) CDRead(hFile:= I2C_Handle, pbyBuffer:= ADR(ab_data_buffer), udCount:= SIZEOF(ab_data_buffer), pResult:= ADR(di_result_rd_cmd)); IF di_result_rd_cmd = 0 THEN (* ADC-Wert aus den Daten extrahieren *) ui_adc_value_1 := SHL(TO_UINT(ab_data_buffer[0]), 8) OR TO_UINT(ab_data_buffer[1]); ELSE (* Fehler beim Lesen der Daten *) ui_adc_value_1 := 0; (* ADC-Wert auf 0 setzen *) END_IF ELSE (* Fehler beim Schreiben der Konfiguration *) ui_adc_value_1 := 0; END_IF END_IF
Last updated: 2024-12-13

Post by bjarne-pagaard on Newly created texlists wont appear in the selection dropdown CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I just had the same problem in 3.5 SP19 Patch 6. Trying to use a textlist for Combobox Integer element. The textlist cannot be selected in the IDE, and is not found when manually entering the name. The textlist is copied to the device, but is not used. Can confirm, that copying an existing textlist and renaming it does work.
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Post by tk096 on Kinematics Robot Delta 2 Axis CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, no guarantee, but this should work with Bipod_Rotary (, with dDistance = horitzontalDistanceTop-horizontalDistanceBottom.
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Post by zatalian on Update Raspberry Pi option is missing under Tools menu CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Found it. Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Update Raspberry Pi option is missing under Tools menu CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Update Raspberry Pi option is missing under Tools menu
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Kinematics Robot Delta 2 Axis CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Kinematics Robot Delta 2 Axis
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Post by thn-power on Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm wondering the same. Using the old symbol configurator opc ua server gave the node id using a string. Must be a way to specify this at build time?
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Post by eschwellinger on Raspberry Pi 3: Linux/ARMHFv7 unknown container technology CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Which podman version is used? Could you please execute: "podman info"
Last updated: 2024-12-17

Raspberry Pi 3: Linux/ARMHFv7 unknown container technology CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Raspberry Pi 3: Linux/ARMHFv7 unknown container technology
Last updated: 2024-12-17

Post by akfarslan on The application does not exist on "device" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear All, I am using CODESYS 3.5.19 SP4 with a PLC device. When I try to download my program to the device, I get the error: "The application 'Application' does not exist on the device". Additionally, after restarting the device, the program does not run automatically. When I connect to the device using WinSCP, I can see that the file is uploaded to the root directory, but the device does not automatically start the application. I tried using the Create Boot Application option, but it does not resolve the issue. Is there another configuration step I am missing? How can I fix this problem? Thank you, Best regards,
Last updated: 2024-12-17

Post by dom4u on Using PEAK CAN PCIe card (IPEH-004040) with Codesys Control RTE V3 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The problem is that newer PeakCAN cards are with CAN FD support and SJA1000 compatibility isnt mentioned anymore on website. anyway, is it possibile to add a seperate entry for it in: [CmpSJACanDrv] ? Edwin, can you give us a hint how to format it?
Last updated: 2024-12-16

Post by eschwellinger on The application does not exist on "device" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
please check the plc logger for more details
Last updated: 2024-12-17

The application does not exist on "device" CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
The application does not exist on "device"
Last updated: 2024-12-17

Newly created texlists wont appear in the selection dropdown CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Newly created texlists wont appear in the selection dropdown
Last updated: 2024-12-17

Post by necatibilgin on Run Bootproject with Linux Command CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Is there any way to run with a specific Linux command?
Last updated: 2024-12-17

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