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Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by lbartik on J1939 TX/RX PDU1 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Is it possible to transmit a PDU1 PGN using the J1939 manager and local device? What if I need to transmit a PGN RQST via 0xEA00 (PGN 59904)? How would I do this P2P (Destination < 0xFF) or broadcast (Destination 0xFF)? I don't think this is possible for any destination type. I don't think it's possible to receive broadcast PDU1 messages either. For example, an address claim PGN 60928 (0x18EEFF80) is addressed to all nodes (0xFF) and not any specific local device so it will be filtered out. These are major oversights in the IoDrvJ1939 library to not support every PDU1 RX/TX scenario. IoDrvJ1939 supported scenario: 1. Receive (RX) PDU1 (P2P) destination-specific (PDU-specific < 255) to local device with matching address IoDrvJ1939 unsupported scenarios: 1. Receive (RX) PDU1 (P2P) global (PDU-specific = 255) 2. Transmit (TX) PDU1 (P2P) global (PDU-specific = 255) 3. Transmit (TX) PDU1 (P2P) destination-specific (PDU-specific < 255)
Last updated: 2024-09-23

Post by naps on cant install runetime on 750-8202 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, im trying to install the 3.5 Runtime on a a fresh image on my 750-8202. Product Description: WAGO 750-8202 PFC200 CS 2ETH RS Firmware Revision: 03.10.08(22) ~~~ df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on ubi0:rootfs.1 82.5M 66.5M 11.8M 85% / devtmpfs 117.8M 16.0K 117.8M 0% /dev none 118.3M 12.0K 118.3M 0% /tmp none 118.3M 0 118.3M 0% /media none 4.0M 136.0K 3.9M 3% /var/log none 118.3M 112.0K 118.2M 0% /var/run none 118.3M 0 118.3M 0% /var/lock none 118.3M 0 118.3M 0% /var/tmp none 118.3M 0 118.3M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 118.3M 48.0K 118.2M 0% /run /dev/ubi0_1 58.6M 3.4M 52.2M 6% /home /dev/ubi0_1 58.6M 3.4M 52.2M 6% /settings /dev/ubi0_1 58.6M 3.4M 52.2M 6% /log ~ After installation and reboot i have still the wago webinterface. No runtime on Information Tab and the Runtime button from the configuration tab is lost. iv try it with firmware 22 and 21. Same problem. What can i do?
Last updated: 2024-09-29

Post by bjarne-pagaard on Communication between applications on same device/controller/runtime (Win RTE CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thanks for this - I have now been looking in to just having an extra (non-RTE) runtime on the same machine, as you suggest. I will probably proceed this way. Even though it still seems very odd to me, that variable exchange to a different runtime is easier than between applications on the same controller. There will be some fun with the licensing, it seems. Does anyone know if it is possible to specify which license container/specific license the runtime is going to use at runtime. Let's say I have two available licenses with different resources available, for example one license allows multicore and multiple EtherCAT channels, but not many visu tags (for the RTE). Another with less resources but a lot of visu tags (for the Visu controller). Let's say the program in one of the controllers could be fully licensed by either of the two available licenses, but picks the 'largest' first. A bit later, the larger application starts, but is left with the smaller license.. How can I make sure that the 2 runtimes select the right license at startup?
Last updated: 2024-10-01

Post by codesysbeginner on Eaton XC303 - USB Mounting / Trend manager CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, For a project I am using the trendmanager functionality, I changed the placeholder filepath to which the SQL database is saved to: home/disk_usb, $trend$. Which only works as long as the usb was mounted to the PLC at boot. However, I'd like to be able to switch the USB's out if they break or for data analysis. However when a new (or the same) USB is plugged back in the shortcut doens't exist on the device anymore. Also in the device directory under root/mnt/ a new folder appears SDB1 in addition to SDA1 to which the Trendmanager was originally writing. The SDA1 folder is empty/unreachable while the new SDB1 folder has the contents of the USB drive. I tried disabling the trendmanger while unplugging the USB's however this doesn't work. My question, how do I make it so that when I plug a USB drive back in, it will be mounted to SDA1 instead of SDB1? Kind Regards
Last updated: 2024-10-09

Post by etienneneu on Trend x-axis description incorrect display CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, maybe someone can help me with the following problem. I wanted to insert a trend element in my visualization. The problem is that I have set fixed fonts with a scaling of 1.5 for the individual languages via the visualization manager. This setting means that I have this scaling in every element, which has been quite comfortable so far because I didn't have to set the individual properties in the text fields. But in the trend element, even if I select other font sizes or fonts in the element itself, this font is also overwritten and I get a label on the x-axis that is no longer displayed correctly. Is there a way to prevent the overwriting of the font properties in this element or similar behavior? I mean, I could change the font size of each element manually, but the Visu app is a bit larger and it would be easier to have another option. Best regards Etienne
Last updated: 2024-11-28

Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30

Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30

Post by ryandmg on Web Client (HMI) Disconnects from Webvisu (Weidmuller u-OS) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hey Everyone, I'm having a bit of a struggle finding settings that will reliably maintain a connection between the webvisu and a touchscreen client. Every so often the HMI disconnects and will perpetually display the red spinning arrow with the "Error Happened, Will resume automatically" text. Power cycling the HMI to force a reconnect will re-establish comms. It seems to happen during periods of inactivity if that's a clue. From what I've gathered so far this seems to have something to do with the webvisu update rate, buffer size as well as the visu task scan rate. We first tried the default settings as follows: Webvisu Update Rate: 200 ms Webvisu Buffer Size: 50,000 Visu Task Scan Rate: 100 ms Priority 31 Other Tasks for Reference: Main Task Scan Rate: 100 ms Priority 1 Alarm Manager Scan Rate: 50 ms Priority 31 Ethercat Task: 4 ms Priority 1 This would disconnect some what regularly. We then made the following changes to try and stabilize: Webvisu Update Rate: 150 ms Webvisu Buffer Size: 75,000 Visu Task Scan Rate: 75 ms Kept other tasks the same. This seems to disconnect even more frequently. Also for reference the network is very small and only consists of the PLC, a small switch and the HMI. We're also not controlling frames from outside the visu program itself. The frame changes are all done natively. Any suggestions to get this to stop disconnecting? Oh and whatever the issue is the log does not record it. Figured I would ask here before opening a ticket. Thanks in advance for your help!
Last updated: 2023-09-06

Post by wildcard on Modbus Client Request Not Processed CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, does anyone has a solution for this issue. I've the same problem. I've implemented a very simple client based on the Modbus Examples and connected the soft PLC to a Modbus Simulator. PROGRAM ModbusClient VAR initDone : BOOL := FALSE; errorID : ModbusFB.Error; client : ModbusFB.ClientTCP; timeout : UDINT := 500000; replyTimeout : UDINT := 200000; aUINT : ARRAY [0..8] OF UINT; clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters : ModbusFB.ClientRequestReadHoldingRegisters; clientRequestsCnt : UINT := 0; clientRequestsProcessCnt : UINT := 0; ipAddress : ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE := [10,54,0,72]; END_VAR IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; client(aIPaddr:=ipAddress, udiLogOptions:=ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.All); client(xConnect:=TRUE, ); clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters(rClient:=client, udiTimeOut:=timeout, uiUnitId:=1, uiStartItem:=0, uiQuantity:=4, pData:=ADR(aUINT[0]), udiReplyTimeout:=replyTimeout); clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters.xExecute := TRUE; clientRequestsCnt := 0; END_IF clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters(rClient:=client, udiTimeOut:=timeout, uiUnitId:=1, uiStartItem:=0, uiQuantity:=4, pData:=ADR(aUINT[0]), udiReplyTimeout:=replyTimeout, xExecute := TRUE); IF clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters.xError THEN clientRequestsCnt := clientRequestsCnt +1 ; errorID := clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters.eErrorID; END_IF clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters(rClient:=client, udiTimeOut:=timeout, uiUnitId:=1, uiStartItem:=0, uiQuantity:=4, pData:=ADR(aUINT[0]), udiReplyTimeout:=replyTimeout, xExecute := NOT clientRequestReadHoldingRegisters.xExecute); When the system is running I do get the following on the logs: 2024-05-13T10:18:07.443Z: Cmp=MODBUS lib, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= Client.RequestProcessed ClientRequest,16#0164ADC561A0 unitId=1 fc=ReadHoldingRegisters id=2070 state=Error 2024-05-13T10:18:07.443Z: Cmp=MODBUS lib, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ClientRequest,16#0164ADC561A0 unitId=1 fc=ReadHoldingRegisters id=2070 change state Error -> None timestamp=63843421226 2024-05-13T10:18:08.444Z: Cmp=MODBUS lib, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ClientRequest,16#0164ADC561A0 unitId=1 fc=ReadHoldingRegisters id=2071 change state None -> Init timestamp=63844421420 2024-05-13T10:18:09.444Z: Cmp=MODBUS lib, Class=1, Error=0, Info=0, pszInfo= ClientRequest,16#0164ADC561A0 unitId=1 fc=ReadHoldingRegisters id=2071 change state Init -> Error timestamp=63845421675 But the errorID is jumping between OK and RequestNotProcessed. Any help is very appreciated which gives me a hint what I'm doing wrong. Thanks
Last updated: 2024-05-13

Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Yes, this is the error the sometimes show up. What make me crazy is the fact that it happens randomly and not each times. I know very well where the problem is, in wich one program row it's located. For each actions of the state machine I have all events recorded with log on text file. it is not problematic for me to find the application point of the fault, but I need to understand why occasionally and for no apparent reason, switching the state machine and thus changing the motion FB, sends the axis into failure (but only occasionally). For example, one case that is often problematic is the execution of the Axis Halt instruction. When, after a MoveAbosulte instruction this returns the event as 'done' and indeed the axis is in standstill, the state machine first sets the move instruction to FALSE, and the next cycle sets the Halt request to TRUE. Some of the time everything works out fine. Occasionally, however, in this exchange, the axis goes into fault, also losing the OPERATIONAL state. Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work).
Last updated: 2024-07-18

Post by tk096 on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work). In general: - Motion function blocks have to be called until they report 'Done', 'Error', 'CommandAborted' or a subsequent motion FB with BufferMode=Aborting is started in the current cycle. - Setting the Execute input to FALSE will not abort any ongoing motion of the motion function block. For example, one case that is often problematic is the execution of the Axis Halt instruction. When, after a MoveAbosulte instruction this returns the event as 'done' and indeed the axis is in standstill, the state machine first sets the move instruction to FALSE, and the next cycle sets the Halt request to TRUE. Some of the time everything works out fine. Occasionally, however, in this exchange, the axis goes into fault, also losing the OPERATIONAL state. I think the error SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION is only a follow-up (and misleading) error that results from the axis not being in operational state anymore (bus problems). Is there an error 'regulator or start not set' in the device log before the error 'motion generating FB wasn't called for at least one cycle'? Which error does the respective function block (Halt.ErrorId) report?
Last updated: 2024-07-22

Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thank you for your interest. Your answers are in line with what I knew, so at least it comforts me that I did not misinterpret the situation. However, I don't have an exact match as, for this project over the past few days I have: 1) I have gone back to leaving the various FBs of the motion always called, all of them, and in the state machine I use a boolean to activate the various useful Execute. (But in the future I want to go back and try the programming technique with which I wanted to develop this project); 2) For the occasional error: SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION perhaps it was due to the fact that I had set the Ethercat bus synchronism only at the CAN master level, but not at the level of individual drives. I have now also activated it for the individual drives and it does indeed seem to have been resolved, but having also adopted the programming technique mentioned in point 1), I cannot say whether this was the solution to the problem, or instead the previous point. Is there an error ‘regulator or start not set’ in the device log before the error ‘motion generating FB wasn't called for at least one cycle’? I can't answer that right now. By now the machine is running and I am no longer there, at this one. Also, I seem to remember that the 'fbeFBerror' drive structure (5-element array), does not cycle, BUT ONCE THE 5 EVENTS AFTER SWITCHING ON, IT DOES NOT UPDATE ANYMORE (but that's another issue), so diagnostics were not easy.
Last updated: 2024-07-24

Post by bbm1995 on Camera RTSP Feed CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi dgrard, I had the same issue for a long time, but on a WAGO webvisu. Now I'm glad that I can share my solution. I don't know if you are trying to use the webvisu or the target visu, but this works on webvisu: Get "go2rtc" and set it up according to the documentation. I'm running the Windows binary. Here's my example of the go2rtc.yaml config file (contains working example streams): api: listen: ":1984" # default ":1984", HTTP API port ("" - disabled) origin: "*" # default "", allow CORS requests (only * supported) static_dir: "www" # default "", folder for static files (custom web interface) tls_listen: ":443" # default "", enable HTTPS server tls_cert: "./SSL/fullchain.pem" tls_key: "./SSL/privatekey.pem" streams: # Streams with multiple links will fall back on the next link. ABUS TVIP48511: - rtsp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/ch1/main - rtsp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/ch1/sub # Diagnostic connections Kirchhoff Institute for Physics - Germany: Blanton Bottling, Kentucky - USA: Tokyo - Japan: Tampere Hacklab - Finland: Soltorget Pajala - Sweden: Kaiskuru Skistadion - Norway: webrtc: listen: ":8555" #ice_servers: # - urls: [ "stun:localhost:3478" ] # username: "" # credential: "" Access the webinterface of go2rtc and get the link of your stream. Use the link as for your browser frame in the visualization. Depending on your device, you need to be able to access the file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf or /etc/lighttpd/webvisu.conf and change the contents similar to this one, otherwise you'll get CORS and CSP errors in the browser and you won't be able to view the stream on the webvisu: # Webvisu specific settings $SERVER["socket"] =~ port_webvisu_used_any { url.redirect += ( "^/webvisu/?$" => "/webvisu/webvisu.htm" ) $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webvisu/?" { var.response_header_policy_webvisu = ( # CSP for WebVisu, allowing inline sources. "Content-Security-Policy" => "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *; frame-src *", # CORS for WebVisu, allowing any origin to access. "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*", # Tell older browsers that this page can only be displayed if all ancestor # frames are same origin to the page itself. "X-Frame-Options" => "SAMEORIGIN" ) # Response header policy for WebVisu setenv.set-response-header = var.response_header_policy_webvisu setenv.set-response-header += var.response_header_policy_common }
Last updated: 2023-11-14

Post by george32 on Readable IO names CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello Folks, I have a quite basic understanding of how PLC programming works. However I keep getting stuck on 1 problem I could not get my head around. The problem is as follow: I have a PLC with 60 IO (20 inputs, 40 outputs). Each IO is defined as a function block. Furthermore I have an external IO card connected trough a CanBus connection. This IO card has 4 analog input channels (USINT), 4 digital inputs (Bool) and 4, digital outputs (Bool) Because I have 2 different components which both has data have I made 4 arrays to store the data off every component in one variable. PLC_Input: Array [1..20] of BOOL; PLC_Output: Array [1..40] of BOOL IOCard_Input: Array [1..8] of BOOL IOCard_Output: Array [1..4] of BOOL Because the control and reading of the different in and outputs is done by a TCP connection I want to use some kind of enumeration or struct to give each index a name so that my main would be a little bit more readable instead of all the magic numbers. Also this would make my program more dynamic for the furter in case I need to changes some in the IO nummers. For example: pump is placed on the fysical terminal strip number place 54, which is the 3th output of the IO card in the program: if I am sending a message with value 54 I would like to control IOCard_Output[3]. If there is a solution or methode to get this done, I can eventually do the following in my main program: IOCard_Output[Pump]. I have tried the following: IOCard_Output[Pump - 51] with an enumration but this keeps raising an error I hope some of you could help me further with this problem. In gross lines: I want to couple all the different IO to a more readable name and this readable name should control the right Array index Thanks in advance, George
Last updated: 2024-09-26

Post by jari-koivuluoma on Problem trying Net Base Services TCP connection CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have a need to send messages between 2 PLCs and I cant use network variables (because of size limit) so I tried writing this simple test program. This seems to work fine. I can send messages back and forth when a first "Start server" and then "Connect client". See the attached image. However, if I disconnect the client by setting ClientConnect to false and try to re-connect then the TCP_Client just gives me TIMEOUT error. When I stop and start the server again, then Im able to reconnect. How is this supposed to work? Why reconnecting wont work. There is not other way of disconnecting the client than setting xEnable of the TCP_Client to false. This is just a testing program and I will try it on 2 seperate devices once this works. PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR CONSTANT mySize : UDINT := 255; END_VAR VAR Server: NBS.TCP_Server; ServerIpStr: STRING := ''; ServerIP: NBS.IP_ADDR; ServerPort: UINT := 50000; ServerConnection: NBS.TCP_Connection; Client: NBS.TCP_Client; ServerRead: NBS.TCP_Read; ServerWrite: NBS.TCP_Write; ServerSend: STRING(mySize); ServerReceive: STRING(mySize); ServerConnect: BOOL; bServerSend: BOOL; IP: NBS.INADDR; ConnectedClientIP: STRING; ClientPort: UINT := 50000; ClientIpStr: STRING := ''; ClientIP: NBS.IP_ADDR; ClientRead: NBS.TCP_Read; ClientWrite: NBS.TCP_Write; ClientSend: STRING(mySize); ClientReceive: STRING(mySize); ClientConnect: BOOL; bClientSend: BOOL; Error: BOOL; Message: BOOL; END_VAR // Server ServerIP.sAddr := ServerIpStr; Server( ipAddr := ServerIP, uiPort := ServerPort ); ServerConnection( xEnable := Server.xEnable, hServer := Server.hServer, ); IP := ServerConnection.IPAddress; ConnectedClientIP := F_Concat7( BYTE_TO_STRING(IP.S_un_b.s_b1),'.', BYTE_TO_STRING(IP.S_un_b.s_b2),'.', BYTE_TO_STRING(IP.S_un_b.s_b3),'.', BYTE_TO_STRING(IP.S_un_b.s_b4)); ServerRead( xEnable := ServerConnection.xActive, hConnection := ServerConnection.hConnection, szSize := SIZEOF(ServerReceive), pData := ADR(ServerReceive) ); IF ServerRead.xReady AND ServerRead.szCount > 0 THEN Message := TRUE; END_IF IF ServerRead.eError > 0 THEN Error := TRUE; END_IF ServerWrite( xExecute := ServerConnection.xActive AND bServerSend, hConnection := ServerConnection.hConnection, szSize := LEN(ServerSend)+1, pData := ADR(ServerSend) ); IF ServerWrite.xDone THEN bServerSend := FALSE; END_IF IF ServerWrite.eError > 0 THEN Error := TRUE; END_IF // Client ClientIP.sAddr := ClientIpStr; Client( xEnable := ClientConnect, ipAddr := ClientIP, uiPort := ServerPort, udiTimeOut := 10000000 ); ClientRead( xEnable := Client.xActive, hConnection := Client.hConnection, szSize := SIZEOF(ClientReceive), pData := ADR(ClientReceive) ); IF ClientRead.xReady AND ClientRead.szCount > 0 THEN Message := TRUE; END_IF IF ClientRead.eError > 0 THEN Error := TRUE; END_IF ClientWrite( xExecute := Client.xActive AND bClientSend, hConnection := Client.hConnection, szSize := LEN(ClientSend)+1, pData := ADR(ClientSend) ); IF ClientWrite.xDone THEN bClientSend := FALSE; END_IF IF ClientWrite.eError > 0 THEN Error := TRUE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-10-03

Post by ihatemaryfisher on Sorting array of any-sized structure CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In my machine's operation, I need to display multiples tables containing arrays of structured variables. The arrays change during operation, and my supervisor has advised me to write a new bubble-sort for each array. I think I can make a function to sort an array of any data type. This was my own project, and I'm a relatively new coder. I want to know the weaknesses in my approach, and a better method, if one exists. As far as I can test, the function accepts an array of a structured variable of any size, and sort it by any VAR in that structure. But it relies heavily on pointers, which I've heard are bad practice? Function call: // SORT BY BYTE-SIZED VAR IF xDoIt[6] THEN FUNBubbleSortSansBuffer( IN_pbySourcePointer := ADR(astArray[1]), // address of first byte in first element of array IN_pbyComparePointer:= ADR(astArray[1].byCompByte), // points to first byte of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) IN_uiStructureSize := SIZEOF(TYPE_STRUCTURE), // size, in bytes, of the structured variable IN_uiCompareSize := SIZEOF(astArray[1].byCompByte), // size, in bytes, of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) diArrayElements := UPPER_BOUND(astArray,1), // number of elements in array IN_xSmallToLarge := xSortOrder // whether to sort by small2large or large2small ); END_IF Function: FUNCTION FUNBubbleSortSansBuffer : BOOL VAR_INPUT IN_pbySourcePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; // points to beginning of array (first byte of first element) IN_pbyComparePointer: POINTER TO BYTE; // points to first byte of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) IN_uiStructureSize : UINT; // size, in bytes, of the structured variable IN_uiCompareSize : UINT; // size, in bytes, of the comparing variable (variable you sort by) diArrayElements : DINT; // number of elements in array IN_xSmallToLarge : BOOL; // whether to sort by small2large or large2small END_VAR VAR j : DINT; // repeat iteration over array until array ends i : DINT; // iterarte over array, swapping when necesary k : DINT; // iterator from 1 to size of structure (stepping 'through' a single element in array) dwSize : DWORD; // internal var for use in MEMUtils.MemCpy(<size>) // FOR SORTING BY BYTE VAR pbySourcePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; pbySourcePointer2 : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyComparePointer : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyComparePointer2 : POINTER TO BYTE; pbyPointerToBuffer : POINTER TO BYTE; // pointer to single byte buffer byBufferByte : BYTE; // single byte buffer END_VAR dwSize := UINT_TO_DWORD(IN_uiStructureSize); // get structure size (number of bytes) pbyPointerToBuffer := ADR(byBufferByte); // assign pointer to address of buffer byte (because MEMUtils.MemCpy requires a pointer input) CASE IN_uiCompareSize OF // depending on the size of the VAR to sort by (current functionality for BYTE and WORD/INT 1: // BYTE (8 BIT) FOR j := 1 TO diArrayElements DO // for number of elements in array FOR i := 1 TO (diArrayElements-1) DO // same thing, but row[i+1] row is included in swap logic pbySourcePointer := IN_pbySourcePointer + dwSize*(i-1); // point at #1 byte in array element[i] pbySourcePointer2 := pbySourcePointer + dwSize; // point at #1 byte in array element[i+1] // NOTE: because of memory locations, each array element is offset from one another by a number of bytes equal to the size of the structure // We can "walk" from array[i] to array[i+1] via steps equal to the size of the structure // e.g., ADR(array[i+1]) == ADR(array[i]) + SIZEOF([array datatype]) pbyComparePointer := IN_pbyComparePointer + dwSize*(i-1); // point to sorting variable in array element[i] pbyComparePointer2 := pbyComparePointer + dwSize; // point to sorting variable in array element[i+1] // using sort order (small -> large/large -> small) IF SEL(IN_xSmallToLarge, (pbyComparePointer2^ > pbyComparePointer^),(pbyComparePointer2^ < pbyComparePointer^)) THEN // This is where it gets tricky. We've identified pointers for the starting bytes of aArray[i] and aArray[i+1] // and we know the size of aArray[i]. We are going to swap individual bytes, one at a time, from aArray[i] and aArray[i+1] // this allows us to use only a single byte var as a buffer or temporary data storage // e.g., consider a structure consisting of a word, a byte, and a string. it is stored like this // |------WORD-------| |--BYTE-| |STRING------...| // astArray[1] == 1000 0100 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 0001 0010 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // performing a single swap (copy into a buffer, etc.) of the first byte of each array element creates this // astArray[1] == 0001 0100 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 1000 0010 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // incrementing the pointer adresses for the swap by 1 and swapping again swaps the next byte in each array element // astArray[1] == 0001 0010 0010 0001 1100 0011 1010 1010.... etc // astArray[2] == 1000 0100 0100 1000 0011 1100 0101 0101.... etc // continuing this from k to SIZEOF(TYPE_STRUCTURE) results in a toally swapped row FOR k := 1 TO IN_uiStructureSize DO // copy single byte[k] of array element 1 to buffer MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := (pbyPointerToBuffer), pbySrc := (pbySourcePointer+k-1), dwSize := 1); // copy single byte[k] of array element 2 to 1 MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := pbySourcePointer+k-1, pbySrc := (pbySourcePointer2+k-1), dwSize := 1); // copy buffer to byte[k] array element 2 MEMUtils.MemCpy(pbyDest := (pbySourcePointer2+k-1), pbySrc := pbyPointerToBuffer, dwSize := 1); END_FOR END_IF END_FOR END_FOR
Last updated: 2023-08-17

Post by mondinmr on Direct Pointers in IOMapping for EtherCAT with IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Dia CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have found a very interesting solution using: IoConfigTaskMap IoConfigConnectorMap IoConfigChannelMap The first is the list of IO tasks. The second is the connector for each IO module in the IOMap. The third is the individual input or output on the IOMap. One of the properties of the connector is another pointer to a connector, which corresponds with the connector of the EtherCAT slave. Through this information, it is possible to understand to which EtherCAT slave an IO connectormap corresponds. I am attaching an FB that allows for the construction of an IO map and finding the pointer to the actual IOs in the IOMap based on the bitoffset. FUNCTION_BLOCK IOExplorer VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR inputChannels: COL.LinkedList; outputChannels: COL.LinkedList; ulintFactory: COL.UlintElementFactory; END_VAR METHOD inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR inputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR outputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD scanIO VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR numTasks: DINT := IoConfig_Globals.nIoConfigTaskMapCount; tType: WORD; ioTask: POINTER TO IoConfigTaskMap; numCon: WORD; connector: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; numCh: DWORD; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; iTsk: DINT; iCon: WORD; iCh: DWORD; i: DINT; _tmpConnList: COL.IList; elem: COL.IUlintElement; itf: COL.IElement; tmpCh: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; lastE: DINT; e: COL.COLLECTION_ERROR; e1: Error; END_VAR VAR_INST lF: COL.ListFactory; END_VAR IF outputChannels.CountElements() > 0 OR inputChannels.CountElements() > 0 THEN RETURN; END_IF _tmpConnList := lF.CreateDynamicList(16, 16); //Iterate through all IO tasks FOR iTsk := 0 TO numTasks - 1 DO ioTask := ADR(IoConfig_Globals.pIoConfigTaskMap[iTsk]); //Store the type of the task (Input or Output) tType := ioTask^.wType; numCon := ioTask^.wNumOfConnectorMap; //Iterate through all connectors of the task FOR iCon := 0 TO numCon - 1 DO connector := ADR(ioTask^.pConnectorMapList[iCon]); numCh := connector^.dwNumOfChannels; //Iterate through all channels of the connector FOR iCh := 0 TO numCh - 1 DO //Create a new channel info object and fill it with the address, connector and size of the channel //Connectors is address of field connector in this case like EtherCAT slave //Address is the address of the IOMap //Size is the size of channel data in bits in IOMap channelInfo := __NEW(ADVChannelInfo); channelInfo^.addr := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].pbyIecAddress; channelInfo^.connectorField := connector^.pConnector; channelInfo^.size := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].wSize; //We put the channel info a temporary ordered list //Order is based on the address of IOMap lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If the address of the channel is smaller than the address of the channel in the list IF tmpCh^.addr > channelInfo^.addr THEN //Insert the channel in the list at the current position _tmpConnList.InsertElementAt(TO_UDINT(i), ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo))); //Clear the channel info pointer channelInfo := 0; //Exit the loop i := lastE + 1; END_IF END_FOR //If the channel info is not 0, it means that the channel was not inserted in the list IF channelInfo <> 0 THEN //Add the channel to the end of the list elem := ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo)); _tmpConnList.AddElement(elem); END_IF END_FOR //Iterate temporary list and add the channels to the input or output list lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If type is input, add the channel to the input list IF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_INPUTS THEN e := inputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); //If type is output, add the channel to the output list ELSIF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_OUTPUTS THEN e := outputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); ELSE __DELETE(tmpCh); END_IF END_FOR //Clear the temporary list _tmpConnList.RemoveAllElements(); END_FOR END_FOR END_METHOD
Last updated: 2024-02-13

Post by lsislsis on SIGABRT Error CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Please help us. Why we take this errors. We try different versions like 4.12.0 and 4.13.0 with same results. ;*********;<loggername>codesyscontrol.log</loggername>;<logoptions>; <enable>1</enable>; <type>normal</type>; <timestamp>rtc high resolution</timestamp>; <deactivatable>0</deactivatable>; <dump>always</dump>; <filter>0x0000000f<filter>; <maxentries>100000</maxentries>; <maxfiles>1</maxfiles>; <maxfilesize>1000000</maxfilesize>;</filter></filter></logoptions>;<entries>;Timestamp, CmpId, ClassId, ErrorId, InfoId, InfoText;ClassId: LOG_INFO =1;ClassId: LOG_WARNING =2;ClassId: LOG_ERROR =4;ClassId: LOG_EXCEPTION =8;ClassId: LOG_DEBUG =16;ClassId: LOG_PRINTF =32;ClassId: LOG_COM =64;</entries>;*********2024-11-05T08:23:59.728Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, VisuFctCheckForUnusedClients: Removing Client with IEC-ID: 1 Time delta: T#33s1ms Locks: Paintbuffer: TRUE 2024-11-05T08:23:59.728Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, VisuFctCheckForUnusedClients: Successfully Removed Client at Address: 547195449944, IEC-ID was: 1, EXT-ID: 431000373 2024-11-05T08:28:57.913Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client for Extern-ID: 347055752 2024-11-05T08:28:57.926Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client successful for Extern-ID: 347055752 Returned IEC-ID: 1 2024-11-05T08:30:51.103Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Successfully Removed Client with IEC-ID: 1, Extern-ID: 347055752 2024-11-05T08:37:36.517Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state* We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T08:37:36.517Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: HANDLED EXCPT <excpt>NonContinuable</excpt> in CH_COMM_CYCLE 2024-11-05T08:47:42.117Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T08:47:42.117Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: HANDLED EXCPT <excpt>NonContinuable</excpt> in CH_COMM_CYCLE 2024-11-05T09:14:41.316Z, 0x00000071, 1, 0, 13, Webserver stopped 2024-11-05T09:14:44.485Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, Number of licensed cores for IEC-tasks: 1 from 4 2024-11-05T09:14:44.487Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, Number of licensed cores for IEC-tasks: 4 from 4 2024-11-05T09:14:44.540Z, 0x00000002, 1, 0, 2, Application [<app>Application</app>] loaded via [Download] 2024-11-05T09:14:55.894Z, 0x00001012, 1, 0, 0, Opened alarm storage file, version: 6 2024-11-05T09:14:55.951Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visuinitialization starting. 2024-11-05T09:14:55.983Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visuinitialization done. 2024-11-05T09:14:55.995Z, 0x00000071, 1, 0, 12, Webserver started 2024-11-05T09:15:01.753Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client for Extern-ID: 2279884529 2024-11-05T09:15:01.753Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client successful for Extern-ID: 2279884529 Returned IEC-ID: 0 2024-11-05T09:34:44.667Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T09:34:44.667Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: More than 2 exceptions in CH_COMM_CYCLE: Stop logging 2024-11-05T10:13:26.867Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:15:21.966Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:19:12.167Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:26:02.566Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:31:42.866Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T11:01:54.468Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T11:09:29.868Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T11:14:44.540Z, 0x0000100d, 1, 0, 0, Demo mode expired. 2024-11-05T11:27:20.868Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! * Regards
Last updated: 2024-11-05

Post by couponsah on كود خصم لبيه 50 رمز : (MA250) تخفيض قوي CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
كود خصم لبيه 50 رمز : (MA250) تخفيض قوي ## كود خصم لبيه 50 رمز : (MA250) تخفيض 15% أكبر كود خصم لبيه 50 اليوم لعام 2024 هو “MA250” والذي يمنحك خصم يصل إلى 60% على جميع المنتجات عند تطبيق الكود قبل إتمام عملية الدفع في متجر لبيه. كود خصم لبيه 50 رمز (MA250) 👗 احصلي على خصم 20% من لبيه مع رمز MA250 👗 . لبيه هى الحل المتكامل لتقديم خدمات الرعاية النفسية أونلاين، عبر الجلسات والمحاضرات من المختصين بكل سهولة وسرية من خلال منصة لبيه. كوبونات لبيه توفر لبيه مجموعة من أكواد الخصم على خدماتها، والتي يمكن استخدامها للحصول على خصومات على الطلبات: كود خصم لبيه (MA250) يمنح خصمًا بنسبة 25% على جميع الطلبات. كود خصم لبيه 50 (MA250) يمنح خصمًا بقيمة 50 ريالًا سعوديًا على الطلبات التي تزيد عن 200 ريال سعودي. كود خصم تطبيق لبيه (MA250) يمنح خصمًا بنسبة 10% على الطلبات الأولى عند استخدام تطبيق لبيه. كود خصم لبيه تويتر (MA250) يمنح خصمًا بنسبة 15% على الطلبات التي تتم من خلال مشاركة تغريدة لبيه على تويتر. كود خصم لبيه ريما أم يوسف (MA250) يمنح خصمًا حصريًا للمتابعين ريما أم يوسف على Instagram. كود خصم لبيه اليوم الوطني (MA250) يمنح خصمًا خاصًا خلال اليوم الوطني للمملكة العربية السعودية. كود خصم لبيه 50 رمز : (MA250) تخفيض 15% هل تعاني من ضغوط الحياة اليومية؟ 😥 لبيه الحل الأمثل لك! لبيه هو المنصة الرائدة في تقديم خدمات الرعاية النفسية أونلاين في المملكة العربية السعودية. من خلال جلساتنا و محاضراتنا المباشرة مع مختصين معتمدين، نضمن لك السرية التامة في منصة سهلة الاستخدام. 👍 استمتع بخصم خاص بمناسبة انضمامك لنا! باستخدام كود خصم "MA250"، يمكنك الحصول على خصم 50% على جلسة الرعاية النفسية الأولى الخاصة بك. 🤑 ما تنتظر؟ انضم إلى لبيه اليوم واحصل على المساعدة التي تستحقها. دعنا نساعدك على العيش بصحة نفسية أفضل! 💪 جميع كوبونات متجر لبيه موقع كوبونات شهير يقدم عروض خصم متجر لبيه 🌐🛒 يُمكنك الآن الاستفادة من خصومات هائلة عند التسوّق من متجر لبيه عبر استخدام كوبونات الخصم المتوفرة على موقع كوبونات شهير. أهم كوبون خصم متوفر حاليًا: كوبون خصم (MA250) 🤑 يُوفر خصمًا بنسبة 10% من قيمة الطلبية الإجمالية. كيفية استخدام الكوبون: قم بزيارة متجر لبيه الإلكتروني واختر المنتجات التي ترغب في شرائها. انتقل إلى صفحة الخروج وأدخل رمز الكوبون (MA250) في حقل "كود الخصم". اضغط على "تطبيق" وستُطبق الخصم على طلبك تلقائيًا. شروط وأحكام استخدام الكوبون: الحد الأقصى للخصم هو 10% من قيمة الطلبية. لا يُمكن الجمع بين هذا الكوبون مع أي عروض أو خصومات أخرى. الكوبون صالح لفترة محدودة فقط. للحصول على أحدث كوبونات الخصم وعروض التخفيضات، يرجى زيارة موقع كوبونات الشهير بانتظام. 🛍️💰 معلومات عن متجر لبيه و كود خصم لبيه 50 لبيك: حلول رعاية نفسية شاملة عبر الإنترنت راحة وخصوصية: استمتع بمواعيد الرعاية النفسية الخاصة بك بسهولة وسرية تامة من خلال منصة لبيك المريحة. وداعًا للتنقلات المرهقة وأوقات الانتظار الطويلة! 🌐 جلسات الاستشارات: تواصل مع أفضل المتخصصين النفسيين المعتمدين لمناقشة مخاوفك، وإنشاء خطط العلاج المخصصة، والحصول على الدعم اللازم في أي وقت ومكان. 👷‍♀️👷‍♂️ المحاضرات التوعوية: حضر محاضرات تثقيفية مليئة بالمعلومات القيمة حول مواضيع الصحة العقلية، وشارك بصوتك في الجلسات الحوارية الجماعية. 📚💡 الوصول السريع للدعم: استفد من خدمة الخط الساخن التي تعمل على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع للحصول على المساعدة الفورية والطوارئ. نحن هنا دائمًا للاصغاء إليك. 📞✨ لبيه: منصة الرعاية النفسية الشاملة 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️💻 نظرة عامة تُقدم منصة "لبيه" حلولاً متكاملة للرعاية النفسية عن بعد. توفر جلسات فردية ومحاضرات جماعية مع متخصصين مرخصين من خلال منصة افتراضية آمنة وسرية. العروض الجلسات الفردية: استشارات خاصة مع معالجين نفسيين وأخصائيين اجتماعيين مرخصين. المحاضرات الجماعية: ندوات عبر الإنترنت حول مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات المتعلقة بالصحة النفسية، بما في ذلك: إدارة التوتر والقلق تحسين احترام الذات التعامل مع العلاقات التأقلم مع الحزن وفقدان الأحبة الموارد التعليمية: مقالات ومقاطع فيديو ودورات مصممة لدعم رحلة الصحة النفسية الخاصة بك. المميزات: الراحة: يمكنك الوصول إلى خدمات الرعاية النفسية من أي مكان في أي وقت. الخصوصية: تحافظ منصة "لبيه" على سرية معلوماتك الشخصية وجلساتك. الملاءمة: يمكنك حجز الجلسات وإدارتها عبر الإنترنت بسهولة. الأسعار المعقولة: تقدم "لبيه" خيارات تسعير مرنة لتناسب مختلف الميزانيات. ابدأ رحلة شفائك اليوم مع لبيه! لبيه: منصتك المتكاملة للرعاية النفسية عبر الإنترنت 👋 مرحبًا بك في لبيه، المنصة الرائدة للرعاية النفسية عبر الإنترنت التي تجعل الوصول إلى المساعدة أسهل من أي وقت مضى. خدماتنا نقدم في لبيه مجموعة شاملة من الخدمات لمساعدتك على تحسين صحتك العقلية، بما في ذلك: جلسات علاجية فردية عبر الفيديو مع معالجين مرخصين ومدربين جيدًا 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ محاضرات تفاعلية عبر الإنترنت حول موضوعات الصحة العقلية الهامة 📚💻 مدونة غنية بالموارد والمقالات حول الرفاهية العقلية 📝 لماذا تختار لبيه؟ تتميز لبيه بمجموعة من المزايا تجعلها الخيار الأمثل لاحتياجاتك في مجال الرعاية النفسية: سهولة الوصول: يمكن الوصول إلى خدماتنا بسهولة من أي مكان وفي أي وقت 🌎 السرية: نضمن السرية التامة لجميع بياناتك الشخصية 🔒 الجودة: يعمل معنا فقط معالجين مرخصين وذوي خبرة في مختلف مجالات الصحة العقلية 🧠 الأسعار المعقولة: نقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الخطط لتناسب جميع الميزانيات 💸 كيف تبدأ رحلتك ابدأ رحلتك نحو الصحة العقلية المثلى مع لبيه اليوم: قم بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني: [رابط الموقع الإلكتروني] حدد الموعد الذي يناسبك استمتع بتجربة رعاية نفسية لا مثيل لها! لا تتردد في التواصل معنا إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة أو احتياجات خاصة. فريقنا هنا لمساعدتك في كل خطوة على الطريق. لبيه #الرعاية_النفسية_عبر_الإنترنت #الصحة_العقلية #العلاج_نفسي #المحاضرات_التفاعلية طريقة استخدام كود خصم لبيه 50 طريقة استخدام كود خصم لبيه 🇱🇧 إليك طريقة سهلة خطوة بخطوة لاستخدام كود خصم في لبيه: 1️⃣ اختر كود الخصم الخاص بك: ازر موقع كوبونات (مثلاً كوبوناتو) لإيجاد أحدث أكواد خصم لبيه. نسخ الكود. 2️⃣ انتقل إلى موقع لبيه: انتقل إلى موقع لبيه ( 3️⃣ حدد الخدمة التي تريدها: استعرض الخدمات على الموقع واختر الخدمة التي تناسب احتياجاتك (على سبيل المثال، جلسة استشارة أو محاضرة). 4️⃣ أدخل المعلومات الخاصة بك: املأ النموذج بالمعلومات الشخصية الخاصة بك واختر وقت الجلسة. 5️⃣ إدخال كود الخصم: في صفحة الدفع، ابحث عن حقل "كود الخصم". ألصق الكود الذي نسخته في الحقل. 6️⃣ تطبيق الخصم: انقر فوق "تطبيق" لرؤية الخصم يطبق على إجمالي طلبك. 7️⃣ إكمال الدفع: اكمل عملية الدفع باستخدام طريقة الدفع المفضلة لديك. ملاحظة: قد تخضع أكواد الخصم لشروط وأحكام معينة، مثل الحد الأدنى لقيمة الطلب أو تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية. تحقق دائمًا من التفاصيل قبل استخدامها. اقسام متجر لبيه أقسام متجر "لبيه" يوفر متجر "لبيه" مجموعة شاملة من الخدمات لتلبية احتياجات الصحة النفسية للأفراد، وتشمل هذه الخدمات: جلسات رعاية نفسية اونلاين: جلسات فردية وجماعية مع معالجين نفسيين مرخصين. جلسات عبر مكالمات الفيديو أو الرسائل النصية أو الهاتف. 📞 مرونة في تحديد الجلسات بما يناسب جدولك الزمني. محاضرات عن الصحة النفسية: محاضرات مباشرة وعند الطلب من خبراء في مجال الصحة النفسية. مواضيع تغطي مجموعة واسعة من القضايا النفسية. فرصة لطرح الأسئلة والتفاعل مع الخبراء. 💡 خدمات أخرى: تقييمات الصحة النفسية عبر الإنترنت. موارد ودعم إضافي مثل مجموعات الدعم عبر الإنترنت. برامج توعوية ووقاية من الأمراض النفسية. فوائد استخدام خدمات "لبيه": الراحة والسرية: تقديم خدمات الرعاية النفسية من المنزل أو أي مكان مناسب. 🏠 مختصون مؤهلون: معالجون مرخصون وخ خبراء لديهم خبرة في مجموعة واسعة من القضايا النفسية. 👩‍⚕️ خدمات ميسورة التكلفة: مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات بأسعار في متناول الجميع. 💰 الوصول السريع: حجز الجلسات والوصول إلى الموارد بسهولة من خلال منصة "لبيه". 📱 أهم الاسئلة الشائعة حول كود خصم لبيه 50 أسئلة شائعة حول كود خصم لبيه 50 🧐 ما هو كود خصم لبيه 50؟ 💰 كود خصم يمكنك استخدامه للحصول على خصم 50% على خدمات لبيه عبر الإنترنت. كيف أحصل على كود خصم لبيه 50؟ 🤷‍♀️ يمكنك الحصول على الكود من خلال متابعة صفحات لبيه على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي أو الاشتراك في القائمة البريدية الخاصة بهم. هل يمكنني استخدام كود خصم لبيه 50 أكثر من مرة؟ 🙅‍♀️ لا، يمكنك استخدام الكود مرة واحدة فقط. ما هي الخدمات التي يشملها كود خصم لبيه 50؟ 💻 يشمل الكود جميع خدمات لبيه عبر الإنترنت، بما في ذلك الجلسات والمحاضرات مع المختصين. كيف يمكنني استرداد كود خصم لبيه 50؟ Redeem عند تسجيل الدخول إلى حساب لبيه الخاص بك، أدخل الكود في حقل "كود الخصم" قبل إكمال عملية الدفع. متى ينتهي صلاحية كود خصم لبيه 50؟ 📅 تختلف مدة صلاحية الكود حسب الحملة الترويجية. يرجى التحقق من شروط وأحكام الحملة لمعرفة تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية. لم يتم تطبيق كود خصم لبيه 50. ماذا أفعل؟ ⁉️ تأكد من إدخال الكود بشكل صحيح. تأكد من أن الكود لا يزال صالحًا. اتصل بخدمة عملاء لبيه للحصول على المساعدة. مميزات كود خصم لبيه 50 مميزات متجر لبيه 🤝 يوفر متجر لبيه مجموعة من الميزات الفريدة لعملائه، مما يجعله الخيار الأمثل لتلقي خدمات الرعاية النفسية عبر الإنترنت 😊: سهولة الوصول: 💻 يمكن للمستخدمين الوصول إلى الخدمات بسهولة من أي مكان وفي أي وقت، من خلال منصة لبيه المريحة. لا حاجة للسفر أو الانتظار لمواعيد شخصية. الخصوصية والسرية: 🔒 تُجرى جميع الجلسات والمحاضرات عبر الإنترنت، مما يضمن أعلى مستوى من الخصوصية والسرية للمستخدمين. بيانات المستخدمين محمية بموجب إجراءات أمنية صارمة. جودة عالية: 🎓 يقدم المتجر خدمات عالية الجودة من قبل متخصصين معتمدين ومختصين في مجال الصحة النفسية. تتضمن الخدمات جلسات فردية وجماعية، ومحاضرات وورش عمل تغطي مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات المتعلقة بالصحة النفسية. مرونة: 📅 يوفر المتجر مرونة في مواعيد الجلسات، مع إمكانية اختيار وقت مناسب يناسب جدول المستخدمين. يمكن للمستخدمين أيضًا إلغاء الجلسات أو إعادة جدولتها بسهولة من خلال المنصة. تلبية الاحتياجات الفردية: 👤 يتم تخصيص خدمات المتجر لتلبية الاحتياجات الفردية لكل مستخدم. يقدم المتخصصون الدعم والإرشاد بناءً على أهداف ومخاوف المستخدمين الفريدة. توفير الوقت والتكلفة: ⏰💰 يوفر متجر لبيه على المستخدمين الوقت والتكلفة المرتبطة بالخدمات الشخصية التقليدية. يمكن للمستخدمين توفير الوقت والجهد من خلال الحصول على الدعم النفسي من راحة منازلهم. سياسة الإرجاع في متجر لبيه مرحبا بك في متجر لبيه، منصة الرعاية النفسية الشاملة التي توفر لك جلسات ومحاضرات من مختصين، بكل سهولة وسرية. نحن في لبيه ملتزمون بتقديم خدمات عالية الجودة تلبي احتياجاتك. ومع ذلك، فإننا نتفهم أن هناك ظروف قد تتطلب منك استرداد الأموال مقابل الخدمات التي اشتريتها. شروط الإرجاع يمكنك استرداد الأموال مقابل الجلسات والمحاضرات التي اشتريتها في غضون 14 يومًا من تاريخ الشراء. يجب أن تكون الخدمة التي ترغب في استرداد الأموال مقابلها غير مستخدمة ولم يتم الوصول إليها. يجب إرسال طلب الإرجاع عبر البريد الإلكتروني إلى خطوات عملية الإرجاع اتبع الخطوات التالية لطلب الإرجاع: راسلنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على ارفق في الرسالة رقم الطلب واسم الدورة أو الجلسة التي ترغب في استرداد الأموال مقابلها. وضح سبب رغبتك في استرداد الأموال. معالجة طلب الإرجاع سنراجع طلب الإرجاع الخاص بك في غضون 48 ساعة. وإذا تمت الموافقة على طلبك، فسنقوم برد المبلغ إلى طريقة الدفع الأصلية الخاصة بك. ملاحظة: لا يمكن استرداد الأموال مقابل الاشتراكات المتكررة بمجرد معالجة الدفعة. لا يمكن استرداد الأموال مقابل الخدمات التي تم استخدامها أو الوصول إليها. نحن في لبيه ملتزمون بتوفير أفضل تجربة لك. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة بخصوص سياسة الإرجاع، فلا تتردد في الاتصال بنا على كوبونات مشابهة لكود خصم لبيه 50 كود خصم ترينديول الكويت كود خصم ترينديول للطلبات اقل من ١٥٠ كود خصم نون فود السعودية اقوى كود خصم نون
Last updated: 2024-10-26

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